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Ivan Sproule's Dive


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This is what went through Sproule's head when he got the ball

"O crap I've got the ball, what am I going to do?, I could shoot? O no wait I can't do that, Pass?, no can't do that either, I know, I may be 15 yards from goal with a clear shooting opportunity, but I'll do what I always do, hoof it into space, run really fast and hope for the best....... O damn, I've kicked it ten yards ahead of me when their entire team was there, maybe if I fall over people will feel sorry for me....... Oh damn I've been booked, I don't like this game"

Personally, I could have wept when Sproule came on and Brooker didn't

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Then you must've been dissapointed and annoyed when we beat the argies in world cup '02 because Owen dived in the box

The Argentinian defender caught Owen's foot and he didn't dive, he just made a meal of it. Poetic justice and of course it gave Beckham the opportunity to avenge Diego Simeone's outrageous theatrics to get Beckham sent off in World Cup '98. What goes around comes around.

And Sproule did dive but what would have been shameful is is he had appealed for it. He didn't so lets move on from it.

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Awful dive. Average player at best.

Was an awful dive however he was our biggest threat all afternoon and he only played 10 minutes. I actually thought it was quite a novelty having a wide midfielder playing out wide.

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Was an awful dive however he was our biggest threat all afternoon and he only played 10 minutes. I actually thought it was quite a novelty having a wide midfielder playing out wide.

i thought that we played a bit to narrow at times and to predictable playing down the right second half, would have liked to have seen fonts brought into the game a bit more when in oceans of space on the left but sproule did look lively when brought on . on the whole predicted a draw and was happy with that

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I have said for years that if the authorities banned players for 10 games for diving after the event it would stop. Could you see fergie being happy with ronaldo banned or scolari with drogba banned. No manager would be happy with players banned for pathetic diving END OF

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so its ok for england players to dive against argentina because they deserve it back to them?

You have to treat each case differently?

Some fans can't stand cheating in the game, I find it embarrasing that one of our players fell over like an idiot in front of thousands to try and cheat his way to an undeserving victory.

That's exactly how I feel about players who mince about on the floor after being tapped on their poor little legs.

Just because someone else has done it before it doesn't make it right, it's bad news all round when fans and managers start defending these cheats, if more managers had the balls to fine their players over these incidents then we will return to a game where sportsmanship returns and referees are respected again.

And someone above said that if we had won we would all be cheering about it, hand on heart I would rather we drew the game than to see that crap down at the gate, if ever diving and holding their shins rolling about on the floor creeps in as part and parcel of the game, thats me finished watching for good.

Hate it with a passion.

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No because of the history of past games and Argentina had more than earnt it.

Its not the Bristol City wayas we have had Trojans like Gow in the past as models for our players.

Anybody still remember Howard Pritchards effort v Plymouth? I still cringe now at the mention of his name and that highlight in his carear.

Gavin dived just about every game.

Murray had a few good goes.

Perhaps it's the Celts?

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Stop making excuses!! The point made at the start of this thread was all the 'Ledesma's a diving cheat' stuff going on last week and now when one of our players does it its somehow different. That's just hypocrisy. If you think Ledesma's a diving cheat then you have to say that Sproule is a diving cheat.

If you think its OK, it happens, its part of the game etc etc what would have been your reaction if Ledesma had done it yesterday (and I suspect he'd have done it a sight better than Sproule) Would you have just accepted it as part of the game then. I think not.

Incidentally, fair play to Dowie, who's reaction to the sending off was in marked contrast to a certain Mr Coleman last week

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With so many games now being filmed, I am surprised that the Authorities do not take a very hard line with blatant dives, with 5 match bans for individuals, and the power to dock points where games are won by cheating. It will never happen, as the worst offenders tend to be at the big, powerful Clubs. Personally, I am all in favour of a 5th official in the stand who can correct major decisions, such as whether the ball crossed the line, seriously bad penalty calls, or cheating Argies punching the ball into the goal.

In cricket, boundary fielders are now honest, and when a run-out is referred, the players body language will usually tell you if it is out or not - They know that they cannot influence video evidence by histrionic appealing, as used to happen. Maybe football needs to move with the times, as poor decisions can cost Clubs a lot of cash.

Anyone caught diving should for the next 3 games be made to wear a pair of pink shorts to show everyone what a tart they are. That might put an end to it!

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I didn't see the incident, just the aftermath.

But, didn't Sproule hold his hand up to the ref and acknowledge it wasn't a foul, before the ref cautioned him?

But would he have done that if, when he turned around he saw the referee pointing to the spot - I don't think so. He tried to cheat, he didn't get away with it thankfully.

A few years back the authorities said they were going to clamp down on this sort of thing, what happenend.....nothing. Sproule has got punished for what he done by getting booked so that's fair enough. The old farts at the FA need to do something about the cheats that get away with it during games (ledesma included) They'll never eradicate it totally, but it might make one or two think twice before doing it.

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Incidentally, fair play to Dowie, who's reaction to the sending off was in marked contrast to a certain Mr Coleman last week

So presumably you missed his reaction to his first yellow card? (That includes the altercation with McAllistair at half time)

He couldn't react too badly to the second yellow as it was a blatant, awful foul

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So presumably you missed his reaction to his first yellow card? (That includes the altercation with McAllistair at half time)

He couldn't react too badly to the second yellow as it was a blatant, awful foul

He was five feet away from the incident, does anyone really think that it warranted a booking?? Would McAllister have let the ball go past him so easily if he was standing on the goal line and the ball was about to go in, I don't think so.

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I just laughed it was that pathetic. Should never be condoned and should really be stamped out of the game all together.

Irony was that if he had stayed on his feet, he would've been in a good position to fizz in a low cross that could've created the one chance for the much-maligned Maynard to win the game and this forum would be different place today. :disapointed2se:

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He was five feet away from the incident, does anyone really think that it warranted a booking?? Would McAllister have let the ball go past him so easily if he was standing on the goal line and the ball was about to go in, I don't think so.

Well, if I'm honest from where I was sat I only saw the fallout, but couldn't see what caused all that aggro, and haven't been able to judge for myself as it wasn't on the highlights today.

But I DID see his reaction to that and his actions at half-time, which is why I took umbrage at the comment.

I can't comment explicitly on the first yellow card due to my position, but can tell you that I had a view down the line for the second and it was an awful, malicious challenge. Ledesma knew exactly what he was doing when he went in that late.

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Well, if I'm honest from where I was sat I only saw the fallout, but couldn't see what caused all that aggro, and haven't been able to judge for myself as it wasn't on the highlights today.

But I DID see his reaction to that and his actions at half-time, which is why I took umbrage at the comment.

I can't comment explicitly on the first yellow card due to my position, but can tell you that I had a view down the line for the second and it was an awful, malicious challenge. Ledesma knew exactly what he was doing when he went in that late.

Maybe Ledesma read a post on this sight about getting McAllister to break his legs so he thought he'd get one in first :innocent06:

Ironic also, that another post moaning about his diving then a City player gets booked for doing exactly that :D

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He had pretty much just kicked the ball out of play as he tried to run through the 2 players..so probably decided going over was the best option.

I don't condone it and was slightly embarrased that i have his name on the back of my shirt...but i'd have been delighted with 3 points from a pen yesterday...no matter how we'd got it...afterall i don't really give a sh1te about QPR

Poor Sproule's just been mislead by the ponces in the prem

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Can't believe this thread has gone on this long without reference to Messrs Roberts and Burnell at Wycombe one Tuesday night a few years ago. Their attempts at "diving" which, happened within seconds of eachother were so bad the entire away end burst into laughter.

As for Sproule his feeble attempt summed up yesterday - pretty frustrating.

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This is what went through Sproule's head when he got the ball

"O crap I've got the ball, what am I going to do?, I could shoot? O no wait I can't do that, Pass?, no can't do that either, I know, I may be 15 yards from goal with a clear shooting opportunity, but I'll do what I always do, hoof it into space, run really fast and hope for the best....... O damn, I've kicked it ten yards ahead of me when their entire team was there, maybe if I fall over people will feel sorry for me....... Oh damn I've been booked, I don't like this game"

Personally, I could have wept when Sproule came on and Brooker didn't

Not as though Sproule made two decent opportunities from beating his man on the right, providing us with some much needed width, or anything...

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Ivan should be careful, he runs the risk of being labelled as a diving cheat, he also runs the risk of getting a nasty scrage falling over at that speed.

It might be better if he combines that lightning pace with a football brain, then he would be one hell of a player.

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He was five feet away from the incident, does anyone really think that it warranted a booking?? Would McAllister have let the ball go past him so easily if he was standing on the goal line and the ball was about to go in, I don't think so.

And then doubtless you'd have accused him of attempting to make it look as though Ledesma had thrown the ball at him.

That part of the pitch slopes away quite quickly, so I don't blame McAllister at all for not stretching to stop the ball. Of course he'd try harder to stop the bal lif it was going in, though as far as I'm aware, throwing the ball into the net isn't allowed, so I'm not sure he'd have bothered.

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As a vociferous critic of cheating johhny foreigners, it would be hypocritical if I said anything other than:

Sproule's dive was embarrasing to say the least. We are Bristol City and we are bigger and better than that.

McCallister's part in getting the cry baby booked was however highly entertaining.

Ledesma threw his toys - or in this case the ball - in a pique of temper towards McCallister, who could have stopped it and probably there would have been no action by the referee. McCallister's quick thinking got the Argie what he deserved.

Even better was McCallister's quivering lip signal towards Ledesma and the QPR bench when they subsequently did what they did best all afternoon - whinging like spoilt kids.

Dowie spent most of the afternoon throwing his arms in the air and gesticulating at Gary Johnson.

Luckily for us Johnson has instilled a much more ethical and professional culture into our club, he just needs to sort Sproule out and make sure that never happens again.

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Imo Sproule stumbled and fell over.Unfortunately it looked like he'd dived but we could all see when he got up and waved his hand at the ref as is to say 'it was accidental' Imo it was. Players with Sproule's pace often lose thier balance.

Sproule doesn't have a history of diving so why should he start now?

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Imo Sproule stumbled and fell over.Unfortunately it looked like he'd dived but we could all see when he got up and waved his hand at the ref as is to say 'it was accidental' Imo it was. Players with Sproule's pace often lose thier balance.

Sproule doesn't have a history of diving so why should he start now?

I havent see the incident but I hope this is the case - and refs are constantly booking players for this and its unfair. Lampard fell over in the box and it looked like a dive at first glance, but lampard got up and carried on without appealing - i think the ref should take that into consideration when deciding on booking a player

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Imo Sproule stumbled and fell over.Unfortunately it looked like he'd dived but we could all see when he got up and waved his hand at the ref as is to say 'it was accidental' Imo it was. Players with Sproule's pace often lose thier balance.

In that case why I have never seen Usain Bolt fall over?

Sproule dived, quickly realized what a fool he had been and that he had fooled nobody, and quickly waved at the referee, to put an element of doubt in his mind, to save himself a yellow card.


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In that case why I have never seen Usain Bolt fall over?

Sproule dived, quickly realized what a fool he had been and that he had fooled nobody, and quickly waved at the referee, to put an element of doubt in his mind, to save himself a yellow card.


Because Usain Bolt doesn't have defenders getting in his way.Nor does he run on wet bumpy grass.

This is a surprise, you've replied to one of my posts without the usual insult to accompany it. :winner_third_h4h:

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Because Usain Bolt doesn't have defenders getting in his way.Nor does he run on wet bumpy grass.

This is a surprise, you've replied to one of my posts without the usual insult to accompany it. :winner_third_h4h:

Well if defenders are in the way would that not be a foul? Either that or a genuine tackle. don't think it was either of those.

Mindless numpty.

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Imo Sproule stumbled and fell over.Unfortunately it looked like he'd dived but we could all see when he got up and waved his hand at the ref as is to say 'it was accidental' Imo it was. Players with Sproule's pace often lose thier balance.

Sproule doesn't have a history of diving so why should he start now?


Thank you, Robbored. I'd been reading all this self-righteous sh1te about Ledesma, considering getting annoyed enough to reply, but then your marvellous message gets posted. It perfectly, albeit quite unintentionally, illustrates precisely the point I was going to make about the stench of hypocrisy drifting westwards. And it even gave me a genuine belly laugh as an unexpected bonus.

Thank you Robbo!

And cheerio for the last time to all you Pecksniffian whiners.

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Thank you, Robbored. I'd been reading all this self-righteous sh1te about Ledesma, considering getting annoyed enough to reply, but then your marvellous message gets posted. It perfectly, albeit quite unintentionally, illustrates precisely the point I was going to make about the stench of hypocrisy drifting westwards. And it even gave me a genuine belly laugh as an unexpected bonus.

Yeah. Almost as funny as this re. Ledesma:

Please boo and shout at him. The more the better. He'll love you for it. And punish you for it.

And cheerio for the last time to all you Pecksniffian whiners.

Yeah, nothing worse than a whiner, is there.

That was the worst refereeing I've seen since we were in the third level, 4 years ago, and where this sort of blatant home-bias and incompetence seems to be taken for granted.

You may have heard the QPR fans singing "You're not fit to referee", and "You don't know what you're doing" and "Twelve men, you've only got twelve men", which I can tell you from personal experience is not something I hear that often, and certainly not sung that passionately.

I'm not being bitter, honestly. But if I were you I would surely be allowing myself a small smile and conceding that Mr Deadman was the classic "homer". When he booked Sproule for his dive late on, we were all convinced that he was whistling for a penalty. It would have been the obvious way to round off his performance.

I'm obviously glad we came away with a point, but didn't enjoy the experience much this time. I was too angry about the w6nker in the black.

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