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Kids Are Banned


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Guest Red_Rat

Fair points, but i choose to behave with responsibility and respect, but if the stewards and police were doing their jobs probaly then the East End needent be band.

Wel bye East End hello Dolman. I just hope its open for Blackpool for under 16's because that really would take the miccy.

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Guest jairob

This FCT guy is starting to really annoy me now, everynow and then he/she pokes his politically correct head out and spouts some nonsense quoted from a social work text book. This is the real world and things are not perfect.

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Just an indication of the general indiscipline of young people these days. Note I said general not total, before howls of outrage from the innocents.

If under 16s in general were well behaved -- which they are not - the things like the possible closure of the EE would not even be discussed. The blame lies not with the club but on uncaring parents, over-powerful socially active freedom living anarchists, weak rules at school where teachers are now terrorised by kids etc etc.

If anyone now tries to offer a counter argument I suggest they get their heads out of their backsides and look at the general disgusting behaviour in the streets by under 16s. Football grounds obviously tends to attract these creatures as they believe it gives them a pack mentality excuse to hurl abuse at opposition fans.

BCFC has two choices; 1 to close the EE totally, or 2 to open it but not to the age group that is causing most of the problem for H&S reasons. I'd rather they choose option 2.

I also back a nationwide curfew on under 16s after dark. But that's another story.

I wouldn't disagree with much of that fct, but most of us were probably what we would now consider to be easily led, dubiously behaved, anti-authority, over-exhuberant idiots when we we 15. For most, its a phase of growing up as much as anything.

I agree it seems to be worse now and many do not seem to have the boundaries of acceptable behaviour we had instilled into us. That doesn't apply to all by any means if my 15 year old daughter is reading this!

Got to say the East End, particularly the middle was always a rough place and many of us now in our 40's were not always on what would be considered our best behaviour.

Football matches were the one place we could really let ourselves go, within limits, and i'm sure the older fans then viewed us with some dismay, and we shouldn't forget this when we criticise todays younger fans.

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I take everything said to me, or at me, or even against me with a nod. Firstly Tian; it is, I agree with you, hard on those who do behave, but the point I'm trying to make is that BCFC is desprately trying to keep the EE open but there are a minority who are heedless of consequences and inevitably innocents suffer. As to the police and stewards, they have to be very careful these days or get claims against them, usually by those who deserve a good belting.

Jairob; sorry I'm annoying you but I certainly am no Pc adherent; I detest Pc and all it stands for as I believe its divisive (sp?) and prolongs racism. I do not have a little book to read for my quotations. And yes, I do agree its no perfect world, you only have to see the ruling from BCFC on the EE for that; but again, in this imperfect world the inocents always suffer for the actions of the guilty (witness the goings on in Israel, Iraq and other places).

Nogbad; yes I know your kids are well behaved and as I recall a credit to you!! And yes I was an EastEnder in the old days and was at the ground when that Tottenham punch-up occurred in 1976/7. This is of course why the EE is segregated and the club has to be mindful of that and its why these idiots have jeopardised it all through their silly action.

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Just something to consider regarding questions being asked along the lines of "why don't the club just kick out and ban the troublemakers?". Unfortunately the troublemakers in this case appear to be (a monority of) under 16s and therefore the most protected of all groups in our current legal system "minors". Does anyone know what the repurcussions would be of "forcibly removing" a minor from the East End? I'm thinking successful lawsuit in this ######d up legal system of ours.

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how can they ban under 16s?? crazy i feel...

I'm sure those aged 14 and 15 arent the ones who smashed up the pub before the plymouth game.

I'm sure the blokes sat 2 rows in front of me at the millenium stadium who were both city fans that started fighting each other were older than 13.

Now I'm positive most of the people who chased the rovers players off the pitch on sky were a little older than 12.

And I'm pretty sure that the group of lads i saw fighting cardiff fans near broadmead were old enough to smoke.

Ok, some of the under 16s may have the mouth and stand up, but thats all i can see it being - if not - we need new stewards. That fault lies with the parents.

This is action to show the police we have tried to sort out the E.E, but i feel this is the wrong decision.

FCT - i will leave your point above, but lets just say i do not agree with it one bit.

This is a great way to encourage and welcome the fans of tommorow.

You may all remember the good ol days of the East End, but we dont. I'm just glad I'm 23!

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What a complete and utter disgrace.

The club take the easy way out, basically say up yours to all us younger ones that have to work even harder (some of us) to get to the ground and away and afford to go than the older ones.

They give free tickets and work hard to help out those younger ones that only come when they get free tickets. But us younger ones that have to work hard to pay for our travel and ticket to city, home and away week in week out get treated like this.

So much for looking towards the future and encouraging the kids.

if the club could be bothered they would of singled out those that climbed the fence and banned them from the east End. They would also implement an idea from this bored to help the East End be open. Or they would try hard to think one up.

Instead they reduce it to home fans get 10% and no kids? Sorts nothing out if you ask me.

I'm ranting on now cause I'm so angry so i will shut up now, but I'm just hoping the club will change this for the Blackpool game and do something proper and worthwhile regarding the East End rather than just using a cop out.

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Guest jairob

Maybe he/she is a robot or was born a 40 year old new labour MP. Maybe he/she thinks that kids cant reform and have a choice if they are subject to a life with no positive role models. Maybe anyone guilty of climbing on a fence should be terminated. Maybe you should get down Knowle west, Hartcliffe or St Pauls and see that these kids could be doing a hell of a lot worse than spending there saturday afternoons watching football.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I think the majority of you under 16's on here seem decent lads and I'm sure aren't the muppets that have got you banned. Shame you can't be accompanied by and adult because i'm sure a few of us would become surrogate guardians for the afternoon.

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IF it were possible I think it would be a good idea to do an Eastend trial.

Next season pick 2 similar type matches, not one top of the table /derby and one on a cold wet night.

Have just the under 16's in for one match and everyone else for the other.

Measure the attendance, noise, atmosphere, trouble etc and see the outcome. See how much is spent on catering, stewarding, policeing. I know it won't happen but the results could be interesting!

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Well if enough fans protest against the banning of U-16s no doubt the club will recosider and close it full stop to home fans. That way nobody is left out.

Thoe who are protesting please put it to the club that is what they should be doing. After all, we are supposed to be in a democracy.

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If you're going to have an age limit, why stop at 20? Surely the real hard cases who are actually likely to cause some real damage to people or property are a couple of years older than 16 (in some cases, quite a bit older). If I was under 16 I'd be v annoyed at this, and is it too fanciful to suggest that a few of them will say "s0d you" to bcfc and go and find a Premiership tea to support from afar ?

Just like to add its a bit argrivatingly sad when people use a thread like this to have a go at other forum users in a personal way. Unhelpful.

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Guest Red_Rat

What the fudge do the club pay stewards and police for?

Its not troublemaking, its over-excitement and adreneline. We all know what adreneline can do to us, no matter who or what age you are. The situation being a night game, derby, Top vs 3rd, automatic spot still needs to be decided and the people who climbed on the fence got rowdy nothing terrible.

I did see the persons on the fence and i also did see the stewards just standing there taking no action what so ever.

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Guest jairob

Just like to add its a bit ****ing sad when people use a thread like this to have a go at other forum users in a personal way. Unhelpful. QUOTE.


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I am a well behaved 12 year old who just sings along and supports the team! I go in with my Dad who also joins along to some songs but we don't even sit by the fence. Why should i be banned from the place i love because some stupid idiots (kids and adults) wanna fight and jump on the fence. I reliese that having the East End back is a massive bonus but banning us is just disgracfull!!!!! I've been in the East End everytime its been open and this is a massive mistake by the club!

Why not let children with parents go in? I am disgusted by this dissision and the fact we'll be stuck in the corner block with a crap view. :@ :@


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Guest jairob

Their hasn't even been any trouble just a few fences climbed on. Take the fences down and the kids wont be so brave, the stewards can earn their money and the Old Bill can smash some heads. Job done, all happy.

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Absolute disgrace why should I be punished because a few people my age decide to climb the fence.

Well ###### off. :@

that's ok, prepare to feel even more agrieved when it comes to you learning how to drive.

Just because a few people your age decide to be boy racers you have to pay higher insurance. You going to tell the insurance companies the same?

If the answer is "yes" then I'd practise covering up your bum when you take a shower.

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Fair play to Steve Lansdown - I cant believe some of the posts criticising him!

He could easily have closed it and kept the police etc happy, so at least hes doing soemthing. unfortunate for the youngsters but its better than not having it at all!

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that's ok, prepare to feel even more agrieved when it comes to you learning how to drive.

Just because a few people your age decide to be boy racers you have to pay higher insurance. You going to tell the insurance companies the same?

If the answer is "yes" then I'd practise covering up your bum when you take a shower.

not even going to comment....

Students, bloody well hate em i do, drain on the NHS...


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Guest pudsey

I think it is disgracfull stopping us kids going the EE. I'm 15 me and my mates go in every week and dont cause trouble. We just have fun watching the team we love so much and singing our hearts out for the lads . The only people that cause trouble are w@nkers that only go to the big games to get into fights and to cause trouble on perpose. Bcfc are just taking the easy way out. :@ :@

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Guest Red_Rat

Just a question. If we lose to Brighton what do you think the clubs reaction will be then?Would it be coinsidence (sp?) or would it be down to the ban of Under 16's and the limitation of tickets to just 500. I would say (if the performance wasn't utter balls) then it was because of those reasons.

Your wrong on this one City.

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Guest redandwhiteforever9590

Ok does he mean kids will not be able to buy tickets or go in. Or does mean kids will able to swap tickets if season ticket holders. But cant buy any ? It says on Bcfc website

There will be no ticket sales to children under 16 . Season ticket holder wishing to exchange their existing for one in the east end will need to exchange voucher 22 by 5pm friday .

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No, I wont because it doesnt just apply for younger drivers it applies for new drivers who are still in the process of learning the ropes and are more likely to be involved in an accident.
Nice reply, however, you are wrong. "Experience" undoubtedly comes into it but a 22 year old with 1 year's driving experience will pay less insurance than an 18 year old with the same experience, driving the same car. Similarly a 26 year old with the same experience would pay less insurance than the 22 year old.
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