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Everything posted by IAmNick

  1. Hope you're well too mate. What I think is slightly dangerous is this policing of action/"virtue" of the people trying to do something. We end up in a situation where the only option is to do nothing at all, because nobody can live by all aspects of these things perfectly because they're so ingrained in our society - and that's exactly what conservative (with a small c)/traditionalist people who stir this up want. It's intentional on their part and happens everywhere. Climate change is another great example where the same thing happens, as is gender equality... And it's the same crowd under the hood who spread it in almost all cases (not you by the way, I'm talking about those who preach those ways of thinking to an audience). They don't want change, so they disparage anyone who does anything. It's better to do something than nothing, no matter how small. None of us can change the world... but nothing will ever change otherwise! I'll probably watch the WC, but only via some "unofficial" online stream.
  2. What an odd surface level take on things. Why would they? You can believe in something and not devote every decision in your life to it. I absolutely guarantee that you do the same in your life, as do we all. Life would be impossible otherwise. You're literally this meme: You can't seriously think that distance should be the only or main measure of relevance for an issue - are there no other reasons you think events in a country like the USA might have more impact here than events in the middle east? Not a world from anyone? It's been talked about continuously in our media for years now. You want the media to put our national team under fire for playing in the world cup? Odd. It sounds like you'd rather live somewhere where people didn't attempt to protest or improve society because if you ever stop, or don't abide by it 24/7/365 to some arbitrary standard they'll be publicly called out and shamed for not being virtuous enough. Fundamentally though, you can absolutely believe in something and not devote your entire life to it, as I said. I suspect you're anti slavery yet have a smart phone with a chip made in some sweat shop in the far east in it, your oil comes from the middle east, our government sells arms to them we then profit from, your clothes come from there, we ship our waste there, and so on - our entire society is build on exploiting others. You're a smart guy though so I suspect you knew all of that and have bought into the negativity around this particular gesture itself for some reason.
  3. The same Hull who went on to draw with promotion chasing Forest in their next game? It was a good result for us but there had been a fair few signs before then things were improving. Oh - and the old "if we didn't have our best players" thing is bizarre. You could say that about any club. Maybe their incredible impact is something to congratulate Pearson for instead of just implying he was a lucky bystander?
  4. I think Steve realised he had Jon's finger painting of the new kit pinned up on the fridge behind him, so wanted to wait a few days.
  5. Eh? They had the worst start in the division. 0 Wins, 1 Draw, 6 losses. 12 points off the playoffs after only 7 games. Since then I think they've picked up more points than any other team in the division. He's done a brilliant job.
  6. I remember him saying before that loan players have to improve on what we have - we're not going to take a player from another club who doesn't. I don't think he's against loans, but he just doesn't want to bring in loans for the sake of it - which is what I think the quote above means. Do you have a link to the interview? "I think everybody’s assumption is just because we’re talking about there might not be the opportunity to add permanent deals to go out and buy players, they automatically assume loan players just fall off trees and it doesn’t work like that because they’ve got to be the right players for us. It doesn’t just work like the loan market is now important, the loan market is always important but I would prefer, wherever possible, to bring in players that are going to be our players."
  7. When has he said that?
  8. This one is decent: https://elixx.xyz/ajax.html?sport=soccer Or there are loads here: https://redi1.soccerstreams.net/event/huddersfield-town-nottingham-forest-live-stream/881540
  9. Got a Forest supporting friend there today so I'm hoping for them!
  10. I'll admit I didn't immediately get why it was offside because it just looked like my football manager team desperately trying to clear it and failing, but it made a lot of sense once the expert explained it
  11. I've seen this of Madrid fans, but the majority seems to be Liverpool I agree. Maybe just as we're more likely to see English language stuff?
  12. Chief sports writer at the Mail: The Guardian: There are games this size every year and I've never known it to be like this before. Stop blaming the fans imo - although of course there will be some idiots, that's always the case surely.
  13. Don't know what the big deal is tbh, surely this is just a standard Rovers game situation?
  14. Possible worst flag ever spotted:
  15. One of my neighbours have YNWA alone blasting at high volume in their garden while they sing along, maybe I do want Real Madrid after all
  16. Yeah same. Maybe I'm just used to it as at school it was me, one Yeovil fan, then all Man U. I took half a dozen "plastics" from work to Ashton gate to watch Palace in the cup the other year and they had a great time. Who cares!
  17. Always prefer the English clubs to do well in Europe, and the fact it'll wind up all the "NO ACKTUALLY YOU'RE ONLY ALLOWED TO SUPPORT THESE TEAMS FOR THESE REASONS THAT ONLY EXIST IN MY HEAD WAAAAH" crew on here is just the icing on the cake.
  18. They recognised and approached you I assume?
  19. Just like an army moves on its stomach, a football team moves on its spreadsheets!
  20. Crazy really. That's barely more than we pay graduates at my software consultancy and they want "Extensive experience of professional football and performance analysis in a similar role". If I were at AG getting the best I could in these positions would be one of my top priorities. Do these things count against FFP? Either way it's dwarfed even by a novice player wage and arguably could have far more impact.
  21. I remember reading WSB for a year or two before the whole GME mania which was pretty good fun, it's unbearable now though I find. 1m members to 10m in about a month, it was a pretty crazy time! I'm no crypto expert, but I work in software so have a decent understanding of the tech and follow it (as an interested observer) but my own knowledge is pretty surface level! My personal view is that I just don't see the value they add, and I do see a lot of downsides. People seem to invest solely to make crazy amounts of money rather than because they believe in the company (like with a traditional stock) or because they believe in the tech behind it itself. It's not a stable investment, people just want to randomly dump £1k into it and hope it explodes and they walk away a millionaire. If you're interested I'd highly recommend this "documentary" - it's 2 hours which seems overwhelming but the guy who does it is brilliant. I didn't think I'd care but have watched it through twice now. It covers both Bitcoin and Ethereum early on, then goes onto NFTs and more. edit: Embed is broken: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g
  22. Was fine? I mean it's a stock which went up and then cratered so sort of if you got in early enough and sold at the right point, as with anything. There are now bizarre conspiracy cults around both still going strong, with many thousands of people with cost averages of multiples of the current share price. A load of their posts end with the "not financial advice" phrase that guy above used, which is what made me think of it!
  23. The fact you end with "Not financial advice" tells me everything about where you get your info from. How much GME / AMC are you bagholding? What's your LUNA worth? I'd be interested why you think those "ISO20022 coins" are important. It's just a messaging standard so financial institutions can talk to each other that will be adopted - it's not like that's the only thing you need to be adopted by the global financial system. There are many, many other standards they'd have to meet. You've simply listed some crypto coins who can meet the standard - so what? There's no relevance here. I'm not sure you entirely understand how ISO standards work? Which to be fair you're very lucky if you haven't had to deal with them before! The fact those coins meet that standard current has no bearing on their relation to or use by central banks, institutions, or payment platforms. Hell, even if they met them all - so what? Sorry. I do love the idea however of your lovely "decentrilised" crypto coins being developed to meet centralised international and regulated standards. That gave me a chuckle! "No realised loss" - oh please. I hear that trotted out so often. Have you ever heard of opportunity cost? "All my investments are bleeding but I'm planning on holding them forever so I haven't lost anything really".
  24. Accepting there's a problem is the first step on the road to recovery. Well done. How many animals have you run over this week @RUSSEL85? We're all friends here, you're in a safe space.
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