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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Devine will stay in that position and Chumbawumba will play deeper. He always gets up again when he gets knocked down...
  2. How much of their success is down to him though?
  3. Best technical player is Scott. Easily
  4. Bookies are mostly rich because most people who bet place mug bets. Betting on the most likely outcome but at unfavourable odds. This means they tend to offer poor odds on certain outcomes (Man Utd winning anything for example) but that means that the less favoured outcomes (Luton 40/1) are overpriced. What strikes me about next years odds is a direct comparison between us and Stoke. Almost identical in terms of crowds , we finished above them in the league yet we're 40/1 & they're 20/1. Can only be explained by perception.
  5. I think Zac Vyner and Cam Pring would be more the type. Very good championship players at a good age. If they come straight back down they would be ready to challenge with a very similar squad to the one they had in the Premiership (Dyche's Burnley did this). Maybe 1 or 2 who did very well would get moves but that would give Luton a profit. Joe Bryan has had a go at that level and not really made it. They might sniff around Leeds, Leicester or Southampton for 1 or 2 with decent Premiership experience. I get the feeling they will stay up. They will probably have a few hammerings when they can't really cope with a top opponent playing well but when they are playing average to poor sides I can see them getting results.
  6. They're that price because the bookies think they will get a decent amount of interest at that price. They couldn't give a **** about their style of football - Luton just got promoted which just shows that the only thing that matters is how effective you are. If loads of people back them, their odds will shorten. If there is no interest, their odds will lengthen.
  7. It was wobbling the Dolman. In maybe 4 songs. It's more disconcerting at a concert as it carries on for 3 or 4 minutes. I was very impressed by them. As the article posted above says, they are trying to nail down stadium performances which is difficult when you're a traditional band with little gimmickry. It wobbled a bit (particularly 505) but that was more technical. Also helped that Alex Turner didn't witter on whilst off his tits which I've seen him do at Reading/Glastonbury. They should get more credit really. It is genuinely amazing how they appeal to so many young people. They are just about the only thing my 3 teenagers all like...
  8. Ah. That makes more sense. So they're about 16/1 for the title then?
  9. A ludicrous price. There is no way in this world they have a 20% chance of winning the league. More like 5%.
  10. Which street is that then?
  11. You could be right given the incompetence of those in charge. If they were smart they would look to create a franchise system sitting on top of club rugby where the clubs don't bankrupt themselves and are full of emerging English talent. That would provide a supply of players into the franchise league where they could play next to the likes of Charles Piatau. Some of these would then go off to international rugby whilst the others return to club rugby when the competition isn't being played.
  12. The Bard


    He'll be planning for when he gets his 3rd stint as Luton boss at some point next season..
  13. If he had Middlesborough or even West Brom after him it would make sense if he went there but we're talking about Blackburn and Swansea. Blackburn finished 10 points above us with a negative goal difference. Swansea 7 points. Blackburn have lost their source of goals, Swansea their manager. Both have smaller wage budgets and smaller crowds.
  14. He hasn't scored for 6 games and Wilson has scored 7 in the last 6. More utter rubbish aimed at Southgate. Didn't watch him play for Milan in Europe then?
  15. No. He's not good enough when you compare him to the other right backs
  16. Jebbison is miles better than Scarlett. Bizarre decision to favour him unless it was just to give him a start with Jebbison being 1st choice ongoing.
  17. Scott is head and shoulders above everyone else.
  18. I thought the old format was dull tbh. Loads of dead rubbers as only 3 of the 2nd place sides qualified. Rugby is very poor at organising itself. Leinster getting to the final was like a procession. All 4 knock out games at home, including the final. What a joke. His general point is well founded though. What's the common denominator between Gallagher Premiership and URC??? That's your answer to what is going on behind the scenes.
  19. Could it just be that the journos are reflecting the attitudes of supporters? There is a section of our support that is farcically critical. Everything is a disaster. We should have done this, should have done that. As you say, with that lot it is mostly delusion so the team were unlucky etc.
  20. That is exactly what the accent is
  21. Anyone getting Ward-Prowse for £25 million is stealing a player
  22. He is absolute dogshit. I've not seen him play well once. Leicester are in a perfect storm. Injured players coming back but clearly not really ready. Their best side is nowhere near relegation but they've not had it all season, have massively missed Schmeichel. Club has lost its way completely.
  23. Over 65 points. Aim for 75. Win games whilst playing poorly. Be more nasty
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