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Everything posted by 1960maaan

  1. Bloody hell , don't think I've seen that before. We were in the back of the East End, so excited with the comeback we were determined to go to the replay. Decided not to in the end, I'm glad to say, 3-0 I believe.
  2. Took my Mrs last Friday, she hadn't heard much of her but was blown away. Check out Valerie June , might be up your street.
  3. I wont ruin it by saying how it ends, but it's worth sticking with
  4. I may have mentioned her before, but got to see Brooke Combe Friday, I'll be amazed if she isn't massive in the near future. Her album came out last week, well worth a look. Just been put on to a new band , to me at least, the Royston Club, really impressed with what they've done so far. No releases yet.
  5. Looking at it as dispassionately as possible. 29 , possibly older than I thought our incomers would be. ? Has the strength and aerial ability to cope in the Championship with bags of experience. ? According to Transfermarkt hasn't played a lot this season. ? Style is more suited to challenge/alternate with Cam Pring than JD ? Could add needed goals to MF ? OOC in June so should be no fee ? While seemingly not money motivated, would surely be more expensive than JD. ? I liked him , I thought he could easily play in CM when he was here so would fit the versatile player role needed with a small squad. We know his delivery should be a step up from Jay, plus he is more 2 footed. If the finances are right, could be a good move for both parties .
  6. It does , without knowing the ins and outs , look strange. But allowing for the fact it's his first proper season of games I think it's down to youth and experience. He played 17 games in L2, most of those he seemed to get praise, I follow a Wimbledon fan on Twitter and he was constantly questioning why he wasn't playing for us. For Portsmouth played 14 full 90's before that PV game, then not in squad , back on the bench twice , then not in squad again. Since played 90 & 84 minutes, so I'm sticking with blip, though I've not watched him other than the odd highlights . Not saying he's Championship standard, at least not yet, but I think he's doing more than ok ATM.
  7. I don't think this is true. JL had said when the link with Hummel was extended. "The partnership allows us to make a more technically advanced kit while still retaining a uniqueness that is symbolic of us and our supporters." It wasn't even Hummel that was the problem, the UK suppliers went into admin. We couldn't get stocks and had already ran out of shirts for the shop and there were doubts over supply for the first team. The extension to the contract was only agreed a year ago. This has been covered a couple of times, but easily missed as the forum moves on. Everton had a non UK supply chain and Cov seemingly had stocks and signed with a new UK supplier, SportsPro in Feb. That was around the time our ONeil deal was announced, I guess that was done a could have been done as far back as the end of November or December when the administration happened. They would have had to make a decision to either get a new shirt supplier or just wait and run the risk of not having new shirts available for the summer, or even running out of kit before the end of the season. I don't know why we didn't try the Everton route, we may have, we may have looked into how long it would take for Hummel to find a new UK partner, who knows. We have signed a multi year deal , maybe it was a rushed decision, certainly the quality of the new shirt doesn't appear the best quality and I think the Yellow was possibly Jon trying too hard. I was hoping that the quality was because of the quick (ish) turn around needed to get the first team shirts, as they are on sale in the shop , this isn't true. While I have some sympathy with City with the problems not of thier making, the amateurish running of the shop and the previous supply chain problems do point to a deeper Club based problem. You may have something. The Club could have used the up coming Man City game as a bargaining chip for the new deal. Lack of supplies, new design due at the end of the season anyway, wanting to get shirts available for sale in the summer (for a change), might all have lead to us moving quickly, but maybe not wisely
  8. I think Pearson is ambitious, but there is context . We were in a position that, however ambitious the top of the Club were, we needed consolidation. We are now in a position where Nige can start to build properly, this is where I agree with @Davefevs. This feels like his first proper chance to form his squad. He's got rid of around 20 players, added a few here and there, but now he is in a position to add the little bits of important quality pieces to the jigsaw. I think everyone feels we should be able to push on and challenge for that 6th spot. I've just seen the post Dave did earlier and totally agree. Many games around those Boom or Bust seasons , we would walk out of a game saying, how did we win that ? Performances were (being kind) average and we nicked a fair few games, which is great. But come those runs where we struggled in front of goal we went on those winless runs which we couldn't see our next win coming. I think we are in a much healthier position, we have a team willing to work, with an idea of what they are trying to do. I think performances have been improving through the season, most of the problems have come from individual errors. With more regular performance levels , we can achieve more consistency . Before we sign anyone I am optimistic for next year. If we get our main targets , or most of them I hope to be having a season to enjoy.
  9. Not been there for years, how did it go ?
  10. Just got some new/old music. I don't do Record Store Day, I refuse to queue for hours. A mate went down to Rough Trade early and there were hundreds there before him. I walked past on the way to meet mates for football. 12:30 and the queue stretched around the corner and down to the main road. I waited until the left overs went online Monday and managed to get what I wanted. Rich Kids 1978 album, that I didn't realise they'd done at the time. The 2 singles still sound brilliant. Rich Kids and Ghosts of Princes in Towers. Great stuff from (Post Pistols) Glen Matlock and (Pre Ultravox) Midge Ure .
  11. I don't even like ABBA , but as the Wife does and the "event" itself sounded interesting I was tempted. Cost and the fact there were only standing tickets left meant I hesitated . I think you may have saved me some money with this review .
  12. I took their word for it, didn't think they could be fibbing . I should know by now, they are as close to the truth as they are to the Championship.
  13. From Bristol Live (AKA BRFC Supporters Rag); The Mem’s capacity currently stands at 9,832 with Rovers having to reduce it in the wake of Covid-19 and the greater safety regulations that resulted after the pandemic. The Gas’ average attendance, with one remaining League One fixture to be held in BS7, this season has been 8,853 - the ninth largest in the division. Didn't I read they chose to drop capacity as over 10k would incur higher costs through restrictions ? They average 1000 below capacity, and that isn't all from away teams not selling out, be interesting to see the massive boost in attendances when the new Lego stand is built. Planning has been applied for apparently, but the site is saying 8 weeks for small scale and 13 + for larger scale. If you say 3 month to get it past planning, that's July. Doesn't leave long to knock up a Stand does it.
  14. Done a decent job, I hope they stay up , well , if there's an Add on clause in the Semenyo deal. Otherwise ****'em.
  15. Watched some of it last night , that Calum Wilson shot is a beauty. Everton look lost, I though Dyche might get them going but defending like that looks like capitulation .
  16. I would agree if it wasn't for how the scoring went. Arsenal 2-0 and dominant to 2-2 and panicy, for me it really knocks the wind out of their sails. They do the same Vs WHU , really must start to play on their nerves, specially as this is the first time they have been challenging for a while. The Saka Pen would/could have got them back on track, but again the pressure from losing a 2-0 previously . Being 2-0 & 3-1 down V Southampton plays on that, they looked off the pace and struggled to get going. For all the years I've watched football, pundits have put store in, "being there and done it". It may well be a case of that. This Arsenal team are new to this chase, for Man City it looks like another day at the office, although they do look a different level. TBF to Arsenal, Man City are a couple of years (at least)ahead in terms of development. Another good window this summer could see Arsenal stronger next year, I doubt even Arteta expected them to be up there so close this year.
  17. I do feel like a stuck record, but Hull really set the tone for the season. Ridiculous decision goes against us, while rugby tackles on our players ignored. But we did get an apology letter , so there's that.
  18. Yeah, they seemed to leave it until it was worthwhile getting the big steps out , and sending the apprentice up after them .
  19. I think it's doing the rounds because there was another photo done on the railway lines, leading into it. Incredible bad taste and a lot of people calling them out. I thought about the photo you describe, so others thought the same. Like you I thought it would be out of order posting it.
  20. I lost interest in the Peter Crouch one, Under the Cosh is very different. Luke Steele & Wilbs are good, Kevin Cambell too
  21. The seated version popped up in my memories, so I thought I'd post it here. Just a couple of pics of the old place, my first area I went on when I started going to the Gate. Never understood why they didn't raise the advertising signs high enough so the ball would roll back underneath onto the pitch. Screenshot of the standing days from the Massive Attack video which I posted below. You can see the terrace in B&W at 1:53.
  22. Good little pub that, must get round there again.
  23. Spotted Cow used to be full of away fans, Tabbacco Factory too. Bristol Beer factory ? But as said the Nova is OK, though more of a walk.
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