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If There Was An Election Tomorrow

Barrs Court Red


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Sorry, I'm a bit busy tomorrow.

All The Sun ever does is wait until it's damn obvious who is going to win and then gets behind them. Hence the Scottish Sun isn't backing the Conservatives as they won't be winning in Scotland; maybe the SNP will.

Doesn't this sort of thing usually have a poll appended to it?

If it does I vote for the Tesco to Ashton Gate party.

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I'm struggling to see any difference between the main two, and although I've always voted Tory, not really sure I like the language of "savage" public service cuts and they're now inbed with the Sun.

I'll be voting UKIP. There is an even more urgent need to pack in our European Union membership because Tony Blair may soon be made the European Union President !!!!!!!! :ranting:

To use the words of American President Woodrow T. Wilson with regard to voting UKIP and packing in our EU membership..........

"I would rather fail in a cause that will ultimately triumph than to triumph in a cause that will ultimately fail"

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I intend to vote for whichever party I think is most likely to pull us away from becoming an overly PC nanny state full of cotton wool wrapped little asbo earning kids, most likely to respect personal liberty and freedom, and most likely to cut back middle management in public services and reduce the volume of shit legislation. Sadly that looks like being Tories and I'm not sure I can bring myself to do that.

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I intend to vote for whichever party I think is most likely to pull us away from becoming an overly PC nanny state full of cotton wool wrapped little asbo earning kids, most likely to respect personal liberty and freedom, and most likely to cut back middle management in public services and reduce the volume of shit legislation. Sadly that looks like being Tories and I'm not sure I can bring myself to do that.

Overpaid and arrogant public sector workers like Crown Prosecution Service lawyers, corrupt Police and drunken judges should be the first to be purged in any 'savage' cost saving measures. What passes for a criminal justice system in this country is a disgrace and no wonder when you get a bent copper (West Mercia PC Milton) taken to court on 3 occasions for speeding at 159mph and he escapes with no punishment when any of us would be sent to prison.

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I intend to vote for whichever party I think is most likely to pull us away from becoming an overly PC nanny state full of cotton wool wrapped little asbo earning kids, most likely to respect personal liberty and freedom, and most likely to cut back middle management in public services and reduce the volume of shit legislation. Sadly that looks like being Tories and I'm not sure I can bring myself to do that.

labour brought in the asbo to protect communities-it only works if you use it

tory boys brought in the internal market middle managers within the public services

labour brought in the human rights act thus protecting personal liberty and freedom

much of this nanny state is actually a method of protecting against an increasing litigous society - who deregulated the legal industry?

the slash and burn eton tax cutters supported by the australian-american anti-bbc murdoch slime

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the slash and burn eton tax cutters supported by the australian-american anti-bbc murdoch slime

Excellent shout. :winner_third_h4h:

When the public school educated lawyer Tony Blair gets to be European Union President we'll see yet another raft of anti working man legislation levelled against us. Tony Blair worked tirelessly, while he was our Prime Minister, to line the pockets of his fellow lawyers (remember his wife is also a top lawyer). The people that made the most out of the Blair regime were lawyers and I certainly reckon we should get out of the EU with all haste if Blair gets to be in charge. I'll be voting UKIP to try and help get us out of the EU.

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I'd probably go for the English Democrats. ;)

I'm just fed up with parasites - those at the bottom and those at the top. Let's get more people engaged in useful work. I'm tired of lazy lumps living off benefits with spurious medical conditions and I'm tired of fat-cat corporate types handing out jobs to their pals.

Do any politicians look out for the interests of the mugs who go to work to support all those who don't?

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I'd probably go for the English Democrats. ;)

I'm just fed up with parasites - those at the bottom and those at the top. Let's get more people engaged in useful work. I'm tired of lazy lumps living off benefits with spurious medical conditions and I'm tired of fat-cat corporate types handing out jobs to their pals.

Do any politicians look out for the interests of the mugs who go to work to support all those who don't?


Though I'll take the English Democrat comment with a pinch of salt

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I'd probably go for the English Democrats. ;)

I'm just fed up with parasites - those at the bottom and those at the top. Let's get more people engaged in useful work. I'm tired of lazy lumps living off benefits with spurious medical conditions and I'm tired of fat-cat corporate types handing out jobs to their pals.

Do any politicians look out for the interests of the mugs who go to work to support all those who don't?

the biggest parasites are those that bank in the cayman islands and run their businesses from a myriad of tax havens

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I'd probably go for the English Democrats. ;)

I'm just fed up with parasites - those at the bottom and those at the top. Let's get more people engaged in useful work. I'm tired of lazy lumps living off benefits with spurious medical conditions and I'm tired of fat-cat corporate types handing out jobs to their pals.

Do any politicians look out for the interests of the mugs who go to work to support all those who don't?

Not the major parties. They all believe that workers are merely there to be forced to pay taxes, which the politicians then give to their pet causes and claim all the credit for it. All government money has been forcibly taken from the pockets of the workers.

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Yes. But if it is spent on things you are happy with then it is tolerated theft.

MPs exepnses, benefits for asylum seekers, crusie missiles. Whatever you dislike, you still have no choice in paying for it.

I agree none of the above are desirable, but don't we live in a democracy?

or maybe our democracy is not democratic enough?

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Though I'll take the English Democrat comment with a pinch of salt

The English Democrat mayor for Doncaster has certainly got the right idea. He's cut his own Mayor salary from £70,000 to £30,000. He's withdrawn Doncaster from the Local Government Association and Local Government Information Unit saving £2 million a year saying: "Doncaster is in for some serious untwinning, we are twinned with probably nine other cities around the world and they are just for people to fly off to and have a binge drink at the taxpayers' expense".

Just 3 weeks into his new job he set about cutting the number of parasite councillors from the present 63 to 21 saving the Doncaster taxpayer £800,00 per year. He stated: "if the USA can be run with 100 Governors then why does Doncaster need 63 ?????". :winner_third_h4h:

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Somerset Socialist Party or in the absence of that it can only be Labour (however grim they are they are marginally a better option than the Tories or Libs)

- the next morning after voting in Labour you will think you must of been drunk or desperate

if you vote in the Tories you will think "Oh my God - I didn't did I"?

don't do it - you will catch something nasty if you do.

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labour brought in the asbo to protect communities-it only works if you use it

tory boys brought in the internal market middle managers within the public services

labour brought in the human rights act thus protecting personal liberty and freedom

much of this nanny state is actually a method of protecting against an increasing litigous society - who deregulated the legal industry?

the slash and burn eton tax cutters supported by the australian-american anti-bbc murdoch slime

I just pick-up on the "Australian- American Slime" bit.

Please be aware that while Murdoch was, indeed, the son of a prominent Melbourne Jounalist Keith Murdoch (another world-class manipulator), he embraced U.S.citizenship in 1985.

Murdoch's loyalties lie strictly and solely where the money and the power are.

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I just pick-up on the "Australian- American Slime" bit.

Please be aware that while Murdoch was, indeed, the son of a prominent Melbourne Jounalist Keith Murdoch (another world-class manipulator), he embraced U.S.citizenship in 1985.

Murdoch's loyalties lie strictly and solely where the money and the power are.

The USA is haemorraging money in Iraq and Afghanistan just as we are. Murdoch had better now find somewhere other than the USA to put his loyalties. As an Australian, which UK political party would you vote for if you could vote in our General Election?

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The USA is haemorraging money in Iraq and Afghanistan just as we are. Murdoch had better now find somewhere other than the USA to put his loyalties. As an Australian, which UK political party would you vote for if you could vote in our General Election?

I feel rather diffident about commenting on contemporary U.K.politics, due to sheer ignorance because I'm just not abreast of the current situation.

In the past, philosophically ,I've always been rather left of centre- my mother's people were rabid Welsh socialists of the Aneurin Bevan type, " Drive the Tories into the SEA, look you !", and I may have caught some of that. On the other hand, we had a mock election at Weston-s- Mare Grammar and I remember voting Conservative (and it was a total landside to the Tories: -what does that say about conformist schoolboys in the early 60's ?).

But as of now, I just don't know. From where I sit the current Labour Party appears to have reached their use-by date :as do all political parties after being in power for that long.

Frankly I would'nt know where to go. Tories:- a bunch of Toff parasites ? Liberal Democratics- insipid do-gooders ? Greens - a bunch of tree-huggers ? BNP ?- Sieg Heil !! See what I mean about ignorance ?

The UKIP looks interesting but I haven't studied their platform to any great extent.

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I think people who vote for the Conservative Party want shooting as they've promised to push up the price of alcohol packs by £1.30p if they get elected and this affects everyone not just teenagers!

You can expect the same from Labour. Alcohol is the new tobacco.

Definately not the Tories with their proposed public sector cuts and pay freezes. Don't want to vote for Brown either.....so am undecided as yet.

About time. The bloated public sector and its pension pot is uneconomic. Not enough accountability for starters, do you think any heads rolled regarding the botched NHS computer system?

decide which is worst then vote tactically

voting ukip - you might as well screw your ballot paper up and toss it in the bin - unless we get PR

The main parties have too much to lose through PR.

Does this system actually work? I just think of Italy which probably isn't the best example.

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Definately not the Tories with their proposed public sector cuts and pay freezes. Don't want to vote for Brown either.....so am undecided as yet.

This government does not use tax efficiently in the least, key services have not improved despite investment increased well ahead of inflation and continuing outsourcing and privatization.

The burden on the taxpayer is too high and the penalization of success is encouraging the top earners (who are usually the people who build up businesses that generate export revenue and create jobs) to **** off abroad and will soon start to encourage companies to register off shore more and more.

We need public sector cuts and pay freezes. But in the right areas - management and bureaucrats not the front lines, and coupled with improving efficiency of the public sector.

We need doctors diagnosing and treating, not doing paperwork, we need the police catching and locking up criminals not persecuting drivers, and we need teachers actually imparting knowledge not striving for league table success in meaningless tests.

That means less randomly thought up reactive central targets that do not achieve what they are supposed to, less oversight bodies and inspections, less pointless process and more personal authority and responsibility in the hands of the real experts. The public sector needs leadership from a small number of professionals with long, meaningful hands-on experience in their domains, not management from a whole layer of idiots with experience of nothing but desk work and avoiding the sack.

Now, sadly I don't think there's any party that will achieve that. The Tories will cut the wrong things. Labour won't cut anything meaningful. The Lib Dems would just fail to understand the concept and put income tax up more. There's not a whole lot of choice.

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