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Everything posted by 1960maaan

  1. I asked Marc Riley about a Bristol show, I'm taking it this means maybe
  2. Looks like they want to hold onto what they have , rather than trying to win it. Been sitting deep for a while inviting pressure. Risky seeing how that lad can hit a ball.
  3. Just a friendly little dig The 4-1 was my first League derby , I did go to the Glos Cup game at Eastville we won on Pens . Possibly 72/72 . Interesting about the attendances , yes they were poor across the board. We averaged 6k+ , your lot 4k+ and , one for @ralphindevon , Wolves Just over 4k. Plymouth were doing well with around 8k all in the same Division. Wolves were relegated that year , and beat us 2-1 up there. 12, 300 ish I think . If you meant the G*s and not Wolves.
  4. Apparently the last "derby" at Eastiville , for those under 25 you can Google "derby match" . 1986: 1-1 . Neville for us , John Scales for that lot. Under 10,000 so nothing changes there. Lester Shapter was Ref . I love the state of the pitch, and this was before kick off ! This could have been the game where the locks were cut on the Tote end , and replaced . Possibly more forgeries going around than real tickets too. Bobby Hutchinson was a player I really loved playing, all action . This is a great photo. And if you're bored , here's the game.
  5. I think there may be some perceived glory, but I'm sure they said that there wasn't a great deal extra to be gained . The costs moving it to Cat A look to be almost double . Loads more staff needed and more hours schooling the kids, though I think we wouldn't need the indoor pitch as the Rugby may qualify . The compensation when leaving an academy is more as you go from 3 to 2 to 1 . So it seems it's a balance , I saw an article where Watford wanted to drop from applying for Cat one , down to Cat 3 to save money, I think that was around 2014.
  6. I think they said the extra cost would out weigh the benefits
  7. Strikes me as more than a little bit suspicious . The ground isn't all that special , their training ground is over 20 years old . To add perspective ... "The takeover of the Championship club (WBA) , worth a reported £60m, to acquire Guochuan Lai's 87.8 per cent majority shareholding has been approved by the EFL." I believe WBA has a Cat 1 academy , Ipswich Cat 2. Ipswich's ground is bigger by 4k . I don't get that WBA value can be £68m ish and Ipswich £262m . @Mr Popodopolous is this a little like Derby valuing their old ground at £80m ?
  8. First one, in short ( no pun intended ), buy everyone and anyone in the hope of finding gold .
  9. Enjoyable day, strange too . I knew we would win , not even a second thought, we just would. It was more a celebration of the season. What really made the day . We caught the train and into Harrow ( I think) found a pub and settled in . Then a coach of lads I used to go to football with, 30 odd years before , turned up . Got a photo similar to one outside the Ship and Castle with 5 of us both . Then the train was delayed, because some ******** got stuck in the toilet , it took 3 1/2 hours to get back. Good day though.
  10. TBH the Club aren't great with the junior teams, even announcing games on the day. I wouldn't be surprised if our media team didn't supply the info.
  11. When I first looked at the train it was £200 and about 10 changes and 15 hours to get back to Bristol. Checked again today and it's only 3 changes now, overnighting on New Street . I decided not to bother .
  12. I was really impressed when I saw this, at least to start with . But thinking about it , our ST's in 2007/08 in the Dolman were £425 apparently . So if this is the same price in 2007 they started higher, as they got promoted to the Prem makes sense , but even so , it shows it can be done . 10 years in the top flight might make it easier not to put prices up, but they must have been tempted since, even though the team haven't done too much. Anyway , that's some freeze .
  13. They must have a real chance , momentum on their side plus Barnsley & Oxford stuttering a little. I just looked , having ignored Lincoln for ages as they have let me down in bets 3 times this year , betting to win or lose. I see even though they have scored 16 goals in 3 games , they have still scored less than every team above them. Pompey look nailed on , Derby should have 2nd ( still not been there) , I'd like Lincoln to make it for a change.
  14. Scotland U21 on YouTube tonight.
  15. I think we all know the fans have no say in things. He has to win enough games to settle the nerves of the Lansdowns . Progress was slow under NP , but it was there. The next step would have been release some of the Scott money to add a bit of quality to the squad, a bit of depth . I think we could have pushed on . I know they had started some of the process earlier , but that sacking of Warburton seemed to be the chrysalis . Yeah they started talking about moneyball , but that seemed the mad moment that seemed to focus their strategy ,and it was a steady up trend from then. I thought they were mad to dump him, shows I know nothing.
  16. They always show a game or 3 , they would hope that the relegation or even playoffs are still open. WTF didn't they do it straight away? There is no way that Sky would not be showing a game, and they all kick off at the same time that day so I don't get the delay.
  17. My point, Is it original ? No . Whether licensed or not , and I didn't question the legality , it's not original and I (and many others) think it was a mistake.
  18. They seem to do it every year , not sure why they bother other than to look generous. I can't believe anyone would buy a ticket in the 12,000 / 1 chance it will be free. I know that it will have no impact on my season ticket purchasing choice.
  19. TBH I prefer the away shirt. Just my opinion , but if the cuffs were solid blue like the collar I think it would be better.
  20. For me that's a prerequisite for a Journalist , not always easy . With a mix of feeling for the Club, and pressure from the Club, it can get a little murky. I think JP is a breath of fresh air .
  21. I get the feeling they have no idea of succession planning . Once SL undermined PA , it made getting a quality replacement difficult . I think the role is earmarked for BT. Same in a way for HoM , they will stumble along until someone eventually comes up with a name. We don't have anyone at the Club with the links to know names that would suit. The person with most Football experience and contacts would be Tinnion and he doesn't strike me as having made lots of close contacts. Pearson had the pull , the network and contacts to rebuild the backroom previously. Manning hasn't built those connections yet IMO. We would be relying on recommendations and again , at the top we don't seem to have an abundance of Football connections.
  22. Not sure who in our scenario is the "foster parent" , but it sure as shit makes me think that the sacking was mild
  23. The Belgium was is a beauty , I'd like that as away kit. I also like Germany away . Don't like that . If they want the Cross of St. George do it properly, if they want Rainbow I don't care but if it's supposed to be the flag then make it the flag . It's even half hearted for a rainbow .
  24. Tinnion leaving Twitter ? Counting how many times Manning can mention S******pton ? Jon nicking artwork from the internet to "design " a new badge ? Finding out we have a top 6 squad ? So many to choose from
  25. It being a forum , and currently the Club being a mess , is there any wonder threads like this pop up ? If the Club was being run in a semi competent way , and it wasn't just jobs for mates , Warnock would only be mentioned as he hit the News. I like the idea of Tinnion being in charge of the Academy again, make it happen please. That last bit , is that a new interview ? I don't remember Pearson saying that when he was here ?
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