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Kids Are Banned


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under 16s are banned from the east end for the brighton game.terrible decision if you ask me,instead of banning the trouble makers,banning all the kids is a mistake.

yet another show of disregard for loyal fans :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

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Huh!? You sure that's correct, that would make absolutley no sense at all as the club would lose a hell of a lot of money in extra revenue.

Edit: Or do you mean banned just from entering the East End.....

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Thought so, but was on the phone when I read it so became slightly confused (not hard to do I admit....)

How dare these stupid customers phone with problems. Don't they realise that there are more important things in life ^_^

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Now on the main site,no tickets to EE for under 16's. No tickets on sale on Saturday, tickets on sale until 5.00 Friday. Same for exchanging season tickets.

The kids can't just be excluded without reason, it looks like it was them causing trouble, the Burbury kids I expect as a lot of you indicated.

I think it is tough on the well behaved younger fans, but if it is a case of no 'kids' so the EE can open I think the club have acted wisely. It will be reviewed again after the match

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under 16s are banned from the east end for the brighton game.terrible decision if you ask me,instead of banning the trouble makers,banning all the kids is a mistake.

yet another show of disregard for loyal fans :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

how is it disregard - they could easily close it!

As far as I see it they are doing everything they can to keep the east end open - thats not disregarding the fans

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wel I'm sorry but banning all the kids is just the easy way out??? instead of finding the trouble makers and banning them the club have just taken the easy option.in my book that is showing disregard for the under 16s that go in there every week,sing,have a laugh,and behave themselves.

its also going to be an even futher reduced capacity,which means we'l probably just get the top corner.id say the club are doing evrething to force the fans out,i for one am not falling for the rubbish lansdown has come out with

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Guest Red_Rat

that is so unfair, I'm 14, I'm wel behaved in the EE i just want to sing with an atmosphere, so instead of banning all those FAKE burberry idioets, they ban all kids, with is completely stupid and pathectic.

This club is going down hill. I'm a STH but i aint going to brighton now, screw the club.

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wow, what loyal fans we have, you can't sit in a seat you like so "screw the club"

I think i speak for thousands when i say that your "loyal" support Tian, won't be missed

how can you slag the kidd off??? just say ud been sacked for doing nothing wrong would you not be a little bit peeved??? how can you have ago at the lad for being treated unfairly by the club and not being happy about it.

its fans like you that need to open your eyes to the way that the club treats loyal fans,they couldnt care less about us,its about time people realised that :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

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wel I'm sorry but banning all the kids is just the easy way out??? instead of finding the trouble makers and banning them the club have just taken the easy option.in my book that is showing disregard for the under 16s that go in there every week,sing,have a laugh,and behave themselves.

Right decision, it's a bit harsh on well behaved kids but it would be alot harsher to close it down to all City fans.

Get the impression it was immature excitement rather than real hoolganism that was the problem and the club have acted accordingly.

It's now up to the bulk of the East Enders to ensure it really was just the U.16's misbehaving and to control themselves even more than the other parts of the ground when the excitement levels rise. The spotlight will be on them more than ever.

It's still going to be tough to maintain it long-term because the East End always was the most raucous part of the ground and to be worthwhile has to remain so. With the restraints now upon it, it will be a hard line to maintain between passionate, vibrant support and the over exhuberance which would surely see its demise.

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Guest Red_Rat

screw on THIS decision is what i ment, i just don't see why the club have taken this option. Like Nobby said they have taken the easy way out, the Police can't do their job, the stewards don't do their job, so lets just ban all under 16's hey? No, the club is very wrong and have now lost alot of support for the brighton game. And i for 1 know it was not just kids, it was adults as wel, more kids i admit but still.

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wow, what loyal fans we have, you can't sit in a seat you like so "screw the club"

I think i speak for thousands when i say that your "loyal" support Tian, won't be missed

who are the thousands you are talking abuot?! I'd probably think it's just you mate that holds that ridiculous view!
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Guest Red_Rat

just like to say fanks to the fans who stood up 4 me!

smp, lets say all the adults were band, how would you be reacting rite now when you know you are innocent?

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just like to say fanks to the fans who stood up 4 me!

smp, lets say all the adults were band, how would you be reacting rite now when you know you are innocent?

Cheer up, you're not banned from the ground, you're suffering a bit for the sake of the majority.

Would you rather the East End was shut completely?

Get a seat in the GWR right next to the East End and join in from there, its not the end of the world.

You'll be surprised at how the WHOLE ground has been singing recently. ^_^

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its also going to be an even futher reduced capacity,which means we'l probably just get the top corner.id say the club are doing evrething to force the fans out,i for one am not falling for the rubbish lansdown has come out with

Hard to see the justification for the "reduced capacity". Its seating, so has a pre-determined capacity and we need to fill every seat possible even if it is with adults.

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Just an indication of the general indiscipline of young people these days. Note I said general not total, before howls of outrage from the innocents.

If under 16s in general were well behaved -- which they are not - the things like the possible closure of the EE would not even be discussed. The blame lies not with the club but on uncaring parents, over-powerful socially active freedom living anarchists, weak rules at school where teachers are now terrorised by kids etc etc.

If anyone now tries to offer a counter argument I suggest they get their heads out of their backsides and look at the general disgusting behaviour in the streets by under 16s. Football grounds obviously tends to attract these creatures as they believe it gives them a pack mentality excuse to hurl abuse at opposition fans.

BCFC has two choices; 1 to close the EE totally, or 2 to open it but not to the age group that is causing most of the problem for H&S reasons. I'd rather they choose option 2.

I also back a nationwide curfew on under 16s after dark. But that's another story.

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As someone has said before don't they have CCTV in the east end? So why not just turf out the kids causing the trouble?! Surely they must know it's under 16s causing the trouble do they? Maybe it is some adults aswell? Just seems a weird thing to do when you've got the resources to pick out the individuals.

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Guest Red_Rat

fct, you cannot say that. You can't blame teachers, parents, etc. for the behaviour of some muppets in the East End and on the streets, kids, me being one, behave how they choose to behave.

Were you never a child?

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Yes I was a child but in those days you had respect for society and elders; not today, when kids, as you put it, behave how they want to. That is an absolutely indisciplined attitude. It is the responsibility of parents to instill in their offspring how to behave towards others in general.

If kids don't behave, then when is it acceptable to start? Kids who grow up indisciplined are hardly going to wake up one fine sunny morning and think "oh yes today I'm an adult so I'll start behaving".

I know there are plenty of kids who are responsible and well behaved but there are a distressingly large number who are not and it is those who give all a bad name. So what can City do? Ban the ones who ARE badly behaved; if so, how do they spot them and more importantly, stop them from coming into the ground? You would have them squealing to greedy lawyers who will wade in brandishing that old chestnut "human rights".

The only thing the club CAN do is to take the action they have done, given the current social climate of the law breakers using the law to protect them so they can carry out their lawless actions.

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