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Everything posted by petehinton

  1. Imagine being bantered off by ******* Wycombe ffs ???
  2. What a brilliant win for L1 galaticos. I’m sure it’s all the refs fault despite being totally dominated and Wycombe losing two players to injury
  3. Wycombe walking all over them. 0-2. If not for their keeper it’d be 0-4.
  4. Blimey, if that’s the standard of the L1 galaticos after the team of superstars they’ve assembled, R Joe is gonna be after another 6 signings before next week
  5. Huge talking point for them today that they have new seats in the dugout….sign of intent apparently. Class.
  6. This is a Hull side who have a ‘bright young forward thinking manager’ who are massively being backed in the window and ‘giving it a real go’, and How we didn’t win it is a mystery. Hard to find any negatives in that other than we didn’t score 2 or 3
  7. Challenge anyone to moan about our amount of shots and chance creation tonight. Been an absolute onslaught at times against a team who are ‘going for it’
  8. Let’s be honest, the fact no one has come in for him speaks volumes. Had a pretty average second half of the season last year after a spectacular first half, and from Gas mates seems to have started the season pretty poorly. Should’ve tried to cash in for him when you had the chance.
  9. Full to the brim on loans, again. But the perms they’ve done are very expensive, old, signings. Said before they’re going for broke this season and are probably gonna be in a sticky situation next summer if/when they don’t go up.
  10. This is what I can’t get my head around, at all, as well. Maybe it’s too simplistic, but imo it seems very much like we’d rather keep it stored for January / the new manager next summer. Maybe they see next seasons championship / the one after / the one after that (I dunno) as weaker and therefore better opportunity to ‘go for it’? I found it very odd and confusing that SL in his Guernsey Press interview said ‘we’d already spent some of the Alex money before he went preemptively’ (assuming that was mostly summer incomings), yet Pearson was clear he wanted Knight and Scott to play together, and Tinnion said we had transfer plan for Alex staying and Alex going. Pretty much none of those scenarios seem to have happened one way or another. Couple that with Steve effectively saying he stepped in to manage the sale of Alex himself…. As @Harry articulated, it seems we’re finally in a position where we have a structure and ‘way’ and the next manager will have to fit that. Perfect. Exactly how it should be. Have a DOF/SD help define a way of playing, and you drop managers in who suit that, ala MK Dons, Swansea, even Reading, at an EFL level who’ve had real success having a ‘way’ for many years. I just have absolutely no faith that SL wont want to go for a new shiny thing next time around. My only hope is we now have Tinnion who can have a real say and articulate why we need X person as they fit our style, but as SL says it’s his club and he can overrule. Maybe he’ll finally allow Robins to manage the club at the forth time of trying and 11 years later, and try to pass it off as a master stroke underground appointment. I can’t recall a manager here ever running their contract down, let alone being in a position where they have less than a season left on it. That + the little noise about a renewal + a limited budget despite huge incomings + little public acknowledgement from SL all seems to point to one thing for me. I’d be pretty astonished, but very very happy, if Nige got an extension.
  11. He said on RB last time he was on, that he’d be up for selling minority, majority, outside investment, or a full sale….he sounded like he had absolutely no idea what he actually wanted and why he wanted it, and came across quite embarrassingly desperate tbh
  12. Either a bluff, or further confirmation that Pearson won’t be backed despite all the work done to clear the decks over the last 2.5 years, and losing Scott as the season started…. Kick in the nads.
  13. Find it quite telling he’s referred to us as ‘we’ and ‘us’ in his interview. Pretty rare for a loan player to do that from day dot!
  14. I think this is a cheap precaution to McCrorie being out slightly longer than we thought (not necessarily months and months), as well as missing out on the lad from Bolton
  15. Speechless at how strong the vitriol toward Pearson was on Boxing Day 2022
  16. From the way Pearson first described it, it seemed like a pretty personal, potentially embarrassing, one hence the “please don’t press me any further on it” confirmation. Easiest assumption is something has gone wrong with his hernia op/recovery but who knows. Doesn’t seem like something the club will be too forthcoming with, understandably
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