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BS4 on Tour...

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Everything posted by BS4 on Tour...

  1. ....like just about every team they've played against this season has been down to ten...
  2. What's the time? 5 past Roverzzzzz..... So, what was tonight's boycott all about? The weather again?!
  3. ....and they were gonna give Kevin Nugent 'loadsa abuse' for being a 'Ted' - hope he just smiled and gave them score updates...
  4. No, surely not - they are universally adored whilst everyone hates the 'Teds' because of their 'unique' kit and the hardships they've had to bear which 'no other club has gone through'....
  5. Now they're down to ten men having made three substitutions already and now the double-barrelled one from Chelsea is off injured!
  6. Don't forget the new canopy over the hospitality entrance....
  7. "Bristol City, we're coming for you.." #TickTock 16 years and counting....
  8. Apologies chief - of course there are City fans everywhere!
  9. Where's the clown who said you sold out EVERY away allocation in the conference and your home crowds are never less than 90% of your capacity?! Or was it you?! It ain't difficult to laugh Flea.....such ridiculous claims provide superb hilarity and bring a smile to many a South Bristolian..... And while I'm here, we do laugh even more when you apparently call us the "massive club" on your forums - I've never ever ever heard a City fan (I believe you refer to us as 'Teds'?!) call us massive or think we are a massive club. Your delusions to comfort yourselves are actually quite endearing.....
  10. You didn't take anywhere near 3,000 to Brum, over 600 less than that. Anyway, we took 5,283 to West Brom when we last played them away....same sort of distance....what's your point?
  11. Fair play! They love the victim tag! Sooooo hard done by! But with a billionaire owner now surely they can be more bullish and move on from sulking about the failure of the Checkatrade Trophy?!
  12. More hilarity on Gas Chat....suggesting they sue 'sh*thead Scudamore and the FA' for the failure of the Checkatrade trophy competition.... Isn't he the chairman of the Premier League and therefore not responsible for the FA or the FL?! How thick are they??!!!
  13. Or it could have been another of their famous boycotts?!
  14. Wasn't the true figure 24,000?! 'Loyal and true'.....
  15. Will that fine be billionaire Wally's biggest expenditure so far? Or was the new canopy over the hospitality entrance more than £3k? Or maybe their mega professional stall at the UWE freshers' fair came to more than three grand?! Or was the new tent a tad over £3,000?! Who knows?!!!!!!
  16. "...the crowd looked higher than the published crowd..." - a bit like their away following at Millwall looked lower than the published figure?! They can't have it both ways but always feel the need to manipulate any sort of figures/stats regarding attendances to make themselves feel better - still makes I laugh!!
  17. Even if we did - how many do you think we would get for a last ever game at Ashton Gate if we were to leave it one day? More than 4k? I think so...
  18. ALWAYS worth repeating....less than 4,000 of the the 'loyal and true' fans turned up at their last ever game at their spiritual home...less than 4,000....yep, less than 4,000 turned out to see their heroes in the unique kit representing a club that is 'universally adored whilst all fans of other clubs despise Bristol City but love the Roverzzz...' We could start with fans of Wycombe to get their opinion and move on from there, but life is too short...let em think they are far superior to us in every way, unfortunately the real world has a habit of slapping you in the face and making you face up to reality...and the reality as I see it is that they are floundering in the lower divisions whilst hilariously thinking they now have a zillionnaire owner who will propel them upwards at a rate of knots. Now, call me old fashioned, but if you had a zillion pounds and wanted to invest in an English football club, would you chase after FIRST CHOICE Gillingham and SECOND CHOICE Gas? Or would you align your ambitions with your wealth...?! It is so great being in a two club City - every time I really need to laugh, they give me that opportunity...how unselfish are they?! Oh, and not sure whether I mentioned it, but they got less than 4,000 for their last ever game at their spiritual home!!!
  19. Absolutely typical! They're the best fans in the world until it rains.....
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