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Kids Are Banned


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Thankyou Redtop and Edson for your replies, you have made me look at this in a different way.

I do remember when you werent allowed into the GWR, I think you posted about it on the Steve L forum, and I recall thinking how it is not right.

I half expected something like this to happen, but I genuinely thought under 16's would have to be a club member or a season ticket holder to be allowed in the east end.

I have been to every home game this season and a fair few away, of course I will go to the match saturday but I can get wound up easily by things like this when I have done nothing wrong and auctually helped promote the East End in the first few games.

Also gets me wound up, when I get told to stop moaning and try to use my "pc's creative ability" to make myself look older, when people moan all season (which will help nothing like my current rant) at Danny Wilson's team selection, when in auctual fact people dont always see players effort and performances on the training ground.

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Guest Red_Rat

Wacko and Jacko Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin.. Great posting, i'm not sure, i do feel that the majority of the fans have been let down, adults and childern a like.

Thou shall be even more angry if the EastEnd is not open for the Blackpool game.

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No-one is being banned from watching the game. Under-16s are being banned from one area. It's not ideal but it's not exactly a disgrace.

If you're genuinely going to stop watching City just because you can't sit in the seat you want - even though the club has plenty of better seats available - then it says more about you as a fan than about the way the club treats its supporters. Get over it.

fair point, its not a disgrace - but would you have said that if the East end would have been closed for all of us??

"Well, dont worry, we can all sit in the Ateyo stand - itll be ok"

Do me a favour! The EE is regarded as where the "fanatical" supporters go, and this is stopped for those under 16.

I'm sure loads of people would have stopped going if the EE was shut for us.

The u16s are angry - and can you blame them?

I would love to hear SL or someone on here say, hand on heart- that banning u16s would stop trouble, as there is no way, absoluteley no way this can happen.

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would you rather them close it all together??

the police and stewards should ahve done they're job.they didn't.we have to live with that now and we should be lucky the East End is open at all.when i heard the news about a meeting taking place to see if the East End should be open i immediately thought they would shut it.just be glad its open.

i think steve and colin are great members of the BCFC board and hope they stay there for a very long time.

as for wacko and jacko,what the hell are you going on about? ^_^

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Guest pudsey

I'm not happy with them for banning under 16s in the EE because i'm 15 but i can see why they done it. Its better having some people in there then none at all. I will still sing in my season ticket seat even if i am the only one singing. They have done all they can. they will see on saturday that it is not just under 16s causing trouble and let us back in the EE.

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what do you all think of both Steve and Colin now he has banned under 16s. Wacko and Jacko i am calling them at the moment :P
....or what would you think of them if they up and left tomorrow? If Steve did that we'd be in administration by the afternoon!
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Amazed again ;) as C.S reckons on 2000 Brighton fans coming :sub: seeing as only around 6000 were at home last week and distance involved I would be surprised if half that turn up.

This was given the reason for not moving the fence back ^_^

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Amazed again ;) as C.S reckons on 2000 Brighton fans coming :sub: seeing as only around 6000 were at home last week and distance involved I would be surprised if half that turn up.

This was given the reason for not moving the fence back ^_^

Brighton's capacity is 6200 for home fans though and I can't see Posh taking up many of their away allocation of 800.

Last time Brighton visited us they were occupying a play-off position, averaging 6300 at home and brought 2295. What's different this year?

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Amazed again ^_^ as C.S reckons on 2000 Brighton fans coming ;) seeing as only around 6000 were at home last week and distance involved I would be surprised if half that turn up.
They've already sold 1,700 of their 2,000 ticket allocation, so I think Colin Sexstone's prediction is slightly nearer the mark than yours.
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What? I am not allowed to bring my 15 year old daughter with me? Surely the old "must be accompanied by an adult" tag could be applied?
this is why i think its wrong banning kids. my mates dad comes down with us and brings his 14 year old nephew with him,now he cant come with us due to his nephew being banned
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Guest Zider Army

Where are the under 16s goin for the Brighton game. 500 tickets its pathetic anyway for east end and also a apauling decision to not let under 16s in the EE. Its going to be soooo boring in the Dolman Thank you BCFC what a way to treat loyal fans who dont cause trouble.

We need to sort it out i noticed Cardiff dont ban their under 16s for there end which has a fence put up and atleast Cardiff put their fans first by giving them a decent number of seats. Banning me and the rest of the under 16s is just pathetic.

Makes me sick because its no us its the burberry crew who seem to be the worst. I even seen adults on that fence on Tuesday night and just because were kids we can get banned.

Cheers for that BCFC

Let us in for Blackpool and Next season and give us a decent amount of seats Blackpool dont exactly bring coaches full do they? Think about it.

From a Angry Under 16 :@ :@ :@ :@

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Guest North Street

So the East End has been shut to all but a few! What next a check on entry to see how many toes all who enter have ? As someone who uses the Williams i suppose this may not directly concern me but the added atmosphere generated in the East End by our supporters aiding the team does.How could there have been problems against Plymouth in the ground when we have fences, cctv,stewards and seemingly hundreds of police some with furry snapping things on duty that night?

I would also like to know why when there is such a threat from our supporters in the East End why the Police use the Williams bar as some sort of rest room during the match?Against Plymouth there were at least twenty officers sat around doing little more than watch fans drink at half time.Some will state "it's the fans fault" but it's hardly been Ninian park has it?The clubs response to me seems to me to be anything but robust when we already have more segregation than, well anybody!

My response would be use the resources better, move those Policemen who sit in the Williams bar at half time put them behind the goalmouth and if anybody comes over the fence throw em back, they might even want to arrest somebody, is'nt that what they are paid for?

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Well said that person ^_^ Can someone explain why the Police all shot off before the end of the game vs Plymuff?

where did they go? Shurely the end of the game is the most fraught time???

And if they had of been next to the fence would these muppets have rushed it??

Doubtful ;)

Reckon i'll post this on "ask Steve"

Keep posting North St :P

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I would love to hear SL or someone on here say, hand on heart- that banning u16s would stop trouble, as there is no way, absoluteley no way this can happen.
So would I, and it would auctually stop my annoying rant if Steve or Colin said, on the forum, in a newspaper or on the official site that this is the only option at the moment and that they are sorry to those under 16's who do not cause grief in the East End.
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So would I, and it would auctually stop my annoying rant if Steve or Colin said, on the forum, in a newspaper or on the official site that this is the only option at the moment and that they are sorry to those under 16's who do not cause grief in the East End.
There is another option..............

They could have caved in to the authorities and closed it altogether, I know it's not perfect but maybe they can make better provisions next season.

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Couldn't agree more with that.

Lets make one thing clear, I am a season ticket holder in the Atyeo Stand, and for the Plymouth game especially it was rather sad to look at "OUR" fans stuck away in a little corner of the Wedlocks stand.

Now, EVERYONE must agree that not only does the Wedlock's stand GENERATE atmosphere, but in recent games it has led / driven the other stands into making a cracking atmosphere aswell. Surely everyone can see that (except Evil Post reporters), then surely we need EVERY liitle advantage that we can take to get this club into Division One.

You only have to look at the interview with Scott Murray where he commented that the other players had told him about the increased atmosphere now that the East End was in use, SO THE PLAYERS DO NOTICE !!!

I am sick and tired every May going to work and gettig the usual "City didn't want to go up " speech was colleagues, this was a chance for the club to get behind the supprters / team and get the three points that COULD take us into second place on Saturday.

You only have to look at practically EVERY other shared stand in the country, the segregation is ludicrous, what do our stewards / police actually do down that end of the ground. Surely a fence and netting is enough ? If not Mr Sextone move the damn stewards ! It isn't rocket science !

Now the only way to redeme this mess is give Blackpool max of 1000 tickets and fill the ground with our fans !

I'm sure the fear of 500 City fans will cause the Albion fans into silence ! ^_^

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I understand that they have done their bests to keep the stand open, but surely it would be easy to track under 16 troublemakers in the east end with their season tickets and I know for sure that under 16's would not cause any trouble with their parents/gaurdians to accompany them in the stand.

And I know you must feel dissapointed as this means you cannot go into the east end with your 15 year old daughter as you have said on an earlier thread.

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