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Everything posted by nebristolred

  1. I would just like to make it clear, Rovers probably did deserve it, I don’t want to detract from it. But personally I think Scunthorpe throwing it could be possible, though not necessarily likely.
  2. Shame we can't all be as cultured as Robboblue
  3. If my mate ever sent me that he'd be getting a slap.
  4. I don't think it's clutching at straws at all, it's genuinely quite possible, and they fielded a much, much weaker team. It's certainly suspicious. None of this (at least from me) detracts from Rovers going up. They can only play what's in front of them, and I doubt they were part of it, it's more at Scunthorpe.
  5. I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist and to be honest I don't really care about Rovers going up, I have a few sound sag mates, but it really is looking dodgier by the minute. What is it, 3 players over the age of 20 in that lineup? And a very convenient deal done in January? I hope this gets picked up a bit in the media but I doubt anything will come of it, it's not high profile enough, but I'd be fuming if I were a Northampton fan.
  6. 100% this tbh Sweet Caroline makes me cringe, especially the 'so good, so good...'. Three Lions is great.
  7. Can't remember what that is but that's fair enough, away fans having issues there does ring a bell.
  8. Proper bizarre behaviour from people disliking a club purely because they dare to do things differently. People whinge endlessly at veggies for moaning but then moan themselves the one time in their lives that they can't buy a fooking meat pie. I hope they go up and score so many goals against the sags that they can't fit it in on the scoreboard.
  9. They're very new to be fair to ya, great band. There are definitely a few fans around here.
  10. Biggest shock for me was big Arnie Garita on the bench! I'd forgotten about him!
  11. It does beg the question of whether we were too harsh on LJ on that front. You could always argue that a manager should have total control and his inability to question or go against it could be a criticism, but we've no idea of what the internal setup is/was like. The Watkins deal probably isn't as weird as it looks, didn't he play under LJ before? Szmodics also made sense, we needed someone else in that position to complement Paterson, but once we had him in then that makes the Palmer signing completely baffling, and his wages even more so. I'd be intrigued to see what the squad looked like at the time of the Man Utd/Wolves games, and whether this was before or during our transfer binge. If you throw a ton of mismatched players at any manager, it is going to breed disharmony and additional pressure. Perhaps LJ could have been better for us without a certain other person upstairs...
  12. I know most will barely notice if they have decent Internet, but I don't see how Sky Glass can technically output true 4K anyway on the current infrastructure we have.
  13. It's a bit naff in places and a bit over Americanised (if that's a thing!) but it's easy watching. Some funny bits in it.
  14. Huge fan ever since their first 2 songs came out, stupidly catchy. They're very much an Isle of Wight band but I'm fairly certain the singer used to live in Bristol and was at the Louisiana regularly.
  15. To be fair did he actually save that penalty? I swear it hit the post. Love the bloke though. I kinda get the ‘average’ sentiment even if I don’t necessarily quite agree. Out of all of our keepers he was clearly well above average but he wasn’t incredible, just a great bloke and a top influence on the club.
  16. Definitely. This probably sounds a bit harsh on Max, the guy is undoubtedly extremely talented. But he's not exactly got the best tools in life for being a decent person when your bosses are Christian Horner and Helmut Marko, and your dad is a man who once fractured a man's skull and assaulted 2 of his partners. It's no wonder that he's a bit of a jumped up tw*t.
  17. I'm not sure they will be - it depends on the fundamentals of their package and if it isn't working now, there's no reason to believe they will claw back any significant advantage any time soon. The power unit looks down on the others as well. That FIA report basically confirms a big fat asterisk next to Verstappen's title too. Not that it's Verstappen's fault at all, he was without doubt a worthy champion, but it shows what a balls up that race was. I'm not a fan of Verstappen, but at least he will almost certainly get another world title - it would be quite unfair on him if this turned out to be his only one, while being forever tainted.
  18. Turns out this was an absolute load of nonsense The Merc looks like it's all over the place.
  19. Seeing some reports that this new Mercedes concept could be worth as much as a second a lap. Drastically reduced drag so higher acceleration, etc, and very difficult for teams to copy it as they will have to wait until next year, if they can even make the engine package small enough to do it. Merc will be sandbagging enormously this weekend but we could end up in a situation where the title is a foregone conclusion already, if (and it's a big if) they have no reliability issues. They were porpoising somewhat in testing so it does remain to be seen. Interestingly I just listened again to an interview with Paddy Lowe, where he mentions a few years back when Merc were so far ahead of everyone else, they had to turn the engines down to stop their concept getting banned. They also overplayed their engine advantage to hide the fact that aerodynamically they were miles ahead of the rest of the pack. It almost makes it a shame that we never see the 'real' pace of some of these cars due to the fear of getting impacted by the rule makers. Of course, getting slightly ahead of ourselves here, it could all go wrong, but it is always exciting to see a completely new concept like this, it doesn't happen very often within the constraints of the rules these days.
  20. So no new player transfers, no new contracts, no merchandise sales, no new ticket sales (including away tickets!). If it goes on into next season they won't be allowed to sell ST's for then either. But they can sell food/drink.
  21. Absolutely mental new Mercedes for this year, you have to wonder if they’ve spotted something everyone else has missed. And it might be a new record amount of time for Horner to start whinging. Edit: turns out that Horner quote might be fake actually. I’ve no doubt something similar will pop up though.
  22. My old man has always gone on about this goal, he reckons he was directly behind the ball's travel as it went in. I've tried to find this for years and years, finally I get to see it. It was alright I suppose...
  23. So the FIA essentially acknowledge that they ****ed it.
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