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The Official Keep Basso Away From His Agent Thread


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Who said everyones done a 180 on the guy? ? Some City followers, myself included, have never rated Basso. I personally think he's a reasonable keeper. Certainly good enough for the Championship, but not for the Prem. An definately not irreplaceable.

Its all the "Always Believe" bull that hypes him up. Before Basso was at the club, I believed (sometimes a little negatively but that comes with the Job). An will continue to do so when he's departed.

Good luck and good riddance.

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Basso has made it clear that he wants to go - so let him go. I don't want to watch a player who would rather be at another club regardless of how important he might be.

Basso is a goalkeeper and there are plenty of decent ones around and I have no worries about someone else taking over the No 1 jersey.

Johnson is clearly disapointed about the whole scenario but thats more so because Basso is a tremedously positive influence around the squad rather than Basso being a great 'keeper.

I would never in any circumstances lend my name to a petition begging a player to stay. Its humiliating and ultimately pointless.

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Who said everyones done a 180 on the guy? ? Some City followers, myself included, have never rated Basso. I personally think he's a reasonable keeper. Certainly good enough for the Championship, but not for the Prem. An definately not irreplaceable.

Its all the "Always Believe" bull that hypes him up. Before Basso was at the club, I believed (sometimes a little negatively but that comes with the Job). An will continue to do so when he's departed.

Good luck and good riddance.

yeah but the majority of the 180's crawl out of the woodwork when he's leaving. Didn't hear much from them when we were on our way to wembley... :englandsmile4wf:

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Quite possibly but then we have already financed him in for the season so even if he doesn't play I really believe henderson can do the job. Can't comment on Gerkin or the other guy tho as haven't seen them play. I liked Basso but he's not irreplaceable by any means.

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write after sleeping on it and calming down im still pissed he left it this late to tell us that he wants to go i would have wished him well but having read what Johnson said that he is after more money i hope he falls on his ass and ends up back at woking

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I think it's fair enough if i'm honest. I think it's probably a combination of a desire to play at the top and a concern about how safe his number 1 jersey with Gerken coming in. Whether or not he'll fulfil his ambition of playing in the Premier League remains yet to be seen. Whatever happens to the guy he was a real entertainer and I appreciate his efforts while he was at the club. He's become a bit of an icon around here and i've got a feeling he will be for a while yet. My girlfriend has only been to a few City games (not particularly willingly) and Basso's one of the only players she knows which I think says a lot (along with the recently departed Adebola). Ohhhhh Bassssooo

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yeah but the majority of the 180's crawl out of the woodwork when he's leaving. Didn't hear much from them when we were on our way to wembley... :englandsmile4wf:

Not quite sure what you mean...You didnt hear much from them as there was never any sign he was leaving. Speaking for myself though - If he had left when we were on our way to Wembley - I wouldnt have been bothered. If he had left last season I wouldnt have been bothered and if he leaves now - guess what? Still not bothered!! Cheeriioooo Bassooo.......

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His timing is appalling and for me his dream of playing in the prem is now surely over. I cant see a prem club coming in for him even to warm the bench.

If he believed he would of stayed and got promotion with us; obviously he dont and we aint :noexpression:

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Guest churchill gaffer
greedy s0d can go for all I care. I thought Henderson looked all the better last season when he played. Basso's pretend injuries and now he's moaning about money. Needs to wake up. Well done GJ for expressing his disapointment in him.

Calls himself a Christian?

I hope God is looking down on him for his greed!

After everything City have done for him and the fans!

After reading, it is all down to money. Let him rot in the Reserves!!!!! :disapointed2se:

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Calls himself a Christian?

I hope God is looking down on him for his greed!

After everything City have done for him and the fans!

After reading, it is all down to money. Let him rot in the Reserves!!!!! :disapointed2se:

Help me out here. I appreciate Basso is good and he came from Woking but he was playing for a couple of good teams in Brazil, then had a 3 month trial for Arsenal before going to another non-league side then woking. You dont get a 3 month trial , especially for a team like Arsenal, if you are not very good. We spootted him is the fact. Basso earned the respect and following of the fans because he worked hard, has a good personality and his charm and comedy carried him, i.e. he earnt it, we didn't bestow it on him. Basically, if he was crap the fans would not have gotten behind him.

So what has City done for him that they didn't do for (say) noble.. ?

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Help me out here. I appreciate Basso is good and he came from Woking but he was playing for a couple of good teams in Brazil, then had a 3 month trial for Arsenal before going to another non-league side then woking. You dont get a 3 month trial , especially for a team like Arsenal, if you are not very good. We spootted him is the fact. Basso earned the respect and following of the fans because he worked hard, has a good personality and his charm and comedy carried him, i.e. he earnt it, we didn't bestow it on him. Basically, if he was crap the fans would not have gotten behind him.

So what has City done for him that they didn't do for (say) noble.. ?

Believed!? :innocent06:

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Guest howred
Help me out here. I appreciate Basso is good and he came from Woking but he was playing for a couple of good teams in Brazil, then had a 3 month trial for Arsenal before going to another non-league side then woking. You dont get a 3 month trial , especially for a team like Arsenal, if you are not very good. We spootted him is the fact. Basso earned the respect and following of the fans because he worked hard, has a good personality and his charm and comedy carried him, i.e. he earnt it, we didn't bestow it on him. Basically, if he was crap the fans would not have gotten behind him.

So what has City done for him that they didn't do for (say) noble.. ?


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I'm really sick of this revisionist bullshit pouring out of the board right now. We've pretty much deified the bloke since he's been here and for good reason- he's carried us through the worst games and the best alike, he's turned what could've been defeats into draws and draws into wins

I echo that it's disappointing Bass feels the way he does (especially if he's not doing this on his own initiative, as I suspect) but I'm not going to be a spoiled brat like a good portion of the forum and 180 my opinion on him.

Thank you sephjnr, truest words spoken on here this week.

180 and revisionist about sum it up. Whatever concerns people had about the odd weakness in the past, the assessments being handed out now for the guy are an absolute joke relative to his actual record for the club and the way most people commented on him in the past. Suddenly everyone wants to be on the 'he was never any good anyway' bandwagon.

I'm all for turning my back on people who leave the club, but turning your back and talking **** about a good servant of the club are two entirely different things. And Basso hasn't even left yet, all we know is what Gary has said. It's frustrating and Basso looks badly advised but given how players like Orr respect him I'd prefer to respect him too while he's still here.

I don't know who is the driving force behind this but I do know he only became a professional footballer in this country at the age of 30, so is not the sort of player you can seriously begrudge seeking top dollar for his final effective years. He's not earned much relative to other footballers, the guy was sleeping on someone's floor earning nothing only 3 or 4 years ago.

So the idea he deserves this 180 degree character assassination because he wants to make some money is offensive and hypocritical, unless you're all still honouring your first employers and happy with your lot? Basso was driving a cheap old car not so long ago when he rented close to a mate of mine, while his team-mates were all in their latest 4x4's and sports cars.

Everyone is entitled to aspiration, it doesn't necessarily mean they're not loyal. Who knows, Basso may be just keen to see what he's worth on the open market - it would be no different to you or I scouring the job ads or posting a CV on a job site. Don't forget professional footballers can't do things like that, a transfer request is the only way to put their name out there.

Once he's satisfied his curiosity he may yet revert to being a fine servant for us for a good few years, but with his relatively short professional career can you actually begrudge him seeing what's possible? As someone who's never had this chance before and will never have it again? Of course not... but hey just rip the guy to pieces in the meantime while he's still ours...


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I'm really sick of this revisionist bullshit pouring out of the board right now. We've pretty much deified the bloke since he's been here and for good reason- he's carried us through the worst games and the best alike, he's turned what could've been defeats into draws and draws into wins and aside his weaknesses he's been there through thick and rarely been injured. Cripes, I can remember the game he broke his finger and bickered relentlessly against both the refs *and* GJ demanding to carry on. In League One. Against Yeovil (I believe).

I echo that it's disappointing Bass feels the way he does (especially if he's not doing this on his own initiative, as I suspect) but I'm not going to be a spoiled brat like a good portion of the forum and 180 my opinion on him. He's done damn well and I wish him luck either way.

I wish Basso luck as well. However, Basso did have a few howlers for us like last season at home when he was definately - and without doubt - responsible for Wolves' 2 goals in the 2-2 draw. I'm very disappointed that Basso is leaving because not only is he a great goalkeeper but he's a very likeable chap.

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its BCFC and GJ who has made him what he is today

Yeah, Basso had nothing to do with that at all....

Honestly the rubbish on here is now of laughable proportions - people who are apparently happy to 'let him go' yet seem to be oddly struggling with the concept of actually letting him go, instead consumed with posting bitterness and make believe.

Happy to see him go, happier still to have a pop at him. If some of you were as unmoved and indifferent to his departure as you're all boasting, you wouldn't be posting all this vitriol. Or do you do this for every player you're not bothered about?

Odd thing is we've been here before with players wanting to move but never this level of indignance. Something about Basso certain people have been dying for years to turn on - when he didn't become the foreign flop they'd hoped to pick on.

I remember right the way back to standing on the open terrace in Swindon on a Friday night getting soaked to the skin on his debut and in the weeks after, a good few people were ready to crucify him as a foreign mistake, the archetypal outsider.

Clearly some have been waiting until now for another chance.

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Not quite sure what you mean...You didnt hear much from them as there was never any sign he was leaving. Speaking for myself though - If he had left when we were on our way to Wembley - I wouldnt have been bothered. If he had left last season I wouldnt have been bothered and if he leaves now - guess what? Still not bothered!! Cheeriioooo Bassooo.......

So not bothered you need to point it out. Odd that.

I think the point you were replying to was that people didn't pass these opinions before he elected to leave and are suddenly grandstanding them now. You seem to confirm this by saying the reason for this was that there was previously no sign of him leaving. That's helpful, it saves us speculating about whether you really are making this all up to suit the events.....

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Basso quickly attained cult status here, and there is little doubt that the force of his personality has had a major impact on not just the fans but his fellow players, and I suspect everyone in the club, throughout his time here.

He is in the top 3 keepers I have seen in a City team and is probably the best shot stopper, but I am also conscious that there have been many who have not been fully convinced because of the errors he made, and there were a few mistakes in key games last season.

I am disappointed at the way his transfer request has come about and also the timing of that request. I bet GJ is spitting feathers as, had he known of AB's desire to leave he might not have let Weale go so easily, especially as we we have 1 fit goalie available. I understand that footballers have to do the best for their families financially, and this especially applies to Basso as he has come into this level of football very late, but if there is one player I would have hoped would play it straight with the club, it is Basso, and unfortunately there is something about this whole episode that looks a bit too contrived from his side.

Having said all of that, I cannot agree with so many posters who are now laying into him big time. He has done a great job for us these last 3 years. He was an integral part of our promotion team and had a major part to play in getting to Wembley, as along with a lot of luck he did pull of blinding saves at crucial times. If he gets the chance of Premier League football, thern I say he deserves that chance and hope he does well. I am just sorry that his departure from Ashton Gate looks as though it will be under a cloud.

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