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Dolman Stand Becoming A Joke


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I sit in row C, so anyone walking out obscures half the pitch. is that reason enough ?

Row A here mate.

It wasn't too bad at the end of the match on Tuesday. It was the bloody start!!.

People were just streaming in up til about 5 mins after kick off. It was like the prawn sandwich brigade at Wembley.

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Even radio five made a comment on this when they were doing the live coverage. Something along the lines of the famous Ashton Gate crowd section wanting to beat the traffic again. ( I am not joking. )

Its only really visible though because of the limited exits causing queues. This makes it stand out alot worse than it really is.

Other clubs do the same though but disappear down multiple exits so all you really see is the empty seats, and not hundreds of people trying to get out. makes it look worse at the gate.

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i got up for a slash after 20mins (I'm a bad fan)

but i got to the ground 10 mins before kick off (must be a proper fan )

i left to get my lad a burger 3 mins before half time cos any later queues ridiculous (crap supporter )

stayed til the end cheering the boys on (red through and through )

i slagged off skuse at work next day (fickle dolman fan should get behind team )

always buy myself and my son season tickets replica kits and any other crap he wants from store (loyal cider head proper fan)

just get on with it terjon and do it your way and stop slaging everybody else off

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I don't understand all these people. Is it just so they can tell their mates that they have a ST and brag a bit or something? "I'm a season ticket holder, unlike you you part-timer!"

I get parked up about an hour an a half before kick-off and once I get to my place in the Atyeo about 20minutes before kick-off I stay there right up until a few minutes after the final whistle. Haven't even gone to the toilets at half-time for about three years.

I don't read that into it at all. When I see someone is a season ticket holder I deduce that they have seen, or will see, the majority of games in a season and therefore should have a good idea of what they are talking about. Whether i agree with their opinion or not is neither here nor there but they are at least more qualified than some to give it.

The debate about who is a bigger, better fan and part time or not has been done to a death many times before on here. Same for the Dolman stand debate really, it's both the design of the stand and the change in society that shows up it's flaws. It must have been built in the 70's?, making it around 35-40 years old. I think the world must have been a different place then, how long before we get Dolman Rage as well as road rage?

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I don't understand all these people. Is it just so they can tell their mates that they have a ST and brag a bit or something? "I'm a season ticket holder, unlike you you part-timer!"

I get parked up about an hour an a half before kick-off and once I get to my place in the Atyeo about 20minutes before kick-off I stay there right up until a few minutes after the final whistle. Haven't even gone to the toilets at half-time for about three years.

Iron bladder! Amazing, do you want to sell it - I could really do with one of those, mine leaks like a tea bag?!

I take my hat of to you in awe sir!

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I know this has been done to death and people have their reasons which you may or may not agree with

But what most annoys me is when people decide to get up and leave when there is some obvious action happening on the pitch - for example a corner or free kick. Had to speak sternly to couple of kids in row in front of me on Tuesday who were about to get up and spoil my view of such an event just to go get their half time pies! Not that we scored from it mind but you'd think they'd want to see it too

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Its the people in wheelchairs parked in the front of the Dolman I feel sorry for. If you're going to leave early, thats your business, and you are allowed to do so, but for goodness sake, do that and actually LEAVE, don't stand down the front blocking those less fortunate than you's view.

I echo that comment.

Even if people don't stand in front of them the disabled people have a constant stream of people walking in front of them, or do they move closer to the hoardings at the end of the game?

In the majority of cases, there is no need for people to leave.

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I echo that comment.

Even if people don't stand in front of them the disabled people have a constant stream of people walking in front of them, or do they move closer to the hoardings at the end of the game?

In the majority of cases, there is no need for people to leave.

Bristol City is no different to any other club. People will arrive late,(especially night matches), and leave early. People will need to go to the toilet and also get refreshments, people will naturally have to move. The problem with the Dolman stand is the design. If you need to leave early at other grounds, or go to the toilets, get refreshments etc, you leave your seat and then go down a concourse out of sight and impeeding nobodies view. At Ashton you can leave early and still watch the match as you are leaving and then stand at the bottom.

I sympathise with the older folk and people with young children and can see why they leave early. Coming down the steps of the Dolman at the end of a match can be daunting for older folk who are not too steady on their feet.

(I believe that is why St.Aldhelms Red moved to the EE) :drunk2:

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Why oh why does this subject always come back,

Just let everyone attend the game (early or late) - its their choice.

We all pay good money to support our team and everyone has their choice of how they support it.

It's the stand design - simple as.

If you don't like the late comers, half time drinkers, early exits - don't sit in the Dolman.

Bye for now


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To add,

We do arrive late, we do go for a drink at half time and we do head towards the bottom once added time is announced. Thats our choice - I pay good money for my seat and have supported the club for 31 years !

The lot who sit in my row and behind us know very well by now and we all have a joke about it. If we turn up before kick off they would all faint ! We have a great rapour with all the fans in and around our seats.

Its great banter when we get to our seats at say 3.02pm and all the lads say "bl**dy h*ll you lot are early today"

All the complainers should chill out - you can still see the game with movement in front of you - just swivell a little to your right and left. Job done.


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whats the point in this post.

if you pay £30 to sit there you can leave when you like.

and why so much exaguration from EVERYONE?


it takes around 7 mins after the final whistle for the stand to be cleared. WOW.

and in these 7 mins the players are coming over to the far corner of the dolman to clap the fans! and then by the time the get off the pitch your out!

i never leave before the final whistle and never will, but if someone else does, WHO CARES?

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the reason this always comes up is because one total tool who has nothing better to do starts a thread every week......... amd then acts all high and mighty.... until someone disagree's with him then they become scum.... I'm never sure if he is on a wind up and lying about when he started supporting city or whether he just has OCD

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So are we agreed then?

I'll arrive when I can, leave when I need to and empty my bladder when I want?

I'd hate to spoil the fun for 95% of people (most of whom spend less on their season ticket because they are in blocks A or B).

Granted, I could choose to not drink on a week night and drive home, but let's be honest? Where is the fun in that? What's the point of living in the middle of nowhere if, now-and-again, I can't come into Bristol to catch up with a few people post-5pm?

If any of you moaners care to campaign the various rail-networks on my behalf to ensure that a later rail service is available, feel free, it'll keep me in my seat 'till the end.

(Although it's still a thirty quid taxi from the station, so not too late, else the price goes up after mid-night!)


Here endeth the story of the loan complainer.

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Why you would want to leave before the end of half / full time is beyond wierd.

Individual reasons for leaving early are arbitrary. Those actions show you don't care enough to stay and would rather be somewhere else.

Its bloody embarrasing that our gaffer, 5live and other commentaries are talking about it.

I suggest that rather than try and make up songs for Mcindoe etc, we should have a song to sing to people who withdraw their support early.

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Yeh, £400 to brag to mates. What do you want Eamer, a medal?

Better yet, why don't you film yourself to prove it, and stick it on YouTube and get everyone to watch it if you really want some fame.

What? :blink: That makes no sense at all... at least if you're going to try make a point make sure it makes sense.

a) Why would I be looking for a medal? I don't get it.

b) Film myself to prove what and get fame?

Iron bladder! Amazing, do you want to sell it - I could really do with one of those, mine leaks like a tea bag?!

I take my hat of to you in awe sir!

That post my friend, did make me laugh. I feel sorry for you if you do need to go that much though. Haha

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Why you would want to leave before the end of half / full time is beyond wierd.

Individual reasons for leaving early are arbitrary. Those actions show you don't care enough to stay and would rather be somewhere else.

Its bloody embarrasing that our gaffer, 5live and other commentaries are talking about it.

I suggest that rather than try and make up songs for Mcindoe etc, we should have a song to sing to people who withdraw their support early.

That is a mighty wide brush you are using to tar everyone with. Laughable if that is what you truly believe.

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and i watched the other 2 stands when we conceded our second and people were streaming into the exits for a bite to eat.

you go on about the 2 exits not being an excuse, when obviously it is, also it was a night match so plenty of peole need to get home, my dad had a night shift so left a little bit early, my mate always has to leave a bit early because they need to be home for when his lil sister gets in .... thats just the people i know, so I'm sure the 100 or so people who leave early also have excuses

your constant moaning about the dolman is getting really tiresome, take your own advise and sit in the williams or better still ###### off to whorefield

I quite agree with the original post. I too sit in the Dolman G Block and it is a pain the the arse when you are trying to watch the game and streams of people are coming down the steps and then decide to stop right where you are sat. I will not move to another stand as I have been sat in the same seat for 18 years and why should we move? The next time you are at the cinema I wil come and stand right in front of you and stand in your way so you can't see what YOU CAME TO WATCH. :disapointed2se:
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Hopefully when we get our new ground these problems may stop.

Ashton Gate is dated now and there is always a crush trying to get out at the final whistle because of the stadium design. There is not enough entrances/exits especially in 'The Dolman Stand' so people leave early.

Evening matches are always bad for people arriving late as they are running late after getting home from work, trying to find a parking space etc etc.

Perhaps a solution would be for BCFC to change the kick off times to 8pm?

What annoys me are the people who leave it to the last minute in the pubs then turn up 5 mins after kickoff before taking their seats. If we did change the kick off time to 8pm some people would think its an extra 1/4 drinking time and would still get to the ground late. You wouldn't get to the pictures after the film had started would you!!! so why turn up late for football and spoil it for everyone else.

I sit in 'The Williams Stand' and on Tuesday night around 5 people came in five/ten minutes late and asked me to get up so they could pass me to get to their seat. Then all through the game they visited the toilets so the whole row have to get up again and again to let them out and back in again.

The catering and toilet facilities are also not adequate for the number of people in the stadium so people leave well before 1/2 time to avoid the queues

I love Ashton Gate i have been there every week for over 40 years but it is looking tired/dated now when you see the facilities in some of these plush new stadiums. Of course i will be sorry to see us move but as soon as we get our new stadium hopefully most of these problems will have gone.

Rant Over !!!!

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I think this debate has been done to death before. However......

I understand that some people have to leave early or may arrive late, or may have a bladder like a sieve, but I truly don't understand how it can be so many people all at once.

I can almost set my watch by it. As soon as the lights in the Dolman come on with about 5 mins to go, thousands of people all at once stand up and leave or congregate at the font of the stand. Surely all of them havent got night shifts, baby sitters to get back to, or buses and trains to catch?

As for the exiting in the Dolman. Yes, it is terrible and god help us if there is ever a serious fire. Having said that, it would be interesting to see how much time getting home these people save by missing the last 10 mins of the game. And importantly, how many goals they miss throughout the season. I also don't think that it helps the players seeing hoards of people streaming out of the stadium.

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I remember a night game last season (may have been WBA) when the old man made a guest star appearance down the ground with me cos I had a spare ticket.

I said about the early leavers issue.

He started laughing, "they been complaining about that since when I used to come down here with your grandad in the 60's"

Don't reckon its liable to be fixed or go away fellas so we may as well just accept people leave early.

I personally don't but won't begrudge anyone if they have to get away.

I come from Wimbledon for home games as well and that's two and a half hours away on a good run.

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I hope this thread dosnt get moved.

I am a season ticket holder in the DOLMAN and it is a joke.

Last night once again people arriving late.......getting up all the time and leaving early before half time and coming back late for the second half, then leaving early to get home........

It was like Temple Meads Railway station last night, people moving about all the time..

I know you get people on here who thinks its not ok to complain, but this really is annoying when you are trying to watch the game, I would love to film the dolman just to show people the view from my seat and then people might start to see how annoying this is.

I'm going to ask the club if I can swap to the williams.......


Could you let me have your phone number, so if I am running late due to traffic or I feel the need to go to the toilet I can give you advanced warning so at least you will be prepared? Not the answer I know you were looking for but I would hate you to think that I was inconsiderate! :whistle2:

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And I thought that we lived in a free Country. I always head to a seat nearer the exit just before the end, but move when the ball is out of play and try not to spoil anyone elses view. It makes about 30 minutes difference in my time getting home, and as my driver has a further 20 miles to go, it makes a lot of difference to him. What I find odd about this debate is that walking to the concourse, causing a temporary and brief inconvenience (For whatever reason) is deemed as not supoporting the team, but standing for 90 minutes blocking other peoples views is classed as supporting the team.

Cynicism aside, at theast the Lib Dems are now seriously considering supporting safe standing, and maybe the Political numbskulls will finally realise that terracing did not cause Hillsborough, but the fencing and poor crowd control. The answer is to keep the pressure on Politicians, and once terracing finally returns, a lot of these problems will disappear. Once the credit crunch really kicks in, and fans can no longer afford ridiculously priced seats, the Clubs will be far more supportive of terracing.

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I quite agree with the original post. I too sit in the Dolman G Block and it is a pain the the arse when you are trying to watch the game and streams of people are coming down the steps and then decide to stop right where you are sat. I will not move to another stand as I have been sat in the same seat for 18 years and why should we move? The next time you are at the cinema I wil come and stand right in front of you and stand in your way so you can't see what YOU CAME TO WATCH. :disapointed2se:

who mentioned the cinema?

id love for you to stand in front of me at the football... give the stewards someone else to pick on.... another story and another moany thread we will not start here

i don't want anybody else to move just terjon, as it was his idea, and he moans so much he makes my best pal GaryJohnson'sLeftNut look like a really really positive fan!!!!

and you get exactly the ame problem at cinemas!!!!!!!!! if someone needs a piss they need to walk infront of you to get there :noexpression: but nobody feels the need to moan.. christ urinating is a basic neccessity of life ffs. i hope to god circumstances never arise when you need to leave early :o how would you ever be able to look at yourself in the mirror :noexpression:

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I don't understand all these people. Is it just so they can tell their mates that they have a ST and brag a bit or something? "I'm a season ticket holder, unlike you you part-timer!"

I get parked up about an hour an a half before kick-off and once I get to my place in the Atyeo about 20minutes before kick-off I stay there right up until a few minutes after the final whistle. Haven't even gone to the toilets at half-time for about three years.

Well done you. I hope you really enjoyed yourself.

I have a very different way of enjoying myself at a game, and that involves a few pints, arriving in time for kick off (just), popping off for a slash now and again, quick pint at half time, and pop down the front once injury time starts.

You enjoy your day, I enjoy mine. 2 very different fans, but neither of us is better than the other.

The Dolman debate has been going on for ages, and it will never cease ****il the new ground). What I fail to comprehend though is that alot of the people who are moaning seem to have supported City for many years. They must have watched football in the 60's, 70's and 80's, with terracing, crap stands, crap toilets, fighting, pitch invasions, crowd surges! The sanitised, all seated, tv-influenced, family-orientated version of football served up these days is a far cry from what they must have been watching for the last 30 years. Jeez, how the hell did these people manage back then?? They must have absolutely hated matchday. And those fences must have got in your way and spoiled it for you every week. How the hell did you ever stick around so long?

To those who argue that leaving early affects the players, "because Johnson said". Well, GJ only mentioned it once. Boro in the cup last season. And that was because there were hundreds leaving, not just a few. Most games you only get a few leaving, not hundreds at a time like in that game. The players do not get influenced by a few people leaving, I'm pretty sure they're concentrating 100% on the game, so that argument is futile.

Build a stairwell at the back of the Dolman and all your problems are solved. However, that ain't going to happen, so until we get the new stadium, I'm afraid that everyone is going to behave in the same way they always have done, and like it or not, you'll just have to live with it.

Oh, and when everyone starts walking to the front a couple of minutes from the end, why not just stand up and sing your heart out. You'll be able to see the whole game, and perhaps also 'feel part of it'. Get involved!!

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what realy annoys me is when they kick off before i've finished my pint.

also can all those inconsiderate people who go to the toilet at half time please wait a minute until we have

gotten into the supporters club.

we only get 15 minutes to get to the bar,drink our beer and get back to our seats.


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Guest MaloneFM

Ooh a thread about early leavers! Bit dangerous isn't it?

Lets start one about Lee Johnson. I know I'm shaking a few cages here but lets try it this once and see how it goes. And if it seems to get a few opinions we can try music to run out to, how crap the gas are, what Flappy has said lately...the skys the limit!

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who mentioned the cinema?

id love for you to stand in front of me at the football... give the stewards someone else to pick on.... another story and another moany thread we will not start here

i don't want anybody else to move just terjon, as it was his idea, and he moans so much he makes my best pal GaryJohnson'sLeftNut look like a really really positive fan!!!!

and you get exactly the ame problem at cinemas!!!!!!!!! if someone needs a piss they need to walk infront of you to get there :noexpression: but nobody feels the need to moan.. christ urinating is a basic neccessity of life ffs. i hope to god circumstances never arise when you need to leave early :o how would you ever be able to look at yourself in the mirror :noexpression:

The cinema was an "example" I pay to watch 90 mins of football and extra time and for your information I have no trouble looking at myself in the mirror!! Why don't the people who leave ealrly walk along the back of the Dolman stand and go down the steps of A or G block. :dunno: You are welcome to stand by me at a game anytime I am going to Wolves. See you there.
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okie dokie :D

i havent missed a second of football in all my city watching days. i just understand why people leave or feel the need to arrive a touch late, don't know why i just understand!

infact I'm usually one of the first to arive but thats irrelevent its not about me its about peoples basic right to do what they want when they want, free country and all that, I'm sure its not difficult to stand up and look over them is it?

are stewards ruining my enjoyment of the game for telling me to sit down? back row mind you! cos i don't want to be sitting down every 5 minutes, why cant they just leave me alone? I'm not blocking anyones view and i get a better view of the game, makes singing much easier tooo :)

there not ruining my enjoyment, and nor should people standing in front of you! you should be so enthralled in the match that you sub conciously stand up to see past them!!!!!!

or is it just me? id prefer to be stood for 90 minutes so any excuse would make me happy

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