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Everything posted by RedRaw

  1. You'll never win again........very apt
  2. Even more reason to hate the corrupt p****
  3. By the 1/4 and 3/4's you obviously meant.......
  4. Especially on a protected war memorial.......
  5. It's almost as if he could be a member of the Merchant Venturers.......although I think most people will agree he is no more than a member and a Merchant Banker
  6. Funny that.....he always appears to know what's going with the council on anything city related but is clearly oblivious to anything to do with the sags. Surely if he had an inside line, he would have been given a heads-up about this latest little nugget. So who do we believe.....a sad, despicable, compulsive liar who has even been 'outed' by fellow sags or a professional, financially secure organisation who have spent the last two years in consultation and pre-planning meetings with the council to ensure all potential obstacles and issues are understood and mitigating plans put in place.........we are building on a brownfield site and also have the carrot of building much needed housing on the Ashton vale and arena sites. There will no doubt be "issues" raised along environmental and transport but nothing that we wont already be aware of. Clearly something that is totally alien to the clowns at Horfield
  7. Wondered how long it would take.....always the victim eh? Three scenarios: 1. Rovers have jumped the gun on installing the 2 stands because anyone that has dealt with previous planning permission has left the club. 2. Some sh1thead in the Council Planning Department is causing mischief. 3. No f@*£er in either organisation has a clue what is going on.
  8. And here’s some nuggets from the melts on arsechat from the last few days........ “I just hope that whatever is true and whatever happens, that our club is well looked after. I would hate to see us in a Bolton situation. We have too much history for it to be disrespected and mishandled again.” “We call them plastic because they're a franchise, rather than Bristol City - they're the same as MK Dons in my eyes.”......... “Do you understand what a franchise is ? Its the dumb use of that word by gas fans to describe the sh** that is food and drink to those Knobs. We are more of a franchise than them, moving from one town to another and then back again like an NFL team.. or MK Dons.”....... “Actually I have a degree in business - so thanks for your concern. As you clearly took my tongue in cheek comment seriously, I do worry that actually it is yourself who doesn’t understand the concept. By your definition, anyone who moves House is a francshise.” “ I would probably feel different if I supported Accrington who have arguably reached the peak of what they can achieve. But when this club can take approx 40,000 to Wembley for the league 2 play off to meekly accept that we are going to forever be a tinpot lower league club bouncing between the conference and, at best, league one because our owners have no money and no ambition is very very galling and makes me wonder what future the club has.” “Gas365 is exactly right. I was there when we filled half of Wembley” “Anyone else here not actually in love with the UWE stadium? Sure, I'd love to have it compared to what we have now, but as a new stadium its pretty generic & boring.It's pretty much the same as Doncaster Rovers”
  9. Exactly what I thought. They are replacing about 14 steps of terrace with about 8 rows of seats with restricted views. Another commercial masterstroke.
  10. To be fair Rob, those thermal tents don't have hold the heat....
  11. Google is telling me he is a chartered accountant who is also CEO of Plymouth Argyle Heritage Archive? Clearly in need of a better bean counter as whoever has been doing it has royally fudged up
  12. I particularly liked this bit..... "I disagree a bit about this. If you think why you yourself are a GasHead, is it anything to do with free will or choice? Did you consciously choose blue over red after carefully considering both options and even exploring? Of course not! Few actually do. Rovers choose you.. (By geography, pier pressure or in my case I was conditioned and groomed by a family member in pre pubescent era)" Aside from the fact the guy appears to be from WSM, there's a definite case for contacting social services for historic abuse.......forget the sexual connotations, making the lad watch the gas deserves time inside!
  13. Wow......the mushrooms have been fed even more bull?.....how more non-committal could Wael be? clearly hani and the family are not fully committed to his “project”.....to paraphrase “we own 92% of the club and if the 8% aren’t prepared to invest, why should we” Comical!
  14. Not surprised.......they interrupted his marine corps training
  15. or in rovers case permanently temporary
  16. Maybe that's what's caused this complete shambles. When they were told that SAG have to inspect the "construction" to provide a safety certificate, they thought they could send any old bull5hitting, knuckle-dragging sag round.....they probably booked Henburygas
  17. Aren't all Bristol Rovers related accounts? ?
  18. FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS PLUS for a season ticket......no wonder they haven't sold many
  19. I'm not sure the timelines of that plan will work. They are rumoured to have to leave their current training pitch by July 2019 and I really don't believe we will have all the planning and construction of the new failand facilities completed by then......oh well
  20. 80's Chernobyl........might explain the freaks in that picture!
  21. What you mean the vastly experienced manager Frank Lampard who has been in the job 5 minutes.......
  22. Let me guess, you probably thought WTF when Johnson stated he was going to play Bobby as a striker and no doubt, like most of us, thought what have we done when we signed a beanpole from Swindon who at 22 was playing non-league football, especially when his first few months were dreadful. Isn't hindsight great knowing we now made around £18million from them Watkins - over 100 championship games, wales international Webster- over 40 championship games, represented England at under levels Weimann - over 230 championship/premier games, represented Austria at all levels Hunt - over 100 championship games Adelukan and Eisa - two of the hottest properties in the lower leagues. For balance, didn't someone say Ronaldo and Messi part 2?
  23. Difference being we get £8 / £10 million + for ours.......you’re lucky to get the bus fare home and a packet of pork scratchings
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