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Everything posted by 1960maaan

  1. I think that could be telling when handing out Contracts, Kalas has missed an average of 13 League games a Season over the last 5 years. Even a reduced wage would (could) be a risk and would he accept a pay per play deal ? With all said and done , I think Vyner is the one I'd be working hard to sign.
  2. Dual Nationality I believe, with Turkish Parents.
  3. The guy is Turkish, so a decent bet he is Muslim. He is BTW.
  4. Totally agree about mindset, but I don't think he lacks drive or motivation. I've said a few times, I think he was lacking confidence. He played well at times as a CB a WB/FB and defensive midfielder. When he first came in he did have a mistake in him, IMO a concentration thing, but he gradually got over it (experience?) . When he got moved around, covering different positions he did seem to lose his way and got grief for it, unfairly a lot of the time, but that's football fans everywhere. This year he has had a long run in the same position, he's been backed by the manager and I think we can all see the results now. It's been a rollercoaster for the Club over the last 3/4 years, not the easiest time for a young player to develop .
  5. I'm guessing connections, but I wonder would they be willing to do that for free ? What would investors get out of it ? They would want to make money so Wael would be in the same position he was in with the UWE site. Not completely owned and having to pay rent or interest, the big difference being the build would be massively more expensive now. .
  6. A lot of moving parts with this one IMO. When talks started he wasn't in the strongest position and the bigger earners had taken cuts. Now, as a regular starter and reliable ever present he would be in a much stronger position and I hope the Club appreciates that. I think the real talks will start as soon as the season ends. To replace him there would be a fee and reasonable wages and probably wouldn't have his Championship experience. Seems straight forward to offer a decent pay rise, but then add Agents. An agent would see peak age CB with lots of Championship experience , and the dance begins.
  7. No , I know you weren't. There are the easily accessed BBC match stats you can see on every game. These give you Possession / Shots / shots on target / Corners / fouls. So basic info . https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/65133470 Whoscored gives a little more in depth and detail, heatmaps ect. Generally a step up and as far as I go. https://www.whoscored.com/Matches/1648559/Live/England-Championship-2022-2023-Stoke-Bristol-City Expected goals https://footballxg.com/xg-league-tables/ But you can pay for stats, you can if you are that keen get the same things as Clubs get I believe. I look at these things occasionally , there are guys that were doing stuff on Twitter got so good they were approached by Clubs . It can be interesting and you can go as far as you want. The info is available to almost anyone, the magic starts by how you decipher it and use it. Well, well beyond me.
  8. Can't say I follow all of it, I find the bits I understand interesting. There are a few on here that go all in like @Davefevs .
  9. No stats are really any good without other stats or context. I wasn't talking about individual things that you mention there, but the kind of stats that DaveFevs has access too. More detail, duals won passes, progressive passes ect. Shots only tell you so much, shots on target only tell you so much, add blocked shots and chances created and you start to get a picture. If you are scouting a side possession stats would be handy as to how you combat them. Like I say no stats are much good alone, but add some others and you get a picture which can be important.
  10. I'm assuming that this is done to give more time for talks, they must have a decent offer in mind for someone that has been pretty much ever present. Don't want another one walking away for free.
  11. I think this is really possible. I don't hold with some massive conspiracy , even though it can be easy to wonder. How many times have we seen Refs seem to favour the "bigger" sides when they come to the Gate. What I don't get is the constant mistakes by VAR, they take an age to get it wrong too. It would be good to see an interview with Webb to hear his thoughts on some of the decisions he's had to apologise for.
  12. If you just rely on possession numbers, then yeah. But that would be strange anyway. If you're 1-0 down to a side that can dominate possession , then it can have a big bearing on results Agree with your post, and stats can give you insight into games but you can't use just one set of stats. The one thing I will say is about your last sentence. Swansea dominate possession but are not a top side, but they can show that it's not everything. They've conceded more than us, have worse goal difference and are lower in the table yet consistently win on possession numbers. Stats used properly can help, they can tell you what you aren't doing as much as what you are. As you say, we often have less possession in games, that stat alone means little, but it can tell you how we generally go about games.
  13. Just watched Match of the Day, Wow ! and I watched the first half. First disallowed goal. All season you're told the short shirt sleeve is the cut off, harsh but you could say they had to turn it over as the Lino had given H/B. 2nd one is farcical . Clips his thigh and looks clear of a hand. The first Pen. H/B looked a Pen to me, but couldn't see clearly. 2nd Pen , so obvious I really don't see how you can ignore it. 3rd Pen. Shirt pulls like that is surely the reason VAR was brought in. Disgraceful they ignored that. One game proving VAR is not fit for purpose. Brighton robbed of a win and things like this encourage conspiracy theories, as there is no logical reason to get things so wrong, when you can take 5 minutes and 20 views and still miss (or ignore) the obvious. There will be a lot of appologies in the post to Brighton this week, that'll make them feel so much better.
  14. Well if everyone is nicking it, I am too. Coming to a Facebook near you soon
  15. The only thing with Reading, is they have picked up draws. Hate to say it but QPR can't even buy a draw. I said the same thing about QPR's run in, Reading's isn't much better but they can score a goal where as QPR can't. Going to be very tight, maybe a point or goal to decide it.
  16. I watched the first half via Spurs TV or something. There was an incident where it looked like a Spurs player handles it but when they showed the replay they stop before it. Anyone see that ?
  17. I usually wait until the bottom tier goes on sale, if they need point to stay up there is no way we get it. Went in one of their pubs last time, very friendly before and after even though we won. Not sure I'd be welcome back if we relegate them.
  18. As we sit here now , 6 games to go it is impossible to speculate , though I am optimistic . 3 scenarios that could shape next year. Scott stays and we have a little money to add numbers. Scott sold, but loaned back. Basically pocket £25m and have a £25m MF playing for us with a decent amount to spend. Scott sold and a decent amount to spend. We know we have targets in place, get those in early and we are in good shape, but to judge where we will be is difficult. We don't know if our targets are Championship ready, young promising players or even if we will get them at all. We won't even know how strong the Division will be until Promotion & Relegation is settled. Yeah, I'm optimistic , but cautious .
  19. Have a read through this , might help. https://moneynerd.co.uk/penalty-charge-notice-or-parking-charge-notice-whats-the-difference/ or https://www.moneysupermarket.com/car-insurance/private-parking-tickets/
  20. Just checked the score, wasn't expecting much but .... Glos resume on 133/0 with Dent 60* and Harris 73* That is very un Glos like , might even make them bat again.
  21. I'm still angry about Hull , nearly lost my voice swearing at the Ref. Robbed of 2 or 3 certain Pens and they get given the softest of the lot. That could have changed the momentum, 3 points on day one, maybe we get something from Sunderland game and we are on a run, who knows. Definitely not evened out over this season.
  22. They don't tend to vary, they're always shit !
  23. First 15 minutes apart everyone was 7+. That first spell Stoke looked like they were a team on a great run, but slowly we worked our way into the game and no ones performance dropped . That said I thought Zak was great, Bell not only a threat around their box but won important tackles in defence, Max willingness to come for crosses makes a massive difference, but for me Jay was MotM. I thought it was one of his best performances for us. Held the ball and was progressive with it, kept possession but always looked forward, which he doesn't always do. We know he is one of the best technically and yesterday it showed, how many nutmegs ?? If his delivery improved a new contract would not be a question.
  24. I've said before, as an opposition manager I have hated him and some of the things his teams get up to. But there was a period he was not Managing but working on talksport. He was great, humble , interesting and intelligent with comments and explanations. Came across as a genuinely decent guy, much different to the one who always gets results for teams. Like him or hate him, you can't deny he gets results.
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