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Posts posted by cityloyal473

  1. 4 minutes ago, 2015 said:

    Surely this idiot loses his job? And predictably I bet there are some Gas defending him

    Innocent until proven guilty I suppose.  

    Rovers should have suspended him though.

    They probably have one eye on sacking him and then him being released without charge or found not guilty should it gets to court.  Fine line they have to tread.  And there's a threat of wrongful dismissal, compensation etc. 


    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, bert tann said:

    Club President, Wael Al Qadi,  gives an update to supporters on plans and ambitions for next season in his latest Open Letter.

    'Dear Gasheads

    "Our fans are truly our 12th man and are an integral part of our success. From the Manager to the players, they all say the atmosphere inside a packed out Mem is very special."


    The delusion runs from top to bottom.  

    The fans are an integral part of their success? Huh.  

    I'd wager that none of the squad have played in front of a "packed out Mem".

    In the past year they've had four managers and have been relegated by a country mile.

    Deluded.  But he knows how to press their buttons.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Ska Junkie said:

    Their problem is that the vast majority of youngsters are choosing City over the sags. I wish it were more but that's a fact.

    I'm not sure their support can recover as they've pretty much lost a generation to us, apart from a small %.

    Great for us though.

    The age divide has been apparent for ages.  We have supporters split across the ages.  There is predominantly older. 

    Next time there is shots of each others crowds in the paper, online etc., check it out.  You'll notice it. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, CyderInACan said:

    This is just ridiculous. This season we scored just 6 more goals than the gas and conceded just 2 goals less. To "celebrate" their relegation is maybe worth a slight chuckle but let's not kid ourselves, this could have quite easily been us going down. 

    Yes, they're rubbish. But we're only ever so slightly less rubbish. This is tinpot. 

    Quite. That's supposed to be grown men in that picture.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Bristol Rob said:

    Saw another tweet from the Fewers saying that 10% of people eligible to renew their season tickets had done so on day 1.

    Which might sound impressive, except for a few things.

    1 - most people would have been paid shortly before they put their tickets on sale.

    2 - It's quite easy to hide behind a percentage to either tell a positive or negative story (Covid deaths JUMP 10% figures show, but when you scratch away at the story beyond the headline, the actual figure could be very low) 

    3 - With their North Korean secrecy around just how many STs they shift each season, it's the most pointless update - assuming they sell 5,000 season tickets in the average season, 10% is hardly going to have their ticket office claiming overtime.

    4 - They all smell of wee. 

    I think with the division Barton brings, the relegation and recruitment issues they've got, they could struggle to shift a great number. I'm not convinced we'll be selling a huge number of 'new' season tickets ourselves, but at least we're in a division where there is a product worth seeing. 

    So possibly 400 tickets sold on day one? Massive.

  6. 1 hour ago, Lew-T said:

    What stadium is he referring to?


    They will lap this sh!t up.  He's not attended any games with Slag fans present yet has managed to inform an opinion that they're World Beaters.  He plays to the crowd as a way of hiding his own deficiencies.  

  7. Good to see the majority of slags are still backing ‘JB’.

    He’ll take them down, no doubt about it. Then he’ll get free reign over the summer to ‘make’ his own squad and they’ll be equally shite next season.

    They’ll get rid after ten games. Wally will appoint another ‘saviour’ and they’ll lap up his ‘huge club’ ‘massive fan base ‘  ‘this city is ours’ speech. And we go again. 

    All the while Wally will be seen as some football genius until the next manager goes and the cycle repeats itself. 

    Wally is the problem.   

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, GrahamC said:

    This is exactly the narrative Barton is after, isn’t it?

    The Post article last week uncritically (of him) implied the same thing.Fact is he took over a side with 18 games left that weren’t in the bottom 4 at the time & have a top half wage bill in their league.

    He is simply getting his excuses in early if they go down, the standard is really poor & if he was a tenth as good as he thinks he is, he would certainly keep them up.

    They are rubbish but their rivals are Rochdale, Wigan (who had to play their youth team for a while), Wimbledon, Northampton, I mean, seriously?

    Bingo.  He and the gullible sags may believe his own hype, but performances and current position tell a different story.  He's looking to get sacked I reckon. 

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