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Bristol Lib Dems On The Tesco Planning App


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"Same old crap from Lib Dumb, or Labour councils. Promise the earth to get "eelcted" and then forget about the voters for all their precious sacred cows: cycle lanes, green this that and the other. They have no history of encouraging top class sport, top class facilities or housing. and bristols roads make my counties road network look outstanding, and our council has had its share of the Goverment cut in recent years to subsidise inefficient and corrupt Labour/Lib Dumb councils usually oop narth, Wales and Jockland (coincidentally Labour heartlands )

If Bristols council fail to give permission for the new ground, it will prove yet again how out of touch with the voters they really are. Remember the gas-scum have struggled to get a ground, the education in Bristol for the masses is shocking. The roads are awful, tensions with some of the immigrant communities, poor/no existant policing, over priced, ineffecient services, high community charges. We have all four of the supermarkets in chavscum central Buckinghamshire, indeed Tesco has two, and I beleive Sainsburys are opening another. It shouldn't affect trading in the area, as from what I have seen its a vibrant local economy down there. You have a diverse community, which drives the shops staying as is.

The only way it will, is if your area turns into a commuter area like it is up here, where everyone shops on-line which has wiped all the smaller shops out leaving us with the usual chavscum's favorite shops: Next, Pri-mark, many bookies (Chains of course) super pubs (ditto), which become a battlefield every weekend, the multiplex (ditto)cinema, and sundry takeaways. however about 60% of our communities are commuters, and only live in the area, having no local loyalty/roots or interest.

Down there is still a community with local pride/roots/interest."

I hear that Barrow Gurney is nice at this time of year. The local healthcare may suit you, but take care, it does have shocking traffic calming measures.

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Same old crap from Lib Dumb, or Labour councils. Promise the earth to get "eelcted" and then forget about the voters for all their precious sacred cows: cycle lanes, green this that and the other. They have no history of encouraging top class sport, top class facilities or housing. and bristols roads make my counties road network look outstanding, and our council has had its share of the Goverment cut in recent years to subsidise inefficient and corrupt Labour/Lib Dumb councils usually oop narth, Wales and Jockland (coincidentally Labour heartlands )

The 'Lib Dumb'. :winner_third_h4h::dancing6:

Bristol's Lib-Lab-Con council - over the years - has also done its best to ethnically cleanse Bristol of its Bristolian communities by not providing affordable housing. Many Bristolians have thus been forced to move out to South Wales, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset for more affordable housing and cheaper council tax. As I mentioned in previous posts, Bristol council also has a history of talking about bringing back the electrtic tram system but when we did have the electric trams prior to World War 2 they made life as difficult as possible for the tram company to operate. Now we see the dumbass Bristol Councillors again dragging their feet on the new football stadium issue just as they have for the past 68 years on the electric tram issue.

Don't blame me because I didn't vote Lib-Lab-Con. :whistle2:

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Hi. you say the area is adequately served at present, does that mean then that it is not well served at present?

and as I've said elsewhere customers would not just be coming from the area but from outlying districts as well.

In an ideal world Tesco will come up with a plan which is not just about profits but gives something to the local community as well, what that is I don't know, perhaps a health centre.

The Section 106 agreements would possible be used for this. However BCC still have lots of Section 106 money sat in their bank account http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/news/16m-de...il/article.html

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For me Asda and Sainsburys would look very bad if they blocked the Teso plan and ultimetly our new stadium, world cup bid etc. It wouldnt be good PR from their point of view.

Of course Sainsbury's and Asda will try and block any plans put forward by Tesco.

PR be FUC£ED!!

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The 'Lib Dumb'. :winner_third_h4h::dancing6:

Bristol's Lib-Lab-Con council - over the years - has also done its best to ethnically cleanse Bristol of its Bristolian communities by not providing affordable housing. Many Bristolians have thus been forced to move out to South Wales, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset for more affordable housing and cheaper council tax. As I mentioned in previous posts, Bristol council also has a history of talking about bringing back the electrtic tram system but when we did have the electric trams prior to World War 2 they made life as difficult as possible for the tram company to operate. Now we see the dumbass Bristol Councillors again dragging their feet on the new football stadium issue just as they have for the past 68 years on the electric tram issue.

Don't blame me because I didn't vote Lib-Lab-Con. :whistle2:

You have in a nutshell described why the Labour Party is wiped out (They are extinct in Bucks County Council, losing their last seat this year, and he relied on personal standing to keep his place, by most accounts a decent fella), bar Laaaaandumb in the South and Lib Dumbs made losses all over the place. Politicians are supposed to represent the constituency/council ward, but the Lab/Lib Dumb t@ssers usually don't, and the only reason Tories do, is they're gaining seats all over from a dismal low level, due to listening (For the moment). the options for us in the SE were that lot or BNP, UKIP, or socialist weeeerkers. None of those appeal to me in the slightest. even the English Democrats made no impact.

good luck in Briz, you do have a shocking council for all things of interest to local people...

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You have in a nutshell described why the Labour Party is wiped out (They are extinct in Bucks County Council, losing their last seat this year, and he relied on personal standing to keep his place, by most accounts a decent fella), bar Laaaaandumb in the South and Lib Dumbs made losses all over the place. Politicians are supposed to represent the constituency/council ward, but the Lab/Lib Dumb t@ssers usually don't, and the only reason Tories do, is they're gaining seats all over from a dismal low level, due to listening (For the moment). the options for us in the SE were that lot or BNP, UKIP, or socialist weeeerkers. None of those appeal to me in the slightest. even the English Democrats made no impact.

good luck in Briz, you do have a shocking council for all things of interest to local people...

Bristol Council really do need to get moving and help this football club to get the new stadium at Ashton Vale up and running.

Incidentally bucksred, the Labour Party were wiped out in the recent South West European Union elections finishing 5th. There are now six members of the European Union Parliament representing South West England and none of them are now Labour. They have been wiped out, serves them right for representing the interests of the European Union 'politically correct' plutocrats instead of the ordinary working man that they were set up by the Unions to represent.

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Guest MaloneFM

I still believe FIFA will tell us to bugger off and it will go back to America or even Australia then it'll be 'stadium what stadium?'

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The Council supported the building of Cabot Circus more than it seems to be supporting the new stadium at Ashton Vale.

absolutely not the case. How is the council not supporting the stadium? all three party leaders have spoken in favour in principle but there is a proper planning process to go through to ensure any decision reached is made properly. City have only just submitted their planning application.

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absolutely not the case. How is the council not supporting the stadium? all three party leaders have spoken in favour in principle but there is a proper planning process to go through to ensure any decision reached is made properly. City have only just submitted their planning application.

.. and there is a very real danger that the application will fail. Will this be the council's fault? No, more the fault of Sexstone and his determination to jump into bed with Tesco, knowing that his cunning plan is unlikely to succeed.

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absolutely not the case. How is the council not supporting the stadium? all three party leaders have spoken in favour in principle but there is a proper planning process to go through to ensure any decision reached is made properly. City have only just submitted their planning application.

The Council leaders are 'supporting' the stadium with words not positive action. The Council have been supporting the idea of a 'light railway' tram system for Bristol - to replace the one that was destroyed by German bombing in 1941 - with words not action for the past 68 years. Perhaps the Council should take positive action for once by buying Ashton Gate, then there could be Council offices at Ashton Gate not Tesco.

Also, I used to work at Cattlemarket Road Head Post Office, the building has now been derelict for over 10 years. What are the Council doing about that? A prime piece of land in a prime location and it's allowed to lie idle. The Council allowed a whole community to be destroyed in Totterdown by having the houses forcibly demolished then allowed that land to lie idle for decades as well. Bristol has now fallen behind every other major city in the country with regard football stadia, sports facilities and decent public transport thanks to its crap procrastinating council.

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The Council leaders are 'supporting' the stadium with words not positive action. The Council have been supporting the idea of a 'light railway' tram system for Bristol - to replace the one that was destroyed by German bombing in 1941 - with words not action for the past 68 years. Perhaps the Council should take positive action for once by buying Ashton Gate, then there could be Council offices at Ashton Gate not Tesco.

Also, I used to work at Cattlemarket Road Head Post Office, the building has now been derelict for over 10 years. What are the Council doing about that? A prime piece of land in a prime location and it's allowed to lie idle. The Council allowed a whole community to be destroyed in Totterdown by having the houses forcibly demolished then allowed that land to lie idle for decades as well. Bristol has now fallen behind every other major city in the country with regard football stadia, sports facilities and decent public transport thanks to its crap procrastinating council.

Bloody hell, I think that's the first time I've fully agreed with one of your crackpot political rants - I'm now frightened for my sanity!

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Bloody hell, I think that's the first time I've fully agreed with one of your crackpot political rants - I'm now frightened for my sanity!

:winner_third_h4h: Mine's a true and factual argument. As most of the Councillors and their planners aren't Bristolian they wont know about the history of Bristol and the Council's history of blunders, dithering and general procrastination.

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No, not the College Green lawns, the Bristol Centre lawns and bushes have been concreted over with curious and costly fountains and poles as decoration - it really does look crap.....

Hmmm see your point but then the old photo seems to have little in the way of greenery either.

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:winner_third_h4h: Mine's a true and factual argument. As most of the Councillors and their planners aren't Bristolian they wont know about the history of Bristol and the Council's history of blunders, dithering and general procrastination.

Bloody Hell.

I'm agreeing with you too!

I have long thought that no one should be eligible to stand as councillors unless they have lived in Bristol for a minimum of 90% of their life and went to school here.

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Hmmm see your point but then the old photo seems to have little in the way of greenery either.

No there wasn't, but the harbour was covered over for a function - to provide a central exchange for the tramway.

When it came to redevelop it, why oh why oh why, did our incompetent council decide to try and make it look like a second rate anonymous, anywhere in Europe plaza.

FFS, open it up, reveal Bristol's heritage, have some state of the art buildings built, have the juxtaposition of ancient & modern, do something original, WHY TURN IT INTO YET ANOTHER ###### CONCRETE JUNGLE. IT LOOKS s**t.

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The Council leaders are 'supporting' the stadium with words not positive action. The Council have been supporting the idea of a 'light railway' tram system for Bristol - to replace the one that was destroyed by German bombing in 1941 - with words not action for the past 68 years. Perhaps the Council should take positive action for once by buying Ashton Gate, then there could be Council offices at Ashton Gate not Tesco.

I genuinely don't mean any offence but you have no idea what you are talking about. Are the council just supposed to grant planning permission without consulting? City have only just put their application in. What positive action - exactly - would you like the council to take now to support the stadium.

As for the council buying Ashton Gate for offices - why? The market value for offices on that site is nothing compared to the retail potential. So should the council just pay over the odds with our council tax, in order to build offices when they already have them? Complete and utter madness.

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I genuinely don't mean any offence but you have no idea what you are talking about. Are the council just supposed to grant planning permission without consulting? City have only just put their application in. What positive action - exactly - would you like the council to take now to support the stadium.

As for the council buying Ashton Gate for offices - why? The market value for offices on that site is nothing compared to the retail potential. So should the council just pay over the odds with our council tax, in order to build offices when they already have them? Complete and utter madness.

As a Bristolian and BCFC supporter, I want the new BCFC stadium to go ahead without any hold ups over wrangling over whether Tesco buys Ashton Gate or not. We've been too long out of the top flight as it is. The way I see it, a new stadium will - if we regain our top flight status - help keep us in the top flight. At last we've got a visionary Chairman in Steve Lansdown that's got the vision to take Bristol's premier football club forward. Lets' not throw Bristol's potential in hosting world cup games away.

The eyes of England are already on the utter madness of Bristol Council giving scarce council housing to a bomb making public school educated Toff - do Bristol Council want yet more bad publicity with regard to their lunacy?

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I'm going to rename you 'dismal Jim'. :innocent06:

It's true, I'm afraid.

There's a strong push to get the World Cup here in 2018- with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd himself in there lobbying.

But they would settle for 2022, I think (which is what I'm hoping for, for CITY's sake )

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As a Bristolian and BCFC supporter, I want the new BCFC stadium to go ahead without any hold ups over wrangling over whether Tesco buys Ashton Gate or not. We've been too long out of the top flight as it is. The way I see it, a new stadium will - if we regain our top flight status - help keep us in the top flight. At last we've got a visionary Chairman in Steve Lansdown that's got the vision to take Bristol's premier football club forward. Lets' not throw Bristol's potential in hosting world cup games away.

The eyes of England are already on the utter madness of Bristol Council giving scarce council housing to a bomb making public school educated Toff - do Bristol Council want yet more bad publicity with regard to their lunacy?

Or you could argue that it's the clubs fault - a year or so ago, they were working on ideas for housing and mixed use development on Ashton Gate as that would release the most funds, and the council were very supportive of that approach. The bottom falls out of the housing market and the club suddenly get an offer from Tesco, so all previous plans are torn up and a Tesco store, massive car park and a petrol station are now the plans for the site.

In planning terms, there is no link between planning permission on AG and the new stadium. Planning is a quasi-judicial function so councillors on the Development Control committee that will have to make the decision cannot just come out now and say they would give it permission. They are only able to make up their minds when it is considered at committee and when all the arguments have been heard as well as the views of the public.

As far as I can see the council are being supportive, they are putting time and resource into developing the World Cup bid and councillors not involved in the planning committee are saying they support the Bid and the new stadium.

The planning arguments for another supermarket in this area are limited, the traffic and congestion implications and high, the retail assessment previously carried out by the council and the Retail Strategy developed from that do not allocate this area as primary or secondary retail frontage, does talk about North Street as needing protection.

Never assume this will be simple........ or that it is just because politicians don't care/aren't Bristolian therefore don't understand, planning is a complex subject and the planning systems councillors are bound by is complex!

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As a Bristolian and BCFC supporter, I want the new BCFC stadium to go ahead without any hold ups over wrangling over whether Tesco buys Ashton Gate or not. We've been too long out of the top flight as it is. The way I see it, a new stadium will - if we regain our top flight status - help keep us in the top flight. At last we've got a visionary Chairman in Steve Lansdown that's got the vision to take Bristol's premier football club forward. Lets' not throw Bristol's potential in hosting world cup games away.

Yes. that's absolutey fair enough. But the council cannot be blamed for delays when City have only just put in for planning permission and Tesco's haven't.

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Yes. that's absolutey fair enough. But the council cannot be blamed for delays when City have only just put in for planning permission and Tesco's haven't.

it's a strategic decision, City will make their application now, and I bet Tesco will follow within a month. Both are designed to be submitted in the summer holidays which makes life harder for opposition.

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Hmmm see your point but then the old photo seems to have little in the way of greenery either.

This piccie of the Centre - from the opposite end - may be a few decades later than the previous one I posted but there are trees in the background. Note that the river came up to the Sedan Chair pub at that time. This football club would have been bobbing up and down between the second and third tiers of English football during this period. No shortage of Bristol's once famous open top electric trams !!!!.....


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