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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. One does wonder about the players, let's be honest - they're NP's team. BUT...I couldn't understand why Sykes was kept on the left, he did nothing, nothing at all. When Mehmeti came on, why did he play on the right, and not swap with Sykes?
  2. Sadly, it's not that simple, for all his faults I imagine Steve L wants to sell to someone who will care for the club, there have been so many examples of that not happening - including to our opponents, yesterday, whose owner changed their colours, FFS. With regard to the footballing side, I made a rare foray to AG yesterday with the boy, who also came to the Watford (A) game. Now, he's not a City fan (don't ask), but after the match, he asked "Why didn't Pring play?", having seen Cam destroy Watford. And you have to ask, where was the invention, the flair, the risk taking? All gone. It was a horrible performance, taking nothing away from Cardiff who did a solid job, and rarely looked troubled.
  3. Not in the bl00dy forecast I read, useless soothsayers
  4. Wow, it must be amazing to be as heroic as you. I am in awe, you brave hero. PS "its"
  5. OK ta, I'm looking to scout out BS3 anyway as a possible place to live, so this gives me an excuse!
  6. Quick refresher of this topic - regarding on street parking, how far in advance do you need to arrive? I'm coming down with the boy at the weekend, as luck would have it heading to Cardiff after to drop him back at uni
  7. Wow, 9 pages about a one-off jersey. We didn't get that for the special jerseys used in the FL trophy finals vs Mansfield and Stoke, did we?
  8. So, lots of skiers here! I'm off to Bourg d'Oisans, BTW (near Alpe d'Huez)
  9. Now, I'm quite a smart chap, but I have absolutely no idea what Dave's on about here.
  10. American football. I mean, who really gives a shit, other than Americans? Yet it's all over the news. Do they go overboard for the FA Cup final?
  11. Off to Les Alpes in May. Any tips? (Am going by train, with bike)
  12. And is very hard to remove when you've got six fingers on each hand
  13. I bet there's some pretty criminal facial fuzz being sported by regulars on OTIB <<Looks in mirror>>
  14. What a pointless and unnecessary comment.
  15. From the highlights it looks like Cornick played really well- good to see.
  16. Relative to what we normally see at games, that's pretty bad. You almost sound nostalgic for the days of riots on the terraces...
  17. The player wants to leave, to go up to the Prem - so you sell, and move on. For all but a few clubs, that's reality.
  18. The same Reid who as a midfielder we would happily have flogged for £300k at the start of his breakthrough season as a number 10/winger?
  19. Where did I say modern football was perfect? All this nonsense about 'real football'. The game evolves over time, today's best teams play a particular style that works, like back when teams played hoofball - that worked, for a while. As you rightly say, it's about playing to the resources available - players, facilities, etc. As for the ownership, well that's another matter. Matchdays? I was able to take my kids to a game, there was no trouble, almost no police, it was perfectly pleasant and dry on a wet day. That's a huge advance over when I started going (late '70s). I'll take that sterile matchday every time.
  20. So...how do you know it's dire, if you don't watch?
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