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Everything posted by nebristolred

  1. Bit late but we went to The Ivy in Kensington and couldn't believe how bang average it was for the price. Definitely felt like you were paying more for the experience and the venue than the food - not to mention being treated p*ss poorly by staff.
  2. He did before, his cars there won a couple of drivers championships and 1 constructors, probably could have been more were it not during the period of Ferrari dominance. The story around his development of the MP4-18 is actually a fascinating one. At the time it was supposed to be his most advanced design and super compact, particularly at the back which is the norm today. But by all accounts it was a dreadful car reliability-wise, would very rarely not catch fire, sent Wurz into the barriers in an enormous crash during testing, also made Raikkonen crash in Barcelona (which was blamed on him!). Pedro de la Rosa said he was scared to get into it, it was about as dangerous as it gets at the time and it never raced. It shows that even the best get it wrong sometimes, perhaps he had a few ideas that were ahead of his time back in 2004.
  3. Seems it's finally hit Mercedes that their concept is not going to work - think this could be a write-off year for them as they're obviously going to have to re-think it. Pretty embarrassing to be beaten by their own customer team in Aston Martin. They pretty much changed the rules to stop the Mercedes domination over the past years, and in doing so they've gone and created a Red Bull domination instead, changing the rules to benefit ground effect cars which is Newey's speciality. Considering that man can design amazing cars under any set of regulations, switching to what he is best at means having him is pretty much a cheat code. That combined with Red Bull managing to spend more than the other teams, and this is result. This could genuinely be a 23/23 for Red Bull at first glance, they seem so far ahead. Shame they're such a dislikable lot.
  4. Yep, out of 5 Glasto's and as such 15 headliners I think I've only ever seen 3. I actually think it's a really good poster, there's a ton of good stuff on there, and it's only the first 50 or so acts. Tons more to come.
  5. They have 10 or so between AG and Glasto, but I think AG is the first of their tour.
  6. Fewer names than usual at this stage but as solid as ever. And 3 confirmed (and already predicted) headliners that will be sure to send a certain festival forum owner into a complete spiral...
  7. But even IF we did that, for 70 to be enough you'd need either Millwall or Luton to suffer basically relegation form from now until the end of the season, us to better all 6 other teams above us (which we are currently not doing even in our 'good' form), and hope it's one of those freak years where 70 is enough - over the last 10 years or so you typically need 75 minimum. It's fun to see if we can make it, and it is technically possible, but it is not happening.
  8. So hang on a minute, Let's get this straight for a second . You make a point that we could make the play-offs, because our form since Boxing Day has been so good. It's then pointed out to you, that despite our 'good' form since boxing day, we are now further away from the play-offs than we were then and that it is nowhere near enough. And you think that if we continue that form, maths will magically rewrite it's rules and we might make the play-offs? Robbored with his outstanding logic as ever .
  9. QPR were on 34, we were on 27, is that not 7? Play-offs are too far away. Just out of reach even in an insane run of form.
  10. I mean, we were 7 points off the play-offs on Boxing Day, now we're 10. By that logic it is anything but an ideal position
  11. He hasn't even been that bad, and that's forgetting it's against the champions ffs.
  12. Proud of the team, can't knock them. A few mistakes but you're not going to play against the champions without making any. Brilliant performance and we're not at the end yet.
  13. Fair enough. At least they're saying nice things about Alexander Scott.
  14. We've called Andy Cole by that name for an entire career despite him actually preferring and used to being called Andrew. Not sure Cam v Cameron is a huge deal
  15. We'd have been pissed off if that penalty was against us, but you do see them given. Wasn't really a pen imo.
  16. Second this, their quality has always been excellent for GAA.
  17. Never used ChromeOS personally, but if all you want is a basic machine for browsing, streaming, basic document editing, then you really shouldn't be worrying about specs whatsoever. That means if you are happy to go with ChromeOS, the quality of the keyboard and screen are probably your main factors. Maybe keep an eye on reviews when making a decision in that regard. As @Taz says above, they actually sound perfect for that use case.
  18. Such as what, just out of interest?
  19. Agree with most of 2015's post, it's really true. It's getting ridiculous. Imo men need to find a way of controlling their urges and emotions because they are constantly making terrible decisions and seem absolutely incapable of controlling themselves, but on the flip side there is also sod all guidance and support out there. I can't imagine how many of our problems would disappear if blokes could actually control themselves properly, but then again the culture that we all create for each other doesn't exactly encourage compassion and openness. Also anyone criticising the victim and making comments about money can get in the bin. Whatever happened in that part of the story is pretty much a moot point. The fact is that the recording exists and it almost certainly happened, and what Greenwood did is disgusting.
  20. Disappointing it has to be said, but the player wanted to go, and if this means that we bring forward the 'steadying of the ship' by 6 months or so as a consequence, then long-term that can only be a good thing. I know it doesn't change things overnight, but I want to see Pearson lead this team without the restrictions he's had to operate under. Priority number 1 is just staying up. If we do that, then the flexibility it provides means our business this January will be decent for the future of the club.
  21. It really is odd, I'm quite similar. I daresay we all suffer a similar thing - to me 20 years ago is still 1980. Perhaps it's a similar thing, your mind has failed to pick up the missing years.
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