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Everything posted by 1960maaan

  1. Kept mine in a drawer, they seem fine. 1970 squad & the FA Cup Centenary ones. Always fancied those , they would end up in the loft though, my MRs would see to that
  2. My mate said months ago they were going. Recently said that Martin was the only one looking like he's trying. Imagine, Chris Martin is your stand out player. Screams "DOOMED" to me. That's no disrespect to Martin, the rest must really be a mess. But then if you've seen that recent video, the Manager has to be part of the problem, again.
  3. That is a shocking tackle, deserves a long ban. Lets hear angel Joey defend that.
  4. Just been steered to this on Youtube by Andy Holt. Only one episode in and it looks really entertaining. Worth watching to hear Brentford fans doing a R*vers, singing "we're the Barcelona of the lower League". Great insight into lower League with no filters. Some characters involved.
  5. I love this forum, yes people can be dicks , but there have been some great discussions. And TBF , there are a fair few users who also love HMHB, so it's all good. It was in Chester, worth considering relocating ?
  6. Robert Smith of the Cure has apparently forced Ticket Master to refund some of the ridiculous amount of add ons on Gig tickets. One fan bought 4 $20 tickets and with 3 lots of extra charges was charged $172 . Smith Tweeted and contacted them and eventually refunded $10 on cheapest Tickets. This might be a good step in the right direction, I got some tickets the other week , and on £30 tickets got charged around £5 on each one. https://www.unilad.com/music/the-cure-robert-smith-ticketmaster-refund-330838-20230317?source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1CYRGF-s5mROh7yyrzqDNlu7Ws721B4CqlBSGLhut6ivcL3Y-ClXa8qCk
  7. Muscle tears are horrible , I did my calf while walking home last year, I couldn't walk at all for a couple of days. I was interested to see Palmer was having injections and didn't need surgery . Just been looking and certain problems are treated with Steroids . Well it looks like a corticosteroid, and it's cortisone that I thought could cause long term problems. I guess that's changed now.
  8. I know nothing about hamstrings, apart from they can hurt. Is it unusual for treatment to be injections ? My mind goes back to the olden days when injections were every day, then long term problems. I'm guessing things are different now.
  9. I did look , couldn't see one. Maybe moved ?
  10. That was the first kit I had, probably 6 or 7 . Basically Red shirt, Red Shorts and Red football socks. No branding or badges back then so just generic and not from the Club, still one of the best Birthday presents I ever had. I was so excited I bagged for (and got) the shorts a few days early so I could wear them to play down the Park. Chris Garland was my first City hero.
  11. Toney is guilty , so shouldn't be available for England until after the ban has ban imposed and served. I've no problem him playing for Brentford until the ban kicks in, though it should have been dealt with quickly. The FA cannot afford to be seen to be lenient. There have been precedents set and they would have to be on a par with those unless he can come up with some seriously good excuses and Lawyers.
  12. Pluses would have been; Future proofing , start from square 1 with tickets and placement of standing area , sensible away fan area , decent parking and access . Probably a few other minor things. The major plus in staying is being able to drink in the same local pubs I have been drinking in for around 45 years ( **** me I'm old, how did that happen ) . I like the history behind the Stadium and the only downside I see is not being able to knock down the Atyeo for a 2 tier stand with away fans in the top. I was looking forward to the new shiney stadium, but when I got over losing out , I'm happy we stayed. I think the new development will only improve things. I think we all miss the open air East End toilets Phileas
  13. I was going to say what @Mad Cyril just posted, seen some great feedback. One I would say could be good is Bilbao. Direct flights from Bristol , tickets available and a great City and Stadium. There was a thread on here somewhere with recommendations and experiences , can't recall the title though.
  14. I'm guessing, Tanner played a lot and it allows Sykes & Cornick down the right. Struggling to fill the bench ? No point putting kids on the bench if they wouldn't be used in any circumstance. Tough game. Right I'm off to watch a band at the Fleece. Hope I'm happy after I get back. COYR OTIB FTG
  15. Now if you can get that to work on Virgin, that'll be great
  16. I'm with you there. I've had problems at Train Stations with tickets, Airports and add batteries being shite. Plus while I was out a month ago my phone locked itself and I had to reset it . I'd forgotten to back it up for almost a year, so theres that. I have heard of people sharing a ticket, makes sense if you are going to miss a lot of games. I would much prefer a physical ticket , be interesting to hear about the process.
  17. @ExiledAjax , what does this mean in real terms ? Is the embargo firm and will be in place next Window even if they submit the Accounts soon ? That would be hard for Burnley. Or can will the embargo be lifted when clean accounts submitted ? Seems like Huddersfield might have bigger problems if they do go into Administration.
  18. In one breath "players play too much" The next. "we need more games" They wont be happy until the schedule is so bloated people stop watching. The Euros & WC are/have been special because you have to wait. The qualifying games are still (sort of) relevant ,but the more teams qualify, the less point there is to qualifying and if they do change it to 2 years, there wont be any point, and it might as well be invitation for any bigger Nations.
  19. That's a very good point. Not only more Northern Clubs closer together, but that would also breed bigger rivalries. PNE taking 6k to a game is something we don't get the chance to do. We , like many Clubs, are capped at our nearer games, Cardiff, Swansea etc. I don't go much any more, just cant bring myself to spend £100 on a train ticket every time you go much further North than Brum. TBF, though our away following might not be the best (That might change if we spent time in the Prem) , but for the Club, home attendance is more important .
  20. Even they can't be that stupid, again ........ can they ?
  21. Local Derby , with a young Scott Murray interview .
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