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Posts posted by cityloyal473

  1. 52 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Not really....having to react quickly to Johnsin’s desire to be popular by announcing relaxing of some lockdown aspects (on Monday) in Parliament yesterday.  And then leaking to the press to whip everyone up ahead of a dry / sunny bank holiday weekend.  And then Raab having to back pedal today.  Johnson is dangerously irresponsible.  As for Sturgeon, I’m no great fan, but she isn’t gambling with our lives like Johnson is.  If they are really worried about grandstanding, why not schedule press briefings at the same time.

    Your last sentence says it all and that's why I said Sturgeon is a grandstanding idiot. Throughout she's tried to act like Scotland is some world superpower. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, daored said:

    PFA are reporting that halves may be less than 45 minutes;

    “We don't know the future. What we do know is what propositions have been put, what ideas have been put, the possibility of having more substitutes, games possibly not being the full 45 minutes each way.”

    As each day goes by this becomes more and more ridiculous - certain Clubs want home & away games to endure sporting integrity - we’ll do away with relegation - oh ok doesn't matter about the integrity now. 

    Each day this gets more and more desperate

    Desperate - you've hit the nail on the head there. 


  3. 1 hour ago, And Its Smith said:

    Glad you put lockdown in quotation marks (I didn’t !) as this is not a true lockdown. Wonder if they will regret calling it a lockdown if it has to get harsher and actually become one .

    I don't think it was ever intended to be a 'lockdown'. And secretly I think they've been unimpressed with the extent it's been observed. The media forced the government into doing something that I don't believe they really believed in. Herd immunity was their goal (and still is) hence a pretty weak lockdown.

    • Hmmm 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Super said:

    I do think if this "lockdown" goes until the end of May which looks likely people are going to start to flout the rules. They have to relax a few things.

    The government is going to have to be very careful deciding when to end the lockdown; get this wrong and it could end up being one step forwards, one hundred steps back.  I get the impression that the feeling amongst the public is we are getting to the end of our tether so do something, anything to give us hope.  Dangerous, dangerous time for the government.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, milo1111 said:

    We’re all different mate. It won’t be as good as what we are used to but i would rather that than nothing at all. Yes, it would raise my morale for sure. There will be plenty of people who agree with you and plenty who agree with me. But my point is valid in that if every other profession is back at work then why shouldn’t sportspeople be as well. 

    Fair enough. 

    But it seems to me that there is no need to rush back football, yet many seem to want to do that.  Other professions mostly provide a useful service; football, at the end of the day, is just a source of entertainment. I'd argue that reopening a hairdressers or getting Mc-bloody-Donalds open, is a higher concern than getting football going again. 

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, milo1111 said:

    Sport is needed to lift morale though. If in  a few months time most other professions are back at work why should sport be any different as long as it’s behind closed doors with plenty of testing carried out? You simply can’t stop the world from turning completely for 18 months or however long it takes to get a vaccine.

    The high risk category folks need to be shielded but the rest of us will have to start living semi normal lives again. 

    Is watching twenty two blokes kick a ball around an empty stadium, making it more akin to a training match, really be of interest to people and raise their morale? Won't be to me, that's for sure. I find the idea putting me off football to be honest. Every game will feel and look like after the lord mayors show.

    • Like 1
  7. 48 minutes ago, Moments of Pleasure said:

    Put simply, the (entire) Muller Road end was not always room enough for us, while two of the three parts of the Park End always seemed to accommodate them ok. And sometimes, just the one.

    Quite. They go on about their amazing away support, but on a couple of occasions in the early to mid 90s they failed to sell their allocations for games at AG. Bunch of absolute whoppers. 

  8. 19 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    Gaschat still makes for hilarious reading.

    Somehow, their supporters managed to sign up to what appears to be the worst deal in history, where they have lumped in over a million quid and have only a 3% equity share.

    Someone has even said that at some point, they agreed to diluting their holding.

    Complete bunch of jokers.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    IF, and although this is obviously hypothetical it suddenly doesn't seem so far fetched, football & society  is devastated by this virus, with thousands of deaths and dozens of clubs  Rovers being one of them, go to the wall. If then City survive and the league is reformed into a much smaller number of clubs, what would you think if Lansdown announced a proposal to merge the clubs, call them Bristol United , play in red and blue etc, and he is doing it purely as a gesture to bring people together after a catastrophic period of history, what would you think?

    I'm not trying to be flippant about the current awful situation and I really don't think the outcome will be as bad as the picture I have painted, but I am really interested in genuine answers.

    There has been a lot of talk that this virus could bring everyone together and that we will all learn a lesson from this in many other areas of life, but would this be a step too far for you?



    Bit early to start drinking paint stripper isn't it?

    • Haha 11
  10. 58 minutes ago, Eddie Hitler said:

    I absolutely agree.

    However I detect a new tenor in the communication from Wael that gas fans seem to be missing.

    Following the death of their father this year the family wealth and control of same has been redistributed. Wael will be richer in his own right.

    I go along with the takeover being a land deal that went wrong but what Wael is now saying is that he's going to keep underwriting the losses and trying to improve it.

    Whether he has sufficiently deep pockets to keep losing £3m a year is another matter but for the short to medium term this looks to be the case.

    I'm surprised by the gloom and doom amongst the fewers tbh.

    Perhaps Wael feels slightly bullish now that he's sailing alone.  Problem is, as the saying in Texas goes, he's all hat and no cattle. 

    • Haha 6
  11. 1 hour ago, Swede said:

    The debt amounting is internal debt so doesn't affect the day-to-day running of the club, and my commitment to the club and its long-term aims remains as strong as ever.

    I think he's got that wrong. "Internal debt" IS the day to day running costs. I would say "external debt" (using his terminology) would be the UWE facility that the university agreed to proceed on, or new training ground he's building, or the various planning applications and studies he's carried out, or the re build of the memorial ground stand by stand he's currently undertaking. All of which are tied up in confidentiality agreements so unfortunately he can't talk about them.

    Their day to day running costs are completely unsustainable without continually propping up with new investment and he can't keep borrowing on the only asset they have which is the run down stadium.

    Pot and pi55 in comes to mind


    I think he means that the 'internal debt' is owed to himself so is not (hehehe) a problem. Even so, shaky use of language with someone whose family had supposedly made their money from banking.  You'd think he'd be a little more financial savvy in his speak. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Red Army 75 said:

    Couple of remarks from asschat

    Because rest assured, this club is on the edge of oblivion. 

    Even genuine City fans sympathise with us at the moment with the people running our club

    Um I don’t think we do 


    I don't. Sooner they go bust the better.  The only ones I would feel sorry for would be the staff who would lose out. 

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  13. 3 minutes ago, mozo said:

    Yeah something that happened weeks prior.

    Nope. Try again. I'll help you out: a precedent is related to historical terms.  Two weeks is not historical. If City won on the 1st of March, drew on the 8th of March, won a midweek game on the 11th,  and lost on the 15th, what is the historical precedence?  I'll not stay up all night waiting for your answer. 

    • Hmmm 1
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