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Everything posted by SecretSam

  1. I guess some look like what they are: raw young talents Italian keeper sharp
  2. But Jesus may be off to Arsenal
  3. Was solid when he finally got his chance, but clearly (and rightly) felt he wanted games. Good luck to the lad, he'll do well.
  4. You and me both. Parachute payments were introduced IIRC after the Bradford calamity, when they plummeted down the divisions due to unavoidable and unsustainable salary costs (hmmm, who else had the same issue a while back?) Now, most sensible clubs have a wage structure such that players' wages are cut if they drop. Ergo, no need for parachute payments. All they do is make for the ludicrous situation of clubs like Norwich, Fulham and WBA bouncing between divisions.
  5. He's 20 years old, FFS, if you can't make mistakes at age 20, when can you? At what point does development stop? As long as he learns from his errors and/or is taught about how to avoid them, he'll improve.
  6. Thanks, sad, but I think we have to resign ourselves to him leaving.
  7. Morning campers, I was listening to the 3Peeps pod last week about our various transfer dealings (good stuff, BTW) and they mentioned that one option for us with HNM was to keep him and get compensation when/if he leaves at the end of his contract - if the bids are only (say) £2m, we might get that in compo, and we'd keep him another season. Anyone know how this works?
  8. You should stay away from Twitter ?
  9. That looks oddly familiar...
  10. That's genuinely not terrible, given it's brown
  11. @Davefevs, you're ITK. When you say "Bents could be here for ages", are you indicating that he might sight a new deal (possibly a Weinmann style longer-term, lower wages)? Also - interesting on the 3 Peaps podcast that they were suggesting we might hang on to HNM as any transfer fee might be lower than the compo if he runs down his contract?
  12. I quite like that. Nicer than our retro rubbish.
  13. Any idea what the deal means for City, Dave? Do we lose his wages entirely (assume no fee)? Shame, really, there's a real player in there, it just didn't work. Such things happen. Good luck to him.
  14. I think the home kit's ghastly. There's a reason we only had white sleeves once. The goalie kits are great.
  15. Why isn't Qatar a "proper country"? Sure, it's daft they got the WC, but no need to disrespect their country.
  16. Ah well. Pleased for Wales, gutted for Ukraine.
  17. The Gas have more fans than Wales. 100k locked out, remember...
  18. Not sure the all action style of the Championship is ideal for his glass legs What. A. Save.
  19. Russia isn't a Communist country, and that incident was nearly 40 years ago. FFS.
  20. No-one's playing Russia just now...you know, the war?
  21. Particularly if Bale isn't fit. Wonder where he's off to...
  22. Russia isn't likely, nor N Korea. And what's the deal with Argentina? Think it's your prejudice that's showing, not mine.
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