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Everything posted by IAmNick

  1. Hull penalty decision: https://streamja.com/JKoNJ Hull goal: https://streamja.com/gwrnz
  2. City goal (Weimann): https://streamja.com/GoZ1Q
  3. Did anyone in the first meltdown timing thread have "Vyner starting"? Think you might have a good chance to win if so!
  4. I think I've seen the study they use before, and if it's what I'm thinking of it's complicated. They aren't just talking about how much CO2 a child uses, but they are extrapolating forwards as well to say that you (as a parent) are responsible for 1/2 of your child's emissions, 1/4 of your grandchildren, 1/8 of your great grandchildren, and so on (while you're still alive). So that 58.6 / year I believe takes into account not just your potential child's life, but a portion of the emissions of the children they may have, and also their children - over the timespan that the original child (yours) is still alive.
  5. Yes exactly that, thanks - couldn't remember the name. The irony is that by putting every good deed down as simply virtue signalling and constantly rallying against any change, it helps reinforce the current system. That's surely exactly what the "global elite" want, as it's what made them the elite in the first place!
  6. I genuinely think you have some decent points - especially around the impetus being put on us as individuals whereas change need to happen at the top with big business buying in (or being forced to). But the weird rambling stuff about Bill Gates / "global elite" / "virtue signaling" nonsense then does you a huge disservice and just undermines the whole thing. Not everything has to be a great global conspiracy (I thought covid was a global conspiracy to change everything, what happened to you saying that? ), although to those with that mindset it's always a great hook to draw them in and make them feel like they have some superior knowledge or outlook. I also find it weird you seem to say that big business or other countries have to be made to contribute, but then use farming being forced to change as a negative thing. I don't know what your actual stance is apart from "might as well just leave things as they are and hope for the best". On the astronauts - that's due to the lack of gravity. Fortunately other planets have gravity, so not sure what your point is there really. Climate change isn't a new narrative though, it's been talked about for years and years and to good effect. Remember CFCs and the hole in the ozone layer? Was that just a global conspiracy and virtue signaling, or did we come together to affect incredible change on standards and avoid a potential disaster? It can work. Unfortunately narrative seems to have just become a very fashionable word meaning "people talking about something I don't like/agree with", just like anyone trying to make a positive impact is "virtue signaling"... shows a sad outlook on things in my opinion if that's your first thought. Does telling people about a good thing you're doing make that thing less good? Does that mean that's the only reason you're doing it? Of course not. I also agree in part with your point on China, for example - but the counterpoint is that the first world has outsourced a huge amount of our manufacturing to them... and then complain about their emissions as they're taking our rubbish and making our goods / luxuries in horrendously unsafe conditions for 2p / day. The reality is we all need to make changes, big and small - and shitting all over the small changes just because they're not big ones (what can Reading do about South America exactly?!) is an acceptance of the status quo, which we know isn't working. Reading having a recyclable kit probably won't do much in the grand scheme of things, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try.
  7. I was pretty confused how you accidentally sign a player, but apparently he had a clause in his loan deal where if he played X number of games they had to sign him and the nothing game they played him in triggered it. To make it even funnier the club had already posted a announced he'd left, as well as posting a farewell message from him. He was suspended as well, so then playing also him in the cup they've now been charged by the SPFL and are awaiting the results of a hearing. What a cock up!
  8. But to get there, he'd have first have to travel to Bakinson's starting position - but Bakinson would have moved forward in that time. So then he'd have to travel to Bakinson's new position - and he'd have moved forwards again. He could never reach him, surely?
  9. Yep exactly right. The chart is showing the temperature difference of that year compared to the average from 1951 - 1980. I also read that in '76 excess deaths were up against averages by almost 30% during the heatwave period. Just relax and go to the beach indeed... You're right of course, but it's the rate of change which is concerning. The things you're talking about cover tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years - we're seeing huge changes in decades. Here's a graph of CO2 levels in the atmosphere from the last 800,000 years for example:
  10. My partner is out with her friends so I'm on solo toddler looking after duty unfortunately, so no city for me I was actually talking about the forum moaners rather than our squad!
  11. After offloading a couple of big names at the start of summer I was hoping we'd have a better campaign this year, but it looks like a few of the youngsters might have managed to make the step up. Early days though and a decent start might see them struggling to keep it up. We'll see!
  12. There's a really cool short documentary on the Dean Lane skatepark here I watched recently: Loads of great old footage and history of the area in it.
  13. "Never pay" - This is really, really bad advice and a good way to potentially get a CCJ on your credit record. Your link is specifically about unfair tickets, not ones where you just ignored visible signs or whatever and don't want to pay up. If someone simply parks where they shouldn't and gets a ticket, and the private company has followed the rules then it's often best to just pay up in my opinion. Some of these companies, including "Parking eye" now regularly do follow through on their threats and make county court claims. https://www.parkingcowboys.co.uk/parking-eye/ "Ignoring private parking tickets was the popular advice until late 2012. Before then, threatening letters would be sent for months after the ticket, but in the end, they would just stop when the parking company realised the recipient would not ‘bite’. Few parking companies attempted to enforce tickets in court due to the fact that this area of law was ‘grey’ and that the costs would outweigh the income from the ticket anyway. However, in late 2012 Parking Eye started a campaign to change that perception (and in turn their income) by issuing court claims. Their theory was that faced with a claim, many motorists would simply fold and pay up. Further, by going to court with a solicitor to argue against a member of the public with no legal background, the odds would be stacked in their favour. There were also those that ignored the court papers, meaning that a county court judgement was issued by default. This campaign was very successful for ParkingEye; the perception of their tickets has been changed meaning that ignoring isn’t the simple answer it used to be. In the first 9 months of 2015 ParkingEye issued 24,540 small claims. Of these, 724 went to a hearing. This suggests both that ParkingEye are not afraid to issue claims, but also that a large number of cases are settled ahead of a hearing."
  14. Thought it interesting that along with Pearson's semi-throwaway comment about Andy King "Who knows he might manage the club one day" (paraphrased), it's also notable reading about how much Euell also wants to get into management. It's so important to have passionate and driven people who are on their own journey of self improvement, on top of just wanting to improve the club/squad. If you expect that of your players it has to be reflected in all the staff as well. I also found the interview with him interesting in that it sounds like he was approached by Pearson (great!), and that they hadn't had a conversation about positions/responsibilities yet. Is that common?
  15. Looks like a bunch of blokes waving at each other for 3 minutes, I don't get it
  16. Am I missing something? Le Tissier tweeted implying the massacre didn't happen and was invented by the media - pro Russian propaganda. The lady you've linked was doing the opposite, and exaggerating the claims - so pro Ukrainian propaganda . How are they related? He tweeted the opposite of what she was saying. Unless you mean he was reacting to her false claims by spreading some other false claims?! I think you're giving him a bit too much benefit of the doubt here if so. The only thing I can take from this is being easily misled and prone to believing things without doing any research or seeing any evidence is a general trait of his rather than a one off!
  17. Eh? It's a fact. It's literally what he said - including in your video. He wasn't forced otherwise he wouldn't have had any choice. Encouraged to wear it maybe, but not forced. He could have said no. It wasn't why he was fired though as he said above, so not sure why it's relevant.
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