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Eddie Hitler

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Everything posted by Eddie Hitler

  1. Maybe that's what it's for: showing a beam back of City away games during Rovers home matches to increase the gate by bringing in City fans who want to watch the screen.
  2. Piss Up in a Brewery Update Bristol Rovers are disappointed to announce that there has been a further delay to the planned piss up in a brewery, meaning it will not be happening after tomorrow’s game. As previously stated the club purchased several thousand pint glasses in July last year from Pissup Solutions, a leading corporate entertainment agency that specialises in piss ups in breweries, with the aim of having the piss up next to the Brunel sponsored South Stand by the end of 2018. Although the glasses were delivered on time in October, due to the size of many supporters a special bespoke seating structure was required to meet health and safety regulations at the stadium. Unfortunately, the unique nature of this structure led to various complications with Pissup Solutions’ sub-contractor, resulting in subsequent delays with installation. Work started this week, ahead of the new proposed piss up date of this weekend. However, the contractors have experienced further unforeseen issues on site which has delayed installation slightly. The team has been working tirelessly to fix the problems encountered but unfortunately the seating will not be installed and operational in time for tomorrow’s game which is hugely disappointing. Work will continue next week and completed as soon as it possible. We apologise for the further inconvenience and would like to thank all supporters and piss up sponsor Brunel Professions for their continued patience. https://www.bristolrovers.co.uk/news/2019/april/12.4.19-pissup-statement/
  3. Well there's absolutely no cause to assume that they have been cut off for not paying the bill. People get their electricty cut off for all manner of reasons. There's hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and not paying the bill.
  4. Yup. You make sure you have somewhere to put it and then order it when the frame is ready for it to go on to. The tech of these tellies moves so fast that the price of the old ones drops steadily. It probably came with a Betamax recorder.
  5. Maybe Max and Paddy have stolen it?
  6. Brilliant! Just cutting and pasting the whole article in case it disappears: Big Screen Update Bristol Rovers are disappointed to announce that there has been a further delay to the installation of the big screen at the Memorial Stadium, meaning it will not be in operation for tomorrow’s game. As previously stated the club purchased the new 30sqm screen in July last year from Stadia Solutions, a leading international sports and entertainment agency that specialises in fully managed technology and media platforms, with the aim of having the screen installed next to the Brunel sponsored South Stand by the end of 2018. Although the screen was delivered on time in October, due to its size a special bespoke support structure was required to attach the screen to the current steelworks at the stadium. Unfortunately, the unique nature of this structure led to various complications with Stadia Solutions’ sub-contractor, resulting in subsequent delays with installation. Work started this week , ahead of the new proposed completion date of this weekend. However, the contractors have experienced further unforeseen issues on site which has delayed installation slightly. The team has been working tirelessly to fix the problems encountered but unfortunately screen will not be installed and operational in time for tomorrow’s game which is hugely disappointing. Work will continue next week and completed as soon as it possible. We apologise for the further inconvenience and would like to thank all supporters and screen sponsor Brunel Professions for their continued patience. https://www.bristolrovers.co.uk/news/2019/april/12.4.19-screen-statement/
  7. Well... closer. When they talk about fanbase they are forgetting that we are all ageing and despite this we all keep extrapolating our own similarly ageing peer group to the wider community. There has for twenty years realistically been only one club in Bristol that was going to provide success on the pitch and that is City. Most people who have started watching football in Bristol in that time with no strong family connection to either club (students, incomers from London) will have chosen City. Meanwhile at the other of the age spectrum as people age they start going to games less,do the garden on Saturdays or watch the rugby. I would estimate that the average supporting life of a fan is about forty years. Say the top end of that is 50:50 and the young end is 80:20 City and you have 65:35 City overall. Keep serving up relegation struggles year after year and people drift away. Rovers' fans aren't going to become City fans (and vice versa) but they will retire to their armchairs rather than turn out, and pay out, for yet another disappointing season. The relative stength of the forums is indicative of the wider fanbase. Most people in the crowd on match day aren't posting on here even if at times we seem to think we are entirely representative. Yet this site is massively more busy than their main forum, Gaschat, and that isn't just because it has better software. There are more City fans at games, there are more City fans generally. I'm guessing at a ratio of about 2:1 as it stands with that only likely to widen. You've just moved to Bristol and fancy watching a game of football next month. Do you choose: a) the team currently in the Championship play-off places that play in that amazing new stadium you saw from the train with the England junior team players? or b) the team fighting relegation from Divsion 3 who play in a stadium that seems to have been assembled from stands that other clubs have left out for collection by the binmen?
  8. They seem to be missing this critical point as they number crunch our obsession with them by reference to this thread. As a snapshot comparison we have had 18 threads posted in on this forum in the last hour; in contrast gaschat has had posts on two threads in the last two hours. There just aren't that many of them and the claim that they have a similar level of residual support, which to be fair probably was true in 1960, is now a clear delusion.
  9. I've checked upon the late filing fees and they are disappointingly low for a private limited company as these companies are. They are doubled if it's the second year of late filing in a row so there will be a minor incentive to file them early next year. However just to tot them up: Not more than 1 month £150 More than 1 month but not more than 3 months £375 More than 3 months but not more than 6 months £750 More than 6 months £1,500 So that's currently 5 x 150 + 1 x 375 = £1,125. No big deal. Leave them for a year and it's only £9k. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/late-filing-penalties/late-filing-penalties What is more telling is the attitude of the owners which smacks of Robert Maxwell's football club ownership. No communication with minority shareholders, no epxlanantion, no AGM. Even leaving filing to the last minute is bad enough - why do you need to do this? - and possibly that "don't care" attitude has just bitten them because there is now a material post balance sheet event (?sale negotiations) which would not have been the case had they filed them in good time. Though thinking of Robert Maxwell with his attempt to merge Reading and Oxford into Thames Valley Royals maybe that's what happening? Could we be about to see the birth of Swindon Rovers? The quartered robins. And here's a sneak preview of their new shirt design:
  10. Yep, good man. It was a huge disappointment all round when his move to us didn't work out; but must have been absolutely gutting for him as a lifelong fan.
  11. It would be great if it happened though as their fans and management would be like headless chickens for weeks wondering which of their players we would be about to nab for an absolute steal.
  12. Somebody managed to get a snapshot of Darren Way's notebook:
  13. I'd be surprised because even at £2m pa losses they should still be within the £15m debt facility by this time next year which is the extent of the support that the directors are required to give to allow the auditors to sign off on going concern. The unprecedented level of secrecy - no AGM, no communication with minority shareholders - suggests that something is going on which is material to the accounts which may be the sticking point in to what extent that is reflected within the accounts. I can't see that as being their going bust but selling the club or ground: maybe. Per someone on gaschat who sounds like they're disseminating the official line: They had the board meeting about the accounts already. They were with the auditor's to finish a few points a while ago. Are we going to worry that much about a few hundred pounds fine??
  14. Accounts now flagged as overdue at Companies House so they weren't in the quarter end backlog which was the simplest explanation. So we're left with: Shambolic administration Or Something they don't yet want to be public knowledge Or Both
  15. No, be proud and claim your prize of a gas season ticket.
  16. Possibly the moderators' little joke but your post is showing to me as 49,951. Maybe we are on a time loop. Edit: now showing as 50,000.
  17. In the absence of the 2018 I thought I'd take a stroll back to their 2017 accounts to see what financial position we're expecting. At 30 June 2017 the debt to Dwane Sports secured over the ground was £8.6m. The ground is valued at £11.1m but is recorded at £2.4m so stated net assets of -£9.9m should be revised to real net assets of -£1.2m. 2017 headline loss was £3.0m but includes a £1.0m of write-offs and depreciation so in cash terms £2.0m. Roll that forward without making any assumptions about interest on the debt or whether the London office was included in the year to 30 June 2017 and the expectations are: 30 June 2018 (the one currently due) - £2m loss Debt £10.6m, net assets -£3.2m 30 June 2019 - £2m loss Debt £12.6m, net assets -£5.2m The debt facility has a cap of £15m. If that's the case for June 2018 and there's nothing unexpected in the accounts then it isn't a particular story; nor would be similar for the current year which won't be published for another year. With a £15m debt cap no breach looks likely in the next twelve months so there shouldn't be a problem in giving the directors' guarantee of support. The likeliest reason for the late publication is going to be poor admin IMO. Though with Bert's news, or more directly the decline in the share price of the bank and therefore dividend, which wasn't looking too healthy to the end of 2017 prior to the big decline in the share price, there may be a concern about advancing that debt finance up to the £15m limit advised when the going was good. Or that may be small potatoes and it's either poor administration by the club's back office or Companies House just not uploading them yet after the quarter end rush. They're not marked as overdue yet despite the filing date having passed. https://markets.businessinsider.com/stocks/arab_jordan_investment_bank/financials It's anyway something to look at whilst waiting for Saturday's game.
  18. Quoting myself but having had a gander at the share performance since his appointment I wouldn't be surprised: https://markets.businessinsider.com/stocks/arab_jordan_investment_bank-stock
  19. Oh yes, fair enough. Also this: https://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=9264027 So if he has got the push that was shortlived - two years. I can't see anything about his having been given the push but @bert tann is usually an accurate source so I will put it down to slow publication like the Rovers' accounts.
  20. Has he? I know Jordanian banks all sound the same but I thought it was the Jordan International Bank in which they have a big a shareholding and they (Hani and Samer) are still on the Board of that one. https://jordanintlb.com/index-8.html Happy to be corrected Bert.
  21. For the same reason that Northern Ireland is. There is a big longstanding Scottish immigrant community in Northern Ireland and a big longstanding Irish immigrant community in Scotland.
  22. The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.
  23. I was having a quick look at Companies House to see if they have filed their accounts yet. They haven't shown up though they're not necessarily overdue despite the 31 March 2019 filing deadline (nine months after the end of their accounting year 30 June 2018) as there can be a lag in CH posting them meaning that they're not actually overdue until CH flags them as being overdue on the Overview page. Accounts haven't been filed for any of the other group companies which also have a 31 March deadline so the same applies. They haven't however been filed for this dormant sub, Filton Avenue Guarantee Co, which has a 31 May year end and 28 Feb deadline so they are marked as overdue. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/06912935 As it's dormant with no assets, liabilities or income the accounts are one page and identical to the previous year. They also don't require audit. Maybe their accountant has left? The fines are trivial for short term late filing but it is pretty unusual for decent sized companies to muck up this basic function.
  24. All gasheads secretly want to be City fans these days; they're just scared to admit it. I think Steve Lansdown should declare a gashead amnesty in the summer so that any gashead can exchange a Rovers season ticket for a City one and a Rovers shirt for a brand new City shirt with our new logo. As it stands they want to support us but don't know how to make the switch. If Steve does declare this amnesty then come August the gas crowd will consist of Henbury and his imaginary disabled friend.
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