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Everything posted by nebristolred

  1. Could be, sounds a bit more like MDMA to me though. Which in itself isn't physically addictive (I'm pretty sure at least).
  2. Appreciate the sentiment here, but people have tried this tactic with eating meat for years and it works to an extent, but not entirely well. Though something is of course better than nothing. The whole country really needs a grown up approach to drug use - probably not starting at coke, but at some point. I'm not sure what it looks like just yet, but a grown up law surrounding it would help eliminate a huge amount of the problem. As it stands, it is dodginess from end to end, and that involves a huge amount of people. It's not safe or beneficial to anyone.
  3. They agreed on the boundaries, but not the punishment. That was left vague, hence the current mess.
  4. Red Bull are just so ****ing detestable aren't they . Struggling to cope with 2 big fat asterisks next to their 2 titles. Try one of these mate. Formula 1 2022 - Mexico GP live stream - Reddit F1 Streams
  5. Wasn't aware that Seitan's Corner was one of the 'bigger' vegan ones tbh, had it once and it was pretty decent.
  6. It's not Max's fault at all really, so I don't blame him, but this really does make me sympathise with Lewis. Twice now he's been robbed of an extra Championship, which would make him the greatest ever. Once through his team's incompetence, and secondly through the FIA's and Red Bull's incompetence (if we're being kind). And worst of all, he's put in the situation where if he ever speaks about it, the whole of the Internet piles in on him, because it's so easy to hate on the guy. Given what happened with Karen and Masi, there's no way I'd be able to keep my mouth shut if I were him.
  7. Probably won't impact too many people here, but it's a huge shame that LD's Kitchen is shutting down. Hands down the best roast I've had, let alone vegan roast, and their wings were outstanding. Really hope they come back again, it was a huge treat going there.
  8. But the issue here is statements like yours make it sound like you can't understand how it might be helpful if they make it public knowledge. Again, not to speak for others, but it's been said before that many people live and grow up with quite a lot of angst and anguish at the fact that they are gay, and ultimately having to live in a world that is not fully accepting of them. Just look at football ffs, there must be dozens if not hundreds of people who are yet to come out. Some hide it their entire lives. I can't imagine how difficult that must be. Now imagine how it could make that same person more likely to be comfortable in their own skin if a famous and much-loved sports star comes out as openly gay. It could enable thousands of people to do the same and freely live the life they want to. Iker Casillas and/or Puyol announcing they are gay would be a big deal. It would be a huge step towards achieving that level of equality. Just because you don't care, doesn't mean thousands of others won't.
  9. There are all sorts of oddities in football and it can actually get even weirder than that. Ceuta play in the Spanish league but are actually based in Morocco, so theoretically the UCL could be won by a team in Africa. It's also theoretically possible for a team from Réunion to compete in both the African Champions League and the European one at the same time. Maybe a challenge for Pep one day .
  10. Bit of a weird name, but been listening to a lot of the Viagra Boys lately, pretty funny band, worth checking out.
  11. I'm not saying what I'd do, just what I think might happen. Not at all, I mean that the team may be excluded from the constructors championship results (i.e. earn zero points and come last, it happened to McLaren in 2007). The drivers championship would remain the same.
  12. Totally agree. As much as I don't like the bloke, it's not Max's fault though. Ultimately, and I know he has 7 WDC's, this is so harsh on Lewis. He already has a huge amount of hate aimed at him, all he has to do is look the wrong way and he has an army of people turning on him. But were it not for this (possible) cheating, and 2 huge **** ups back in 2007, he could not only be the most successful driver of all time, but by some distance too. I'm certainly not a Lewis fanboy, but nothing would make me happier than for him to get his win this year (so that he's won in every season he's raced), and then to go on and get an 8th title. The guy is a machine and IF he's been toppled through blatant and substantial cheating, then he deserves some sort of success from the effort he's put in, as do Ferrari and Leclerc. As said above, the atmosphere and attitude of Red Bull stinks, and (again IF it's true) they deserve sanctions that hold them back throughout the whole period of these rules, which is the time period where they will reap the benefit of the cheating.
  13. I could see them potentially excluding the team, but no chance they exclude the drivers imo. Ultimately it's not their fault, and it would become too much of a farce.
  14. Streamja - Simple video sharing Wolff is fuming, this could really mess up the Championship for a good few years. And I think it's pretty clear that the team that's gone over is Red Bull.
  15. Another big fat asterisk next to Max's title for last year then.
  16. With the Stone Roses he was actually great, the crowd tended to drown him out. But playing his solo stuff without a backing band is just asking for trouble.
  17. Saw them once with the Happy Mondaze, both were great.
  18. I really wouldn't rely on this being the case RoD, if your daughter wants to see them, 100% make sure she gets a ticket for the tour! I have no insider knowledge either, but I have actually heard the opposite, that there is a gap in their tour but that they're probably not playing Glasto next year. If I had to guess either way I'd say that they probably are playing given the gap, but I'm not certain on it, so please don't rely on it. Bands announce tours all the time with a gap that looks like it could fit Glasto in, and it turns out not to be the case, and there are probably 5 or 6 acts in the mix for those 3 headliner spots, so it's anyone's guess. Definitely don't listen to the Mail or the Sun, they get things wrong every year. That said, Glasto is never about who's playing. If your daughter manages to get tickets, she'll have the time of her life!
  19. Jimmy Glass on the Under the Cosh podcast is great. Talks about his whole career as well as this moment, funny guy (and extremely unlucky), highly recommended.
  20. Yep, his was the first City goal I ever saw at AG too. That was after witnessing 7 go the other way across various games that season first
  21. Based on some news I heard earlier, I'm 99% certain it's Arctic Monkeys.
  22. It's actually an interesting discussion regarding how those players compare to nowadays. For example, if you were somehow able to strip it all back so they all had the same diet, physio, support, etc across generations, is there an argument to be had that players of today would still be considerably better purely due to humans simply getting better? For example world records in Olympic sports being continually broken over the years, etc. Or could we put that down to simply better coaching / wider talent pool, etc? Either way, I do know it's a moot point, you can only play what's in front of you, but I'd be interested to know the opinions of people who may be more clued up than me scientifically.
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