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Lack of Action Man

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Everything posted by Lack of Action Man

  1. Oh bloody hell that's rather shite. Poor Loftus Cheek.
  2. To all who said we were safe, I bloody well told you so But in all seriousness who expected us to win tonight? I certainly didn't. Aside from the reverse picture earlier in the season, Wolves are our bogey team. Important we put things right in the next match and try to go on something of an unbeaten run in order to make sure we are consistently claiming points in this relegation dog fight.
  3. Thread title should be Eastville Black Arabs, not Bristol Rovers.
  4. Cotterill certainly masking use of that Costa voucher.
  5. Think it's about time we bought a striker and rebuilt the Atyeo then...
  6. The five pillars is all very well, but how do vomitories fit into this? And will we need another new roof truss?
  7. Please... don't remind me. I had only just dissolved that painful moment from my memory banks...
  8. Need Kodjia on asap. Burns has their left back on ice, but we need someone in the middle who can keep up with him, which isn't old man Wilbraham!
  9. Anyone plumped on a Wycome and City double? Money to be made, mark my words, monsta monsta monsta!
  10. Anyone know if we will be fielding a goalkeeper tonight or just use a cardboard cut out.
  11. Tried to upload some pictures but they're too large (ooh er!) So if anyone has instagram follow @jimcmwillis. Anyway, amazing day almost an amazing result. I just wish we could raise our game like that for all teams, not just the premier league ones.
  12. No it isn't you are right. If I were a member of our younger players I'd be pretty disappointed with things as it stands.
  13. Its getting very hard now to maintain belief in the manager as a fan, when he can't seem to drag our lads heads out pf the sand. We are bereft of confidence and I am failing to see how the current management and coaching staff are addressing or at least hope to address this.
  14. They've been a lot dirtier than I expected. Very cynical hacking at Bennett. Disappointing to see that the league leaders are prospering from playing like that.
  15. I expect we will hear a cliché response from Cotterill along the lines of "we missed the physical presence Aaron (Wilbraham) gives us and that was how they got back into the game" Personally, it looked as though both Wilbraham and Kodjia (excellent goal) were Shattered from the 55th minute onwards, then was the Time to change it up front - taking Freeman off was a strange one, whilst I can see why Williams for Bryan was made (defensive stability). Why oh why were we so insistent on playing the ball down the left flank? Fielding was struggling to pick out a target yet we kept trying it, when Little was in acres of space on the right. Disappointing result and rightly (or wrongly) booed at final whistle.
  16. Well when you consider how much we were going to spend on Gray and Gayle, anything is (unfortunately) possible.
  17. Me Very much happy with a point at Ipswich. It's a shame we are still porous at the back, and I'll need to see the highlights before I can discuss how they could've been prevented however a point that was very much needed has been earned. So what next then? Well a crucial match against MK Dons. Crucial in that a) we have to win back points lost from Rotherham b) we have to show progression from last season. Steve has to get us sorted out at home and make teams fear playing at Ashton Gate. The first twenty minutes will be crucial. We cannot concede during them. If we can make it to half time, then that's even better. I also hope that Kodjia is going under the radar of those in the market for a striker. I fear a situation could arise a la Matt Smith in that he almost could do too well for us and attract interest we can't ignore.
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