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Mr Popodopolous

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Everything posted by Mr Popodopolous

  1. That was quite local to them as well Stockport- how many do they usually bring down here? Granted optimism of a new season, opening day opening game etc. Not done it even since 2019 iirc v Derby. I could be wrong.
  2. More in the here and now, the accounts for Sheffield Wednesday are due out today.
  3. I'd say so. There does seem to be an odd confidence and lack of urgency about Cardiff and FFP however as a club. One of their local journos said club sources implied they were well within. Of course I suppose they might not be keen to feed local journos negativity. The loophole that Reading sought to utilise in terms of sale of Intangible Assets owning Tangible Assets also seems to have been shut.
  4. Having had a quick read of the FFP regs, the £39m limit has not changed at all despite what some Cardiff fans like to claim! Equity takes back up to £39m or such limits that may apply via yoyoing but there is no reference to equity or debt write offs increasing limits. £39m if us, if Champ-PL-Champ £61m etc. Call-in review eh. I wonder if this means that In-Season Projected Breaches can be referred in real time at last!!
  5. https://efl.com/governance/financial-regulation Looks like the Regulations are continuing to develop, it looks new this. Will read it properly later. EFL 2023-24 Regulations out too. https://efl.com/governance/regulations
  6. Sunderland brought a fair amount, Atyeo holds 4.2k out of 27k so the home areas maybe pretty well attended.
  7. Ironically the new rules may well allow for it, the next club may not be so lucky given the bringing forward of Accounts to the PL deadline.
  8. Agreed. This verdict will be a year and half after the period in question, the case itself a rough timeline is: *Accounting period ending summer 2022 ie 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 combined average and 2021-22 Given present submissions and future monitoring it seems mad thst it took until late March 2023 for a charge to be brought. I would argue they should have been charged for the huge losses to 2021 but if not then summer 2022 when the Projections updated- saw it in the EFL with Birmingham, Reading the real-time element. Everton wise. The precedent would be some kind of referral in August, September 2022- otherwise they should not if there was doubt have been allowed to add players for fees in the market. Derby to an extent but not so much, Sheffield Wednesday was botched by the EFL even if the correct outcome arose in the end.
  9. I'm sure clubs will continue to try to lowball a bit. It's not an uncommon tactic especially if the player isn't playing in the PL or one of a few other top clubs or divisions in Europe. Seems to be a certain confidence among a few on Bournemouth forum that they can negotiate downwards.
  10. Perhaps both will be accurate. Wolves will make a third and final offer but it will fall short of £25m Or they may offer a loan to buy or a lower fee plus part exchange.
  11. We went into hardline cutbacks in summer 2021 and these begun then, Nottingham Forest sacked Hughton, hired Cooper, and their baseline wage bill didn't fall, rose a bit actually. I'm not at all convinced they were within the 3 year limit to 2022. The 3rd year Covid loss which was a nonsense maybe tipped the balance. For context they not unreasonably argued that they lost about £8m in 2019-20 and the same again in 2020-21. They then Projected a Covid loss of £12m or so in 2021-22 when there were zero restrictions! Bit of impact sure but not 50 pct higher than the 2 genuine Covid seasons.. They sold nobody of note, apart from the Carvalho to Olympiakos which was a likely couple of million profit.
  12. https://www.therandompundit.com/post/are-forest-digging-themselves-into-a-financial-hole-ffp-analysis This could be interesting. About to read it. Hmm?? If Year 1 was an £18.7m loss for FFP they FAILED. Failed. To 2022. Pre-tax position and remember Covid years aggregated and halved, some of the Covid add-backs. £39m limit. 2018-19..-£25m 2019-20..-£22m 2020-21..-£22m Obviously debt write offs in the Profit and Loss account don't offset FFP or actual losses. Think there was one or two in that period of £5m but disregarding this. 2021-22..-£47m Think their starting point prior to deductions was £94m in losses. Clearly-£20.9m but their third year Covid number projected was very dubious. £12m in 2021-22??
  13. Agreed. The last time we tried to cut costs while remaining afloat and the FFP issue was less acute then we steadily declined, before finishing bottom. By a distance! On top of that, NP has blooded lots of young players and has been tactically flexible.
  14. Been otherwise engaged this weekend but found snippets online. Sounds encouraging. No knocks I hope, that is key. The changes shows the depth and didn't seem albeit text commentary via Twitter only like we were too stretched even when younger players came on?
  15. Edit. Not really too relevant to it tbh.
  16. How long does Lavia have on his contract? I expect Lavia, Liverpool will try and lever that price down from £50m too.
  17. From the fans certainly. From the club? Think we've been a bit slow but now we are improving ie the AG8 will be an annual event. The marking of the 1998 promotion team v Watford back in November.
  18. I mean I did suspect that many PL clubs would deem him overpriced. Clearly an element of higher and lower, no problem he'll stay another year or at least we will see come January if he's doing really well or if we're bottom third say.
  19. Ideally my view and finances or worries or a bloated squad can get in the way. Baker, Kalas we think and Klose gone (Moore and Low I can discount as not in first team contention). Dickie in. Feels one light to me, especially as injuries and suspensions occur over a season. As we know Atkinson is out for a few months still. We could use the young players in thst position as a combination for 4th CB but I'm unsure. Naismith and Roberts can play it, maybe even McCrorie and to a lesser extent Tanner and Pring but this is very much shoe-horning in some cases.
  20. Was partially tongue in cheek given how things have a tendency to go against us. Lack of penalties plus some of the other officiating was scandalous last season. I digress, my- not entirely serious- thinking was that a goal down and behind the game they make it bitty, niggly and time added on as a result. That fatigue can certainly kick in and make it a bit more of a lottery if only a goal up. Aspect of a holding tactic too, staying within the game. Perhaps the opposition will get frustrated and get a cheap 2nd booking or red card.
  21. In other words, Everton got lucky that their case wasn't heard in 2022-23 as it should have been. This rule specifically appears to mitigate against that happening again. If they could between them bring forward some kinda rule whereby points can he docked there and then off basis of 3rd year forecast and 2 year actual, then appeal or maybe have the deduction pending ready to be removed if put right by end of May/June. That would be great.
  22. In respect of PL Profit and Sustainability I found this interesting as far as a new addition goes. Up to the EFL to keep up with this bit, not fully read it myself yet.
  23. Think they're okay although it's hard to tell. They lost £40 odd million before tax in 2021-22 iirc but this will have included a £40-45m survival bonus. Phillips and Raphinia the following year will have generated a large profit but at the same time, players were added, managers came and went which adds cost base. The £40-45m survival bonus was not.applixaboe to 2022-23 as, well they did not survive so that surely all things being equal sees £40-45m of Operating costs disappear. Whether Survival Bonuses would count against FFP anyway I really am unsure- they definitely should. Like Leicester and Southampton they're on the £83m but surely coming down with less accumulated losses than Leicester e.g.
  24. The overpriced thesis has been reported in various circles and would explain plenty. Yes agree with Darragh, we will not be bounced into letting Scott go on the cheap this summer.
  25. The idea that SL makes money out of the Bristol Sport, AGL etc venture seems crazy to me. To mainly echo EA, as and when he sells up there may well be a large amount but until such time as he does sell up and there are ways. He could sell the sport, keep and rent the facilities- money flowing back both at point of sale and over time while keep f all of the non matchday events revenue thst would take some time however. I know someone who was adamant he was, but they came up with little evidence when I suggested they analyse the accounts over time. You may be able to claw back a bit via headline losses but thst is merely reduction of losses a bit, not breakeven let alone gain.
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