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Posts posted by RedRock

  1. 12 minutes ago, old_eastender said:

    I watched from 30-60 minutes and the lack of quality was evident. Abi Harrison looked like a footballer, the rest meh! 

    Good to hear they came back to win, Lewes looked equally poor.

    I saw the second half. 

    Thought the defence looked ok - pace and intelligence. 

    Dodgy keeper, midfield and attack pretty poor. 

  2. Oh dear. They really don’t know what’s going to hit them do they.

    Ipswich fans moaning about their previous owners not being able to maintain the floodlights …..tell you, it would have been a blessing if the friggin floodlights went out in most of our games under Ashton’s command.

    His only achievement after 4 years tenure was to have made me fall out of love with the ‘beautiful game’…. something no previous regime had achieved in 50 years - even when we were bottom of the entire league. 

    No, Ipswich you’re more than welcome to Ashton and his people. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. 

    • Like 6
  3. 22 minutes ago, sh1t_ref_again said:

    Always hate posts that start off as self indulgent as "I said last (year, week, month)", where the poster seems to be trying to say look at me, I'm so clever, my sage like qualities have been proven correct. Forgets to mention all the sh1t posts that have been way off the mark!

    FWIW, think you are way off the mark now and at the moment, one of the things we have is some excellent youngsters, who may push on, assuming people like you are not quick to get on there backs after each miss placed pass or poor game.


    No it was more  I said this 10+ years ago and was shot down in flames as AshtonYate was and now it is accepted by most the Academy then on reflection wasn’t very good. 

    Those who now say ‘but, but it is now’ well, there remain still some sceptics. I hope I’m wrong though.

  4. Always said, invest in scouting and player analysis. Put the remainder of the £xxxxx that it costs to run the Academy into transfer fees for HUNGRY, young, talented players from the lower leagues who are out and out WINNERS.

    If 1 in 10 are successes, that ‘hit rate’ far exceeds that of our Academy.

    I fully ‘get’ the idea of the Academy, but we just aren’t delivering as AshtonYate and I said decade or so ago. Could things be changing? Possibly - and more optimistic than in the past - but, as always, braced for the ‘always tomorrow’ scenario.

    Maybe the DNA that runs through the Club is just all wrong, too soft, too accepting of the mediocre which is why it is best to import from elsewhere. 


  5. Personally, think the suggestion of a central 3 with Pring  and Dasilva as wingbacks is perfectly logical and can’t understand why we don’t do it. Not as if we have riches of match-winning/turning wingers we need to accommodate  - the likes of CoD have never been, or ever will be, one of those. 

    We know also that Moore plays better in a 3 than a 2 - all be it as a reserve.Vyner, probably likewise.


    What seems a bit unnecessary from Gregor is the ‘head in the sand’ reference. In my mind though, he’s decided he ain’t going to get anything out of Nige  or the Club, so might as well say what he thinks with no filters. Particularly so, as Nige has proven to be a difficult manager to colleagues in Gregor’s profession and Nige has been brutally direct with Gregor.

    Personally, haven’t got a problem with the tense relationship providing both parties are willing to ‘play the game’ and it doesn’t end up with a ban for Gregor.



  6. 2 minutes ago, KegCity said:

    Sadly that wasn’t how he left the squad, which was in a fragmented state being unable to defend properly, hold on to leads or create chances. Holden then did nothing to improve that situation, made it worse and we now have to remedy it.

    You can be playing manor farm, switching off is switching off, regardless of level. 

    But we switched off against Blackpool and the squad would/should have been bolloxed for that …. to do it again three days later is just totally unprofessional be that players, coaches, manager. It’s the repeat switching off that is inexcusable. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, KegCity said:

    The meltdown I’ve seen on social media is pathetic. Is it news to people that we have a poor squad that have picked up some terrible habits from Lee Johnson and subsequently Holden? This rubbish is not an overnight fix, we all know we lack goals and we are still trying to assert some defensive discipline into the side. Why is it a shock to then struggle to create chances and lose focus at the end of a match?

    I’d like to have seen more progress on seeing out games and creating chances, but they’re issues that have plagued this squad for the last 18 months- 2 years. These will take time and money, the latter of which we don’t have, to fix. I’m not saying Pearson has been perfect or that these results have been acceptable, but **** me some people need to give their heads a wobble. This is the start of a long rebuild, accept the situation and have some patience.

    I get the first bit about creating chances, but losing focus at the end of a match? We were playing FGR not PSG.

    That injury time goal was absolute total shambles from our perspective. I wouldn’t expect a bunch of 11 year olds to allow opponents the space in the centre of the penalty box that several FGR players had. It was pathetic. No excuses, just simply pathetic for any professional footballers, let alone Championship players, to allow that. 



  8. 3 hours ago, Garland-sweden said:

    He understands that he not in the plans of NP. Think its naturell he will leave He is a good player and I Think he Will do fine in a team that the manager believes in him.He played the euros against good teams and did it well. Sorry he did not make it here but thats life. Hope we get good money for him and I wish him well.

    I think he needs a manager that understands his strengths and weaknesses, sets him a role and sticks with it.

    By his own admission he tends to be a bit of a headless chicken. He needs to be shackled into a specific role, then he will excel - as shown in the Euro’s. 

    We couldn’t have done worse really with a player of his nature, asking him to perform different roles, within constantly changing systems and with a revolving door of players. 

    My only doubts with him is whether he’s suited to the physicality and speed of Championship football. Always criticised the ‘mini-me’ philosophy/strategy of LJ…. so, I’ll trust Big Nige’s call on this one.

    All the best Nagy and at least I won’t now have to listen to 50 different pronunciations  of his name on commentaries. 


    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, joe jordans teeth said:

    Plenty of chances because as you put it Blackpool are doomed and completely dogshit,not sure how you think we will be fine but I do but that’s just my heart hoping there is one more team worse than us

    Blackpool’s pre-season was impacted by Covid and they’ve loads of injuries. 

    On the other hand we’ve had, according to our manager, a very good pre-season and near fully fit squad. 

    An interesting start … when we, yet again, concede in injury time.


    • Like 2
  10. Quality player in his time and much under-rated. One of the few really instinctive, natural goal scorers we’ve had in modern times. Maybe not the greatest athlete but had the knack of being in the right place and that calmness in front of goal that you can’t teach. 

    Hopefully, now well past it and now can replace Mark Little in the role of dragging them backwards to the National League.

    You know your mission Brett. Good luck son.

  11. 32 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

    Tbf I thought that victimless crime comment was obvious as to the context, though may have been better left unsaid

    The comments about violence are odd, he’s been convicted at least twice of violent crimes and his career is littered with violence. If that’s their stance and their values why did they employ him in the first place?

    This saga is Ragbag Rovers all over. 

    Wael rightly tried to address the storm the initial statement created. The initial statement was either, at best, just clumsy - which is horrendous given the serious nature of the accusation - or, at worst, an attempt to muddy the waters for the benefit of Barton.

    So a simple statement required, withdrawing the initial statement, saying no further comment until case is heard.

    But no, Rovers just go on and dig another hole for themselves. The issue becomes contradiction between intent and actions. Barton has already been convicted of violence in separate cases. How does Wael justify his appointment of Barton if he now considers a conviction for violence results in instant dismissal?


  12. 1 hour ago, Crackers Corner said:

    Make them stop please ?


    Seriously, life wouldn’t be the same without them entertaining us ?.

    They try so hard to be professional and to make a presence in the city …. but are off-the-scale, hilariously, tinpot.

    Assume the subliminal message for using our Bridge as a backdrop for their ‘models’ is that they will be ‘forever in our shadow’. 

    Pity that there are so few iconic landmarks in their quarter of town now they’ve demolished the Gasworks. Maybe they could use IKEA for next year’s photo shoot.


    Shocking shirt btw.

    • Like 1
  13. Lummydaze, it’s taken them decades to try and resolve use of the LA Park and Ride Car Park. We’re still waiting on that!

    The whole point of the mayoral scheme was to resolve such issues. Only in Bristol and North Somerset does such a goddam simple solution to a problem become an impossible fix.

    Trains will be obsolete by the time your Mayor(s) get around to thinking about a station at Ashton Gate. 

    Just celebrate your £multi-million 300 metres of ‘guided bus service’ on that bridge across The Cut. What’s that all about? Utterly bizarre.


    • Like 2
  14. 15 hours ago, Lew-T said:

    What a crappy 24 hours of sport. 

    Well, now set up nicely for Torquay losing the play-off final and that will complete a hat trick of dismal performances/results. 

    Blame me, it’s tradition. Whenever I bought a City shirt/scarf/hat before a match to demonstrate my enthusiasm and pride in the Club we always then produced the most inept of performances and invariably lost. 

    I bought a big screen TV on Friday to watch the sport. Everyone’s a loser!


    ps rugby gets most things right (as opposed to football), but they need to re-think the league winners issue. Either the winner gets a league trophy and then onto the four-team championship trophy, or they go straight into the final with four other teams battling it out for the other final place. 

  15. My other observation, apart from the Andy Uren one, the organisation of social distancing between members of the crowd was excellent. Best I’ve seen to date.

    Three stands open which allowed room to space out and breathe. Well done Bristol Sport. 


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