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The Man In Black

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Row Y. Not far from the bloke who yells 'challenge' every time the opposition team get the ball.

I'm sat two rows in front of these plankton.

Styvar was poor today but anyone rushing to make a judgement is basing it on what, exactly?

I wish the group of morons sat there would **** off and do something else on Saturdays..........

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I agree.

Give him a break!

It took Ronaldo two seasons to settle into the Premier League and he is now the best player in the world.

He is in a new country with a entirely different culture. A different team where he won't know everyone nor will he be able to speak to them that well as i doubt his english will be that good.

He is playing in a different league which is much better than the slovenian leagues and i think he is more of a winger than a striker.

Now with the two week break Johnson can have a proper look at him and find his best position.

I would hope he would have knew that before spending 500,000 on him.

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To be fair I think some of the people where I sit would moan if we signed Kaka and he didn't score within 15 minutes. They're in a world of their own sometimes.

For a 108 million pounds i would moan if he didnt score a hat trick in the first 15 minutes. :disapointed2se:

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I'm sat two rows in front of these plankton.

Styvar was poor today but anyone rushing to make a judgement is basing it on what, exactly?

I wish the group of morons sat there would **** off and do something else on Saturdays..........

Its a degree of humanity, somewhere between sublime and garbage. In 1947 I was at the gate to hear our hero's booed. Even John Atyeo was booed and called a piecan when he arived at the gate and throughout his career. There will always be those fans who cannot support our entire 11 players on the pitch.

Consider this...... if you have a squad of 16 family relations you see on a monthly basis, do you like all of them, are you nice to all of them ? I hate most of mine and try my best to be an objectionable old barsteward.

Fans are no different.

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I don't think that any intelligent fans would complain if Stuyvar sat on the bench for a while, especially if GJ explained his reasoning. The rule in football is to pick your best team, and at the moment, there is no way that Stuyvar is better than either John or Adebola (Or even Trundle). Against Wolves you cannot carry a striker, and that is what we were doing in the first half.

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I don't think that any intelligent fans would complain if Stuyvar sat on the bench for a while, especially if GJ explained his reasoning. The rule in football is to pick your best team, and at the moment, there is no way that Stuyvar is better than either John or Adebola (Or even Trundle). Against Wolves you cannot carry a striker, and that is what we were doing in the first half.

And how does a player, completely new to English football learn to adapt and gain experience if he's sat on the bench with 10min cameo's here and there? and lets face it John hasn't exacty set the place on fire and niether has Adebola.

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Guest churchill gaffer
It appears, from listening to the fans around me, that if you don't play a stunner in the first 30 minutes of your first home league game on foreign soil you are undeniably s**t.

"When has Johnson ever made a decent signing?" etc. etc.

So lets just sell him now and cut our losses. It would make some of the fans happy.

Even though you sound a bit harsh!

I agree, he looks a poor signing!

He looks to me, not to be up to the Championship pase.

Sorry but he wouldn't be in my team. At 28, I must admit I was surprised we went for him when nobody else seemed to be interested?????

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To be fair I think some of the people where I sit would moan if we signed Kaka and he didn't score within 15 minutes. They're in a world of their own sometimes.

Have to agree. Some fans are a joke, including the two guys by me in the Atyeo yesterday who could do nothing but slag off our "shocking Keeper"!!! :disapointed2se: Yes he made a couple of mistakes helped by the weather, it happens when you play in Goal.

Try using your vocal chords to encourage your team when they are 2-0 down instead of Knocking absolutely everything.

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And how does a player, completely new to English football learn to adapt and gain experience if he's sat on the bench with 10min cameo's here and there? and lets face it John hasn't exacty set the place on fire and niether has Adebola.
The same way as every other player has to. And how long do you propose that we wait for him to come good? If I am honest, I have seen absolutely nothing in him whatsoever in any of the 3 games, and playing him cannot be any good for his confidence. We all hope he will come good, but there is no guarantee that we have not signed a complete turkey. And what message does it send out to Adebola and John?
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And how long do you propose that we wait for him to come good? If I am honest, I have seen absolutely nothing in him whatsoever in any of the 3 games, and playing him cannot be any good for his confidence. We all hope he will come good, but there is no guarantee that we have not signed a complete turkey. And what message does it send out to Adebola and John?

We had to wait for Maynard to come good and he was brought up in English football unlike Styvar. No offence, but he fact that you've seen nothing from Styvar yet means nothing. Its Johnson's view that counts and he signed him.

Also remember that Styvar needs the games not only for the experience but also to get match fit. His previous league was in their winter break when he signed so he hadn't played a game for some time.

My view is no more valid than yours, but what I've seen so far is a player with a desire to do well and with a decent level of skill. He wants to play football but has found the hurly burly and pace of the CCC difficult to step into. Imo he will come good. He just needs games and time to settle in.

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Guest RobbieTurner
The same way as every other player has to. And how long do you propose that we wait for him to come good? If I am honest, I have seen absolutely nothing in him whatsoever in any of the 3 games, and playing him cannot be any good for his confidence. We all hope he will come good, but there is no guarantee that we have not signed a complete turkey. And what message does it send out to Adebola and John?

So are you saying Pete and Gary Johnson have researched him so poorly that they have signed a 'turkey' ??! There is never a guarantee players will hit it off at new clubs. Gary and Pete don't have crystal balls, they can only go off of videos and games they have watched him in - what more can they do ?

I really don't get some of you guys on here - 2.5 games against the league leaders and Premier League opposition and we have signed a dud....get real guys , get off the guys back and get behind him. How long will it be before people are singing his praises a la Nicky Maynard....??

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Even though you sound a bit harsh!

I agree, he looks a poor signing!

He looks to me, not to be up to the Championship pase.

You make this assumption on the basis of 45 minutes against the league leaders and two appearences against Premier League opposition?

That assessment seems more than a little rash and not a little narrow minded.

Sorry but he wouldn't be in my team. At 28, I must admit I was surprised we went for him when nobody else seemed to be interested?????

Can you please povide evidence that no other club wished to sign him, as you seem to know something we don't?

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Just plain ridiculous.

Whilst it is true that Styvar has yet to find his feet, any rational human would conclude that this was because he has played 3 games in English football - 2 of which were against International class defenders, he has been played out of his natural position on every occasion, he is currently 'staying with a friend' and presumably without family (?) and he is, through no fault of his own going to be far from match fit due to his native countrys winter break.

Now all of the above is true and means any forthright criticism is entirely unnecessary, yet there is a point that perhaps he should be featuring more from the bench.

The problem is, John would need to play in the middle of a front 3, which would displace Maynard out wide. And as good as Adebola was yesterday, he has been injured and probably doesnt have the legs to operate wide in a front 3 for much more than a half.

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That people are knocking the guy already is a joke, but i really am not surprised. I just don't understand some peoples inability to not jump on anything that isnt quite going %100 perfectly. For me, as dissapointing as it would be, even if the guy doesnt turn it around, so what??? Managers get some signings wrong, they get some right. Taking a player out of his comfort zone from a league such as styvars is always going to have teething problems and may end up fruitless, if he cant get to grips with it. However I'm assuming the money paid for him was not massive, and therefore the 'risk' taken on him is worth it. I'd rather make a small gamble on players from these leagues, knowing that it may not come off than not take them at all. I've seen many threads on here over time suggesting we look to the continent to sign players, and we have to accpet that it is more of a gamble when we do.

All that said, he has plenty of time turn it around (a phrase i cant believe I'm using, given that he only played 3 games and lived in the country for what? 2 weeks or so?) and find his feet. There are signs of what he is about so I'm holding hope. The english leauges are far different to europe, even the top european leagues, some players don't get used to it, Shevchenko is the obvious example, different levels of course but same issue.

We simply cant make any judgement as yet, however i don't think he will or should start next game.

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re Nibor,

Id say the '4-3-3' has worked pretty well. Held our own vs Pompey home and away, good performance away at Sheff Wed and yesterday, against one of the best teams in the league with, quite frankly, a scary front 6, we very much competed and showed there isnt a huge gulf between us and automatic promotion.

Sproule was barely involved yesterday which is clearly a key ingredient for a successful 3 up top tactic.

I personally think there is alot to be said for setting up like it, although as you say, using Styvar as the target man doesnt make a great deal of sense.

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Not been impressive so far but why the hell we're playing him as a target man up on his own is beyond me, he clearly isn't that.

This 433 b***ocks needs to go, lets see what he's like with someone next to him.

It gives us width.

It brings the best out of Johnson, Skuse, Maynard, McIndoe, Sproule, John, Adebola.

We have been playing better and picking up more points since it has been bought in.

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I am getting lost with this. All that some of us are saying is that he looks well off the pace at present, and is not ready for a starting place. If the opposition is being used as an excuse, well why start him against top teams? As for the 'he looks class' - No he doesn't! He looks lost, and quite frankly has done nothing of any note whatsoever in 3 games. That is my honest opinion of his 3 games to date.

Now we have to look forward to what he might become in the future. His past record suggests that he could well be a very good player and a great addition. Equally, we don't really know what standard the Slovakian League really is, or whether he will adapt to English football. As many rightly say, he will only improve by playing, but how long do we give him? We are still not safe from relegation yet and cannot afford to drop too many points. How much good are these performances really doing him? He will probably learn more watching from the bench for a while, and starting when he is ready.

I hope people will actually read my posts properly rather than jumping to conclusions. I did not call him a turkey, all I said was that we have seen no evidence to suggest if he will be a good signing or not.

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I have no problem with that formation (4-3-3), and to be quite honest no formation is going to work against every team, and on occasions it will need changing during the game. Yesterday i didnt think it was working too well, as has been mentioned, this was largely due to the fact that Sproule was not involved like he had been. A manager cannot see into the future and predict indivdual performances from players on either side that may effect the outcome of the starting formations effectiveness. Sproule, did not get involved, did he have a bad game? was it the good performance of the players tracking/marking him? regardless of reason, this is what effected the worthyness of the formation on this occasion. There have been times recently, where i think this formation has seen us at our best this season. That said, i do think we have the options within our squad to play a different formation when required, and i think its a quality within a team that a squad must master if they are to be successfull.

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I am getting lost with this. All that some of us are saying is that he looks well off the pace at present, and is not ready for a starting place. If the opposition is being used as an excuse, well why start him against top teams? As for the 'he looks class' - No he doesn't! He looks lost, and quite frankly has done nothing of any note whatsoever in 3 games. That is my honest opinion of his 3 games to date.

The issue I had when I started this thread is a certain number of supporters not just saying 'get him off' or 'why is he playing when he quite clearly hasn't acclimatised yet', they were quite loudly stating that he's s**t, he will always by s**t and that we should send him back now.

Of course, I fully expect them to be cheering wildly when he scores :rolleyes:

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re Nibor,

Id say the '4-3-3' has worked pretty well. Held our own vs Pompey home and away, good performance away at Sheff Wed and yesterday, against one of the best teams in the league with, quite frankly, a scary front 6, we very much competed and showed there isnt a huge gulf between us and automatic promotion.

Sproule was barely involved yesterday which is clearly a key ingredient for a successful 3 up top tactic.

I personally think there is alot to be said for setting up like it, although as you say, using Styvar as the target man doesnt make a great deal of sense.

Well, I'd disagree. Firstly, we haven't won in that formation.

To make 433 effective you a powerful centre forward who dominates in the air and brings others into play, you need two exceptional wingers who can come in to the old inside forward role and score and are comfortable defending wide when needed, and you need two central midfielders comfortable getting into the box and scoring. We don't have any of that, we have a decent ball player for the left in McIndoe who doesn't defend much nor look a scoring threat so we play Maynard there who isn't really suited to it, Sproule who is quick but little else, and Adebola plays well one game in three or four. None of our other strikers fit so we're putting square pegs in round holes.

It gives us width.

It brings the best out of Johnson, Skuse, Maynard, McIndoe, Sproule, John, Adebola.

We have been playing better and picking up more points since it has been bought in.

IMO it does the opposite of give us width when you play it with a striker out left, the full backs can't get forward. I think the only players it gets the best out of are Lee Johnson who always looks more useful with an extra man in the middle and Skuse who otherwise doesn't get into the side. McIndoe and John haven't been playing in that formation we've not won a game playing it. Sproule had a great game against Portsmouth but didn't actually produce much end product and is still inconsistent as we saw yesterday, that won't change in either formation.

433 is just papering over the cracks IMO, we still need to address several large shortcomings in the squad if we want to compete. I'll happily bet that we dump 433 for a long time in a couple of games and go back to 442.

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