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Posts posted by nebristolred

  1. Genuinely feels like the only reason we’re not further down than we are, is that there are plenty of other basket case clubs about as well. We are run piss poorly and it’s pure luck that we’re still a mid table Championship side, and equally frustrating that we’re not taking advantage of being in an industry with a bunch of other poor owners.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Be very surprised if the new man isn't in the dugout for Saturday.

    They've been looking, and speaking, since the Leeds defeat.

    Pure negligence if they can't tie up the new man they want this week. 

    That's Rowett then isn't it.


    As others have said, always appreciate the info you share. What a shite time to be a City fan now. All hope for the next few seasons has just disappeared like that. I think the fanbase has finally turned now.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Northern Red said:

    I really think new registrations should be closed, at least for a short while. It's obvious what's going on here.

    Are we saying here that people from BS are registering to try to influence opinion, like bots on Twitter? If so that is a batshit crazy thing to do for a football club.

    • Like 2
  4. Honestly I’ve never felt like this as a City fan before, we need to let them know how we feel next game at Ashton Gate.

    Fuming, absolutely ****ing fuming. We’ve just thrown away our best chance in possibly decades of actually getting somewhere as a club.

    • Like 5
  5. Not sure what you saw, but from the video I saw you see the impact immediately, he struggles on his knees with blood everywhere, and then staggers up and skates back to the bench with blood clearly all down his front before it cuts.

    Either way, if you haven't seen it I wouldn't recommend. I think hundreds of people in that arena will be suffering from the trauma today having seen that.

  6. 34 minutes ago, PHILINFRANCE said:

    I’m not asking for a link, but how on earth did you manage to watch it?

    I mean, surely it wasn’t shown live and, even if the original incident itself was shown, surely the screen then showed something else.

    Please don’t tell me it’s available on some highlights show.

    I’m baffled.

    It's on Twitter, very easy to find, but as I said I wouldn't recommend it.

  7. 33 minutes ago, internetjef said:

    Have you heard of Deadletter ? Off to watch them tonight in Bristol but sold out (small venue). 

    had a fair bit of 6 music play . I think if you like Yard Act (as do I), you would like these guys. Check out top 5 tunes on Spotify for a flavour , no full album yet 

    in other newish music tips , have also been getting into a band called Sprints , who I believe have previously supported Yard Act on tour. Playing thekla next April and I think they will be epic inside the boat 

    I hadn't but they sound ace, really decent they are. I'll give Sprints a go also.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

    I was going to make a similar point the other day but didn't get to it.

    Absolutely, if the stability of the club is dependent on a single individual being present, then what stability is there really?

    If the culture is wholly dependent on Pearson's presence, then he's not really built that culture into the fabric of the Club has he?

    Ideally he's stabilised the club and realigned the culture, AND built in protection to ensure that remains when his successor takes over (and there will always be a successor, especially to a man in his 60s who has health issues).

    It's an interesting point that thought. In many ways I'd argue the manager sometimes is the culture of the club. If Alex Ferguson had left 3 or 4 years into his Man Utd stint, his 'culture' wouldn't have stuck around, it would have moved on. That doesn't mean Ferguson did a bad job, it just means that a football club's identity/philosophy changes with whoever is in charge at the time. And on the same note, results collapsed when he did eventually leave. You could add Don Revie to that, Jose Mourinho, etc.

    Basically, although I see your point, I can't really think of many instances where a football club's culture/work ethic has continued consistently regardless of manager. I think ultimately whoever is at the top kind of sets that standard.

    • Like 1
  9. The thing that baffles me is what exactly is the basis for letting him go? They might dress it up as a performance thing, but who in their right mind thought we’d be in the top 6 this season with the budget and squad we have?

    And it will make it all the more perplexing if they do that, despite letting other managers perform far worse for far longer on higher budgets.

    It all just looks like a manufactured smokescreen to hide the truth, but one that no one is buying.

    • Like 10
    • Flames 2
  10. If this happens, it’s far and away the stupidest thing the Lansdown’s have done. Forget giving LJ a 5 year deal, or handing over the keys to the club to an egotistical charlatan, or employing the manager’s brother as the scouting ‘network’, or giving Holden the job over Hughton.

    This would top the lot for me, and I’ve been a happy clapper on here, always supporting them all the way.

    Extremely, extremely frustrating.

    Thanks for the update btw KITR.

    • Like 16
  11. I'd be amazed if the guy who KITR/Harry is referring to is Tins, that makes literally no sense. Don't Nige and Tins have a decent relationship? I'd imagine it's someone more non-playing staff related, though admittedly don't know much of the structural setup of the club.

    On a side note, I tend to defend SL and the like a fair bit on here. I think at times the reaction can be over the top and downright nasty. But I can't deny that this is extremely frustrating - Pearson has done an outstanding job in a situation where many managers would be in a relegation battle or worse. I can't really remember a time when the fans have been so united over a manager that the board didn't want, so this will be an interesting one to see play out. If Pearson is let go in an unreasonable fashion, then it will say everything about our lack of success as a club over the past 15 years or so.

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