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Mr Popodopolous

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Everything posted by Mr Popodopolous

  1. If a move is imminent then why play him in pre-season friendlies? Risking a £25m asset in games that don't mean much at all to the future of Scott. For us too, in a sense if a move is imminent why play him in games in which we will soon have to replace. I don't doubt that a move could be imminent and a leaving out wouldn't be borne out if petulance or anything but trying to think of the economic or even team building rationale for playing him in Behind Closed Doors Pre-season friendlies in that context.
  2. Not West Brom no. Financial problems. Hard to say what's happening with Norwich and Watford they are maybe cutting cloth a bit and in Watford's case are they a bit rudderless? Southampton have yet to sell players but sell they surely will and I don't especially rate Martin. Leicester look excellent yes, but no guarantees and more trading still to do. Leeds have had a fairly disjointed pre-season with the takeover dragging. Think they too, well think they'd have been a bit better served by Corberan. I don't believe in our top two chances particularly but some of these may appear stronger than they are in reality.
  3. Thanks, that's a relief. Injuries have dragged or been mishandled here under the old regime, hopefully this will be on point.
  4. The only problem I have with the top 2 dream is the whacking great odds against. We are doing a lot right and more still can go right if we get less injuries and a fairer crack from officials but once you boil down Parachute v Non Parachute sides in the last 8 seasons who have finished in the top 2 we have a mountain to climb. The last side to finish top 2 without Parachute Payments was the superb Leeds side of Bielsa in 2019-20. Midtable to playoff hopefuls is one thing, midtable to top two contenders is well. Checked really quickly: 10/16..across 56 sides with Parachute Payments across the piece. 6/16..across 136 without. 10/56=17.857% 6/136=4.41% Or about 4.05 times more likely.
  5. A small query. Is McCrorie available or soon to he available then? I know he didn't feature yesterday, no issue there I hope.
  6. Fair. Hopefully if/or more likely when he goes we will get a fair price.
  7. Well yes, hardly a great leap to proclaim that he will be off to a richer or higher ranked club in PL if the correct offer arrives. Question is, when, to whom and if so will we get our preferred price.
  8. January 2020? I certainly remember him being sent somewhere. From a medium to high line perspective, Moore-Kalas-Benkovic could have been consistent tactically IMO.
  9. Percy. Although a quoted Tweet, not a direct one. Therefore this mythical third bid this summer that some Wolves fans bang on about may well not have occurred. Let alone one that meets our valuation. From the bottom of the article https://archive.is/2023.07.23-160849/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2023/07/23/fulham-transfer-news-marco-silva-saudi-raul-jimenez-wolves/
  10. Although an alternative theory is that they are dangling the prospect of move out there but not willing to hit £25m..seeing who blinks first etc.. Some Wolves fans seem convinced that they've put in a bid that meets our requirements but where they're getting that from who knows.
  11. I assume if this guy is going to Genoa he would be cheaper than Scott. Few possibilities at play here. Assuming broadly accurate of course. 1) Wolves truly got themselves into a huge FFP mess and are walking some sort of line maybe PL agreement to avoid falling foul. I dunno but this guy was or would be cheaper than Scott I expect. 2) Scott is deemed a higher priority so they're holding off on a striker for now. 3) Smokescreen for FOSUN not wishing to run at a loss or at least to make Wolves as self-sufficient as possible. 4) Political considerations in China, mean maybe FOSUN preparing the ground for a sale. 5) Cash flow issues, they recently had a Government loan of £99m after all! 6) Like point 7 but for commercial rather than political reasons. Although the 2 overlap in China. 6) Futureproofing to leave Wolves as self-sufficient as possible in case Chinese Government do something which incurs sanctions.
  12. Preston seem to and location will help a lot, periodically loan a lot of players from the big 4 North West clubs around them despite a pretty moderate income. 40-50 pct of ours.
  13. Had he not been loaned out January 2020 could that have helped him? He was best suited to a back 3, part of a back 4 not so much IMO. Good luck to him anyway.
  14. Can never say never, someone on a forum may have sources or hear snippets which is why I'm reticent to rule it out 100 pct instantly but would've thought if any do have sources they would be closer to the Wolves perspective than Alex or us. Massive professionalism on the part of us, Alex and though I know little about him agent yeah agree. I suppose the bulk of alleged ITK on forums will be nonsense yeah. Hopefully Alex and his agent will continue to block out the noise until such time as an acceptable bid arises.
  15. Yeah lots of salt needed, there are two Wolves forums so a different one I assume ha. Nothing really we as fans can do about it I guess except trust the club to get the best possible deal and trust Scott to continue to behave with top professionalism.
  16. Wolves fans still seem a bit arrogant I must say. I digress, some on their forums think or the theory still persists with a few that they have put in an acceptable bid but that we are holding out for a bidding war or similar. Seen it suggested but take with lots of salt that he maybe submitting a transfer request soon- someone says they have been told that it's highly likely.
  17. May depend on exactly what condition he is in fitness wise, morale wise etc. I'm sure he'd give it his all for France. Seems Enrique may not agree with the hardline stance...ha could be interesting to be a fly on the wall there.
  18. Possibly a game of Poker or chicken ongoing at PSG regarding Mbappe. Claimed that they are willing to bench him for the season if he neither extends or agrees a sale.
  19. I do a little yes! ? Nah just a little hope/straw to clutch at in terms of whether they're under special measured of any kind- definitely would boost our chances a bit then.. Probably routine as you say but most clubs don't state it. I do wonder if there could be some kind of EFL oversight or monitoring there.
  20. Just one point on top 2 and Leicester in particular. Should we read anything into varied signings having the disclaimer "Subject to League/EFL Approval". Is there a potential issue with registration of some or all? If so that would be a blow..
  21. As for pre-season little conflicted. One actual home game would be god, however the level will step up a bit over the next week with away games v Cheltenham and Portsmouth.
  22. We also played Wolves if memory serves in 2009. Maynard scored an impressive goal, a sign of things to come as he scored a host of them in 2009-10. Ajax as well that pre-season, didn't go so well thst. 4-0 but a bit of a showcase game for sure. Wasn't Suarez playing that evening too?
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