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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. Israel like a tackle Ow
  2. What would the pain and frustration of being a Sag look like?
  3. That's just...laughable
  4. God, iPlayer is full of Wimbledon shit
  5. Coo, some nice, sensible discussion. Thanks all.
  6. With the benefit of hindsight, yes, but lots were pretty unhappy at the time - myself included. Kudos to the club and its design team, they really came up with a truly fabulous set of proposals, luckily we had space to develop. The value of long-term planning and good masterplans, and a clear vision.
  7. ...that they have an epic youth set up that regularly churns out talent? So, no relevance, really
  8. But internally, some of his wages could be treated as coaching costs, ergo releasing some of the playing budget for another new face? Plus Palmer going frees up a bit of headroom (although mostly we'll probably see that as part of a wage budget reduction)
  9. I would imagine a bit of accounting jiggery-pokery is being done (that's a technical term, BTW). So him being a coach means part of his salary is shifted to the coaching side, freeing some wages. And I doubt his wages are high.
  10. Surely most managers are ex-pros? Ancelotti, Guardiola, etc...
  11. I see loans are planned for Towler, Idehen, Conway, Bell and possibly Owers. I'm not ITK with these youngsters, how much promise do they really show? How far away from first team level are they? I know Scott is no benchmark, he's an exception, but could any of them realistically stay and battle for the first team? Genuine Q.
  12. Except for the one for Alex's goal ?
  13. Yeah, England looked a mess for first 15. Cox and RB made horrible errors in possession
  14. Unlucky for Casadei of Italy, he has been good Scott got away with one there!
  15. I never watch football at this level. Interesting. Lots of errors, some pkayers look very much at s different level. EG Italy keeper looks much better than England's
  16. Italians not holding back with the challenges
  17. Iplayer is where I am
  18. I guess some look like what they are: raw young talents Italian keeper sharp
  19. But Jesus may be off to Arsenal
  20. Was solid when he finally got his chance, but clearly (and rightly) felt he wanted games. Good luck to the lad, he'll do well.
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