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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. A truly wonderful tribute. Squires is a legend (sadly, also a Swindle fan)
  2. For some context, I used to work with the Wycombe doctor, and we borrowed the team's kit occasionally, under some deal with the kit man. Admittedly, this was a while back, but no doubt still rings true. Apparently, said kit man was 'much loved', a 'nice guy' and 'the soul of the club'. I think it's pretty much the job description for what is probably not a well paid job. And I imagine it extends way beyond looking after kit. Although that is, let's be honest, quite a responsible job - remember the odd time when some team's turned up with the wrong kit? It hits the national news (think it happened to one of the Sheffield teams not so long ago).
  3. Some of them are OK - I quite like the Jackson Pollock one and the Tartan one, Heerenveen's is great
  4. I was at that Liverpool match, my second ever game. I'd not long turned 11.
  5. No, because it's vile. And I'm not wild about Cov's kit.
  6. I mean the way the join of the halves of the kit weren't crisp, sort of scribbled. Ruined a nice design. Sorry if my use of design language is insufficiently precise. PS Antoine played well, but Sheffield Utd are doomed
  7. He's the kitman, surely he is not exactly pivotal?
  8. Can I just say how "disappointed" I am in the OP's spelin'?
  9. Watching MOTD last night, I must admit that the Florists' plain home kit is quite smart, which I say through gritted teeth because I despise them. And Bournemouth's change kit colours are lovely. Although the detailing is naff. Any other kits you admire?
  10. Back on topic, it's not looking good for the lad...
  11. But... that's different. Italy (blue) have better infrastructure, history, etc than Turkey (ref)
  12. It may be true. Teams in red have historically performed the best. We're the exception that proves the rule
  13. Given what he did for us and for Leicester, maybe turnaround is what he could specialise in - coming in to some under-performing shower, and reworking them into something good over a couple of seasons. Like the football equivalent of appointing the Administrators.
  14. Yes, it's taken a dark turn, but deep love to those who've battled dependence and won
  15. Stick? Take a look at my "Rico Lewis" thread, I got slaughtered
  16. Cashley Coles Caulker Aizlewood Bailey Scott M Tommy Doc Gow McIndoe Peacock Jacki Manager
  17. Your gentleman's sausage seemed like it was 2" from the goal line?!?!?!?!? Amazed the ref didn't notice
  18. FFS, fella's had one game and you're doubting him?!?!?
  19. Cashley RB Caulker Coles Bailey RM Tommy Doc Gow McIndoe Peacock Jacki Manager Right, I've updated in bold, taken out Tins, who wasn't a drinker, and Nobes, because if it's someone with a real problem - that's not kind. Ray Cashley in because I just about remember watching him play, ditto Gerry Gow. McIndoe and Bailey are in. Did someone say that our esteemed kit man liked a tipple?
  20. To be clear, let's leave out those who had an alcohol problem, as opposed to those who just liked a few. I'm not au fait (ITK) enough to know who is and isn't in which list, so will take others' advice.
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