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Holloway On Inside Out!...

Freemantle 27

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did anyone just see this advertised just after the Bbc news, Ian Holloway is suggesting we share a new stadium with rovers, a lazio/roma esque deal.

i would hate to even think of sharing a seat with some gas head let alone the amount of times we would play on sundays instead of saturdays...

what do you guys think?

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Thats an interesting perception. I haven't seen the programme yet but you obviously have.

With hollowhead you wouldnt need to watch the programme to suss out his motives, we all know what he's like.................

.................. obviously not you, but then you did support "his" team at wembley !!!!

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I think Ian Holloway should be kept away from broadcast media.

All he is trying to do is muddy the waters on our new ground because he can't bear to see us being in any way successful.

You are 100% right. Why do we need to share with those gas scum?

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it would never happen they wouldn't be able to afford the rent for starters and how crap would it be with two whole stands permanently shut because they couldn't fill it anyone remember going to wigan a few years back and the whole stand to left was shut it looked awful

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In fairness 4 of the biggest teams in Italy (Roma, Lazio, Inter Milan, AC Milan) do do it with very little hassle so it is obviously feasible. I'm not joking, these teams hate each other more than the Gas and Us. Having said that, personally, I like having our/your own stadium, it wouldn't feel right sharing with your nearest and dearest.

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They wouldn't support Bristol's (Not ours) World cup bid so why should we every even contemplate letting them share our stadium? Rovers couldn't have a piss up in a brewery so I wouldn't want them anywhere near our new stadium as it will end up like all of there other grounds have done. Wish they would just **** off back to Bath tbh.

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Share with the scum who would have willing let us go under in 82, didn't the try to swipe Ashton Gate then! the same club who protested to the council who were prepared to give us a loan until flook and co stuck their oar in!


Chances are they would only try and take it off us ala Bristol RFC, beside what do they have to offer into the cost of building the thing, no doubt they would expect the BCC to cough up to pay their wedge, now if it was Bristol Manor Farm at least it would have some credibility.

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did anyone just see this advertised just after the Bbc news, Ian Holloway is suggesting we share a new stadium with rovers, a lazio/roma esque deal.

i would hate to even think of sharing a seat with some gas head let alone the amount of times we would play on sundays instead of saturdays...

what do you guys think?

I was interviewed at Ashton Gate and was asked if we would like to share a ground as Ian Holloway had suggested it would be a good idea for Bristol football. I told the reporter that Ian Holloway should concentrate on managing his own team and let the people of Bristol decide if they want to share a stadium. I said that as we play in red and the scum play in blue what colour would the stadium be? The interviewers answer was that teams that share abroad have a special "lighing effect" that changes to the colour of the team that are playing. Ground sharing with the scum is NOT an option for me as I do NOT EVER want a Gashead sat in my season ticket seat!!
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Steve Lansdown was quoted a couple of years ago saying that he did consider sharing a ground with both the saggy ones and the ones with the odd shape balls, neither of them shared the ambitions that he had for sport in the region and therefore he was happy for Bristol City to go it alone.

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Share with the scum who would have willing let us go under in 82, didn't the try to swipe Ashton Gate then! the same club who protested to the council who were prepared to give us a loan until flook and co stuck their oar in!


They did try to swipe Ashton Gate, that's why we should never have anything to do with those rent boys. They've done f'all to help the bid for Bristol, even Dunceford has been suggesting gas fans should vote against Tesco and our new stadium just to put the boot in.

Petty little people the lot of them!!!

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In fairness 4 of the biggest teams in Italy (Roma, Lazio, Inter Milan, AC Milan) do do it with very little hassle so it is obviously feasible.

That is true, but I believe the local council owns the ground and teams have their HQ at the training ground and pay the Council rent when they stage a home game. Would Bristol City Council ever lash out on a state of the art sports stadium?

Now was Hollow head suggesting the gas move in with City, which many of their fans won't like, or are the two clubs expected to equally share a new stadium. If nothing else which colour would the seats be and whose portraits would adorn the walls of the Boardroom. Possible signings could never be shown the ground and facilities as the other team might then try to persuade that player to sign for them instead.

In his younger days Harry Dolman was a Rovers fan and had two season tickets for Eastville. Being a succesful local business man, Harry was asked to join their Board and he attended two Rovers Board meetings as guest. The main discussion tended to be about selling Eastville to the Greyhound racing company and HD thought that was a retrograde step and a former Rovers manager, persuaded him he'd be better off at City. He was then introduced to the City directors and he was elected to the board. Moral of the story, it's better to own your own ground.

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Important to remember here its not bristol citys world cup bid its bristols world cup bid. The bid may well eat itself if the various factions....rovers included do not feel that they are involved in a major way.

As an aside ,and im sure this has been done to death before,but , Ive just had a look on google earth and apart from an interesting new historical feature which allows you to look at various places around the world before the yanks bombed the **** out of them!,you can clearly see that Ashton gate appears to be surrounded by tin shed industrial buildings and 'only fools' housing (please no offence meant here). Basically it seems to be an enormous potential canvas.

How the council got away with the enormous park and ride in the green belt i'l never know!!!(maybe something to do with traffic congestion).

Now I dont wish to be a spanner in the works, but i do often wonder why we are moving bar the fact that its cheaper to redevelope a green field site.

what price green belt then??????

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In his younger days Harry Dolman was a Rovers fan and had two season tickets for Eastville. Being a succesful local business man, Harry was asked to join their Board and he attended two Rovers Board meetings as guest. The main discussion tended to be about selling Eastville to the Greyhound racing company and HD thought that was a retrograde step and a former Rovers manager, persuaded him he'd be better off at City. He was then introduced to the City directors and he was elected to the board. Moral of the story, it's better to own your own ground.

Didn't know that!

Did his allegiance fully change? funny how the biggest stand in the ground (and the one I've sat in for years!) is named after a gashead City saviour!!!

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Guest Red Nee Tot
Important to remember here its not bristol citys world cup bid its bristols world cup bid. The bid may well eat itself if the various factions....rovers included do not feel that they are involved in a major way.

You've hit the nail on the head -- Because everyone i know who is'nt a s******d beleives this bid is only for your lot to get a new ground. I firmly beleive your turncoat chairman also sees it that way.

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You've hit the nail on the head -- Because everyone i know who is'nt a s******d beleives this bid is only for your lot to get a new ground. I firmly beleive your turncoat chairman also sees it that way.

For me, its a way to get planning permission. I could'nt give a toss if there were some world cup games at ashton vale tbh.

ps you wish you had a chairman like ours!

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In fairness 4 of the biggest teams in Italy (Roma, Lazio, Inter Milan, AC Milan) do do it with very little hassle so it is obviously feasible. I'm not joking, these teams hate each other more than the Gas and Us. Having said that, personally, I like having our/your own stadium, it wouldn't feel right sharing with your nearest and dearest.

Not quite the same thing really.

AS Roma, Lazio SS, Inter Milan & AC Milan only groundshare because they are 'forced' to by the Rome & Milan councils.

Ask their fans what they would like and it would be completely different.


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Guest Red Nee Tot
For me, its a way to get planning permission. I could'nt give a toss if there were some world cup games at ashton vale tbh.

ps you wish you had a chairman like ours!

1) With regards to your chairman -- Lets say i would'nt mind one with his money. But would'nt ever want a turncoat to be in charge of our club.

2) And i would'nt ever trust a non drinker to be in charge of anything -- I'll let you work that one out.

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You've hit the nail on the head -- Because everyone i know who is'nt a s******d beleives this bid is only for your lot to get a new ground. I firmly beleive your turncoat chairman also sees it that way.

Boo ******* hoo you slag.

Just thing, WHEN our new stadium is built, you'll have something else to whine about.

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And what exactly would the Blue few bring to the table?

If they were to come out and say "here's £50m lets build it together" then maybe it would be worth it ...but we all know that will never happen

We have stumped up all the cash so far - feasability studies / the land purchase / planning apps etc - so they can go screw themselves

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As a matter of interest, what would everyone's reaction be if planning permission was granted for our new stadium and Tesco buying AG but only if we agreed to ground share with Rovers (them as tenants, of course)?

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As a matter of interest, what would everyone's reaction be if planning permission was granted for our new stadium and Tesco buying AG but only if we agreed to ground share with Rovers (them as tenants, of course)?

If, but, maybe, lets pretend for one instant that this was possible (it isnt but hey ho), I would actively love it, charge £5m a year rent and see how fast they would go elsewhere. Even charging them a reasonable amount would mean that they would get no external revenue which would leave them years behind us, Rovers need to do it for themselves, they need to get their ground built, they need to get directors who instead of giving their own personal companies lucrative contracts. Rovers need to do it for themselves, it's a shame the 3 short listed sites that the Council came up with are not available to them, but that's life, get on with it, look at themselves for their solutions for their own problems.

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As a matter of interest, what would everyone's reaction be if planning permission was granted for our new stadium and Tesco buying AG but only if we agreed to ground share with Rovers (them as tenants, of course)?

That would exceed all accepted planning gain stunts pulled by planning authorities, so they would be hammered upon appeal.

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Meh we all know Skelitor is a diehard Sag, but he's also a proud Bristolian, I expect he has a conflict of interests in his heart. Anything he says thought is pure comedy, they guys a walking talking clown.

Turn the tables for a moment and pretend the Sags are a top Champ team and we have an imbicile for a gaffer and a 5h1t ground in a poor division, then consider how we would feel about the sags and the fact the WC bid would be centered around them and their top chairman and new ground? Cant speak for everyone, but this would turn my stomach with envy.

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Meh we all know Skelitor is a diehard Sag, but he's also a proud Bristolian, I expect he has a conflict of interests in his heart. Anything he says thought is pure comedy, they guys a walking talking clown.

Turn the tables for a moment and pretend the Sags are a top Champ team and we have an imbicile for a gaffer and a 5h1t ground in a poor division, then consider how we would feel about the sags and the fact the WC bid would be centered around them and their top chairman and new ground? Cant speak for everyone, but this would turn my stomach with envy.

hes a c ***, make no mistake about it

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