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Everything posted by RedRaw

  1. That was the Meade king llp south west “stand” in the other corner
  2. Let’s just break that down..... history.....none to speak of, a perennial lower league club silverware......league one title over 30 years ago recent history.....a non league club not long ago and two promotions to get to the bottom half of league one stadium.....accepted, even by most of their own fans, as one of the worst grounds in the country facilities......none. No proper training facilities, currently training in a park support.....regardless of their own delusion, have only hit over 10,000 a handful of times in decades. Currently averaging about 8,000 ownership..... fake sheik who has little to no available money to invest, losing thousands every week, only asset tied in to club debt Potential.......trying to compete with a city rival that is an established championship club pushing for the prem, owned by a “real” billionaire fan who has provided a 27,000 stadium, good performing academy, soon to be prem standard trading facilities, sanctioning multi-million pound transfers in conjunction with record season ticket sales and home attendances of nearly 22,000 So Mr Davies.....please feel free to qualify your statement of “the size of the club”
  3. Can you see where I'm going with this......? ?
  4. EP reporting that Rovers have lost their front of shirt sponsor, Football Index, for 2019/2020. "As it is, they have now opted to sponsor Nottingham Forest, and Neil Kelly, CEO of Football Index's parent company BetIndex, was pleased to confirm the deal. He said: “We’re thrilled to have Football Index front and centre on the new Nottingham Forest kit - a club steeped in history with an expansive and proud fanbase." Unlike the rabble you were sponsoring last season clearly?
  5. More like this if their video was anything to go by........
  6. That’s right. I always assumed he meant Dave, Barry and Nigel from fat club had turned up...
  7. "Bristol Rovers accounts published & show the club lost over £65,000 a week last season from day to day operations" What?? No! Surely keeping a ramshackle ground mainly made of tents up together for a game every other week doesn't cost a lot? "Bristol Rovers existence depends on continued support from parent company Dwane Sports based in the tax haven that is Jersey" What?? No! Surely its only the 'teds that are tax dodgers "Main reason for in Bristol Rovers income is 12% fall in matchday receipts" What?? No! Surely the bestest most loyal fans in the world are turning up in numbers and spending all their benefits on matchdays?
  8. SL was right.....Mark Ashton really can sell sand to the Arabs!
  9. They are the football club equivalent of when you are having an argument with someone and you tell them to shut-up, the best they can come back with is...."no, you shut-up". They don't appear to be able to come up with anything original other than embarrassing themselves by either copying us or making videos that referenceus.....desperate and obsessed. There happens to be one of those posters right outside my office......anybody fancy making up a few big stickers
  10. “We enlisted the help of a song writer ( Bryan Murphy from Wigan) who wrote the words and put them to the tune of 'She'll be coming round the mountain' (because it is a traditional song to which no royalties would have to be paid).” “The record was produced and was popular for a time and some income was produced for the football club. No-one received any fee from the venture including Rod Hull.” why am I not the slightest bit surprised by these statements.....they are nothing but consistent.
  11. Wael al qadi, with the administrators, in Jordan
  12. “Could Clarke-Harris be the next Rovers player to make it to the Premier League, following in the footsteps of Rickie Lambert? Only time will tell.” Dear oh dear......Maybe someone should advise the sag reporter in the EP that fatty lambert was a Southampton player for 3 years before he made it to the prem.
  13. Christ, twerp in the light blue hoody.......I think we have found Lloyd Christmas's love child
  14. When you want a TV but get shithousery thats Steve Lansdown
  15. When you sister shouts "SON" 'Cus she's really your mum That's the Rovers When you brother's so cool but he's really un-cle That's the Rovers
  16. wheeeeeeeere horses are punched and expired pasties are munched......(pause for effect).........WOW.........that's Bristol Rovers
  17. Wow.....what are the odds! That share price graph mirroring rovers form over the past 30 years
  18. I dunno about any of that but someone doesn't appear to be happy with him...... ?
  19. Yep, one big...very special, 'family'........................ (Walks away whistling the addams family theme tune)
  20. Dear oh dear....it gets worse......comments on SL ”I now try, very hard, not to feel hatred for anyone and because it changes nothing but makes me ill. In his case though, I make an exception as he has shown not just a venomous side but it’s patently obvious he truly wants us gone. The ? wouldn’t know what to do if we ceased to exist. I never cease to be further shocked by their obsession with us & even when they are doing well. I wonder if he understands that he would not get a seachange of support, not from us older lot anyway ? He will, however, continue to have a clear run at the younger support. ? fans would do well to understand that this is a fickle man and, having turned coat on us, you just could never be certain of his continued backing.” Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/8045/academy-rumour?page=1#ixzz5fpiayd6Z
  21. Semi-final draw is not regional, just a straight draw of 4 teams to play 1 game .....winners go to Wembley https://www.sunderlandecho.com/sport/football/sunderland-afc/checkatrade-trophy-sunderland-s-potential-semi-final-opponents-plus-details-of-prize-money-and-dates-1-9552525
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