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Posts posted by bcfcredandwhite

  1. A football manager has been sacked. Isn’t that the way most of them move roles?

    I must admit I’ve not been keeping an eye on Hibs’s results  

    Some people will be absolutely delighted. I personally don’t really care. I don’t hate the guy - he tried his best.
    I don’t put him on a pedestal either - it was right he was sacked by us (although the manner out club handled the sacking and the appointment of his successor was frankly embarrassing).  

    • Like 8
  2. 1 hour ago, The turtle said:

    I always say "i could try and tell you about malaga but you'd never understand" it's a place you have to experience. And August feria, well that's something else another level entirely.

    Benalmedia harbour is also quite something special eh.

    With the Gib negotiationa, a lot depends on who the next Spanish government is. 

    Living in Spain, i sometimes forget about the 90 day rule and other aspects of brexit(I live under grandfather rules for now) But yours is a harsh reminder i need to investigate stuff when i comes to buying my own house in a few years.

    P.s  do you find it easy to adjust to Gibraltar life when you go? It's one of those places with a life and set of rules of it's own . It's British with a twist, a cool place to spend time with so much to learn.




    I’ll PM you so we don’t take over the thread ?

  3. 10 hours ago, The turtle said:

    Just to sweeten the deal, their away kit is purple and lime (official city colours)

    My advice; don't hope, just do it. Malaga city is wonderful, the whole coastline is pretty epic at that.



    Without intending to hijack the thread;

    I know mate - we love the place - and we already own a place in Gibraltar which is part of our plans. We will definitely buy SOMETHING in that area between Malaga and Gib. It's how much money we spend that is affected by the 90 day rule. If the Gib negotiations allow Gib citizens access to Schengen then we will then buy a larger place, because we would be able to spend as long as we want there. However, if not then we will buy smaller and cheaper (considering we'd be banned from it for half the year)

    We will definitely have SOMETHING there though. We've been visiting the Malaga area 4-5 times per year since 2015. We stay in a friend's flat (mates rates!) in Benalmadena/Arroyo de la Miel and we will be over there in 2 weeks time (10 days in Gib for their National Day celebrations, followed by 5 days in Arroyo). When we buy our own place we'll be further down the west coast though in order to be closer to Gib, so we can manage our flat there as an AirBNB. 

    Love the Malaga away kit!

    • Like 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, The turtle said:

    In malaga at the mo.

    Seen malaga shirts everywhere (more than normal. (Having at least 3 club shops probably helps a lot)

    But also lots of bilbao, lots of sociaded.

    And of course, the international shirts from most of europe

    I’m still hoping to move out there in retirement (well, Marbella actually, but I know that part of the Costa very well), if I can find a way around the post-Brexit 90 day rule. 
    If this happens then I’d definitely make the effort to go to a few Malaga games - and probably make them my ‘second’ team. 
    I’ve never had one to-date. 

  5. 53 minutes ago, SBB said:

    I do the same now for my lad. He no longer wears them but it’s like a tradition, wherever I’ve been for work or pleasure, I’ll always bring him back the local shirt. I’ve got boxes full of random teams in the loft.

    I’m kind of the same, but countries not clubs. 
    Wherever we go in the world I bring back a replica shirt of that country’s national team. One for my son and another for myself. He does the same when he goes abroad. 
    I used to wear them when playing 5-a-side. 
    The ones from the far east (China, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia), although XL size, don’t fit our enormous western bulks though - they are VERY snug ?

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  6. 1 hour ago, ZumerZetSmithy said:

    I had similar when I  had at 3 different times had a loss. I survived but it was not easy 

    I’m very lucky. My company was brilliant when my own mum died - they told me to take whatever time I needed. In the end I only took a few days because I needed to be busy. 
    Again when my sister-in-law died they let me have compassionate leave when they didn’t need to. 
    I’m one of the lucky ones who can say I really like my employer and they get 100% loyalty from me in return. 

    • Like 3
  7. I’m a lager boy normally. 

    I drink Carling when I’m not drinking(!!) or on an all-dayer when more than 10 may be consumed. 

    Spanish beer: I like both Estrellas but Galicia is my favourite over Damm. Alhambra is nice - but stronger so drink with care. 
    Not keen on Cruzcampo at all but will drink it if no other beer is available. 
    San Miguel is a bit sweet for me but again I will drink it depending on the available alternatives. Also it’s not Spanish it’s Philipino. 
    Kronenbourg is always nice.  
    Basically I like premium lagers except for Stella and Cruzcampo. 
    Carlsberg Export is ok but Carlsberg ‘normal’ is gnats piss only good for watering the garden. 

    I drink the odd cider on a hot day and I’ll drink Real Ale on the rare occasion I attend a beer festival, but neither are my tipple of choice. I also have the odd pint of Guinness occasionally but again it’s not my tipple of choice.

    It’s lager for me. 

    The odd glass of wine with a meal and hardly any spirits - possibly a shot at Christmas that’s it. 

  8. My youngest daughters boyfriend is a Hammers fan (He’s not a plastic - he comes from East London). We’re on holiday in Weymouth this week and watched the game in the Gloucester pub. 
    There were a few West Ham fans in there but the pub was far from being packed. 
    I really enjoyed the game - it’s so much more relaxing watching as a neutral supporter. 
    When Bristol City is on TV I’m stressed to pieces!!!!!!

    The daughters boyfriend is a happy bunny today!

    • Like 1
  9. He must have a cast iron heart and lungs. 
    At his age doing what is one of the most stressful jobs out there is no mean feat. 
    I personally have nothing but respect for the guy. He’s on my (very small) bucket list of football people to have a beer with and a chat about the beautiful game. 

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  10. 12 minutes ago, Bristol Oil Services said:

    He set a club record for consecutive league defeats, Dave, in 16/17. That was pretty bad going.

    It was very bad. 
    the strange thing is though, the rot stopped when Pembo was sacked. Bizarre. I wouldn’t have predicted that. I still don’t understand it. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Portland Bill said:

    Personally, some of the worst football I ever witnessed, that’s in the 45 years of watching City. 

    I’ve been watching City admittedly a little longer than you (50+ years), and I’ve seen some really dire crap over those years - in lower divisions too. 

    The football under Johnson ‘stagnated’ and became boring, it was right that he went  (although the way his successor was appointed was a debacle that made us a laughing stock) - we were burning money and going nowhere, but there was good stuff too like our cup run - that night vs Man U was one of the most enjoyable in my 50+ years as a fan.



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