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Gerken Arrested Saturday Night

Martyn Hocking

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I am sure a vast majority of posters on this site would never do such a thing... :whistle:

Let's not get hypocritical about this people.

Too right - you leave somewhere late at night, then need a piss so where do you go?

1- Persuade doorstaff of an open hostelry after a few drinks at 2.30am that you're a nice chap and just want to use their toilet.

2- Venture into a public toilet (if you can find one) provided the risk of robbery/male rape/both doesn't trouble you.

3- Have a tinkle where you think its discreet.

I'm old enough to know better and regret to inform our moral guardians that I still have to take option 3 occasionally.

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Too right - you leave somewhere late at night, then need a piss so where do you go?

1- Persuade doorstaff of an open hostelry after a few drinks at 2.30am that you're a nice chap and just want to use their toilet.

2- Venture into a public toilet (if you can find one) provided the risk of robbery/male rape/both doesn't trouble you.

3- Have a tinkle where you think its discreet.

I'm old enough to know better and regret to inform our moral guardians that I still have to take option 3 occasionally.

I took option 3 last weekend :P

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So you've never had a piss in public? EVER?

well - at work once I was out in the countryside, very quiet, no-one around so thought against the hedge no problem - then about 30 cyclist came around the corner and I thought never again - but no - not in public - and as a professional footballer I think it is poor - but if others think it is right and normal live with it

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Too right - you leave somewhere late at night, then need a piss so where do you go?

1- Persuade doorstaff of an open hostelry after a few drinks at 2.30am that you're a nice chap and just want to use their toilet.

2- Venture into a public toilet (if you can find one) provided the risk of robbery/male rape/both doesn't trouble you.

3- Have a tinkle where you think its discreet.

I'm old enough to know better and regret to inform our moral guardians that I still have to take option 3 occasionally.

Gerken clearly wasn't 'discreet' or he wouldn't have been caught. Got to love this forum - players get praised on here when they get arrested while others are slaughtered for passing the ball sideways too often.

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Gerken clearly wasn't discrete or he wouldn't have been caught. Got to love this forum - players get praised on here when they get arrested while others are slaughtered for passing the ball sideways too often.

Rubbish, when a player does wrong, ie Lita, he rightly gets hammered on this forum. Still, I guess it's easy to say that everyone else is in the wrong when you're taking the moral high ground.

I went over 30mph on the way to work, spank me.

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well - at work once I was out in the countryside, very quiet, no-one around so thought against the hedge no problem - then about 30 cyclist came around the corner and I thought never again - but no - not in public - and as a professional footballer I think it is poor - but if others think it is right and normal live with it

Exposing oneself in public - tut, tut. :disapointed2se:

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Gerken clearly wasn't 'discreet' or he wouldn't have been caught. Got to love this forum - players get praised on here when they get arrested while others are slaughtered for passing the ball sideways too often.

Don't agree with you about discretion - we weren't there (at least I wasn't).

I'm not praising Gerkin - just re-read my post and can't see any praise in there, just understandng.

You appear to have run the risk of highjacking this into another discussion on the merits of Lee Johnson - was that your aim?

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How can I get to the dizzy heights of perfection with you, oh great one?

Moomin - you have a strange style - I asked a question of you in that do you think this is fine example? You, as you always do if someone challenges your view, make a personal snide about perfection? The fact I don't take a leak in public and get arrested for it does not make me or anyone perfect - I just happen to think it is probably better to be in that position than the one Gerken finds himself in?

If you think it is fine - thats your call

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Don't agree with you about discretion - we weren't there (at least I wasn't).

I'm not praising Gerkin - just re-read my post and can't see any praise in there, just understandng.

You appear to have run the risk of highjacking this into another discussion on the merits of Lee Johnson - was that your aim?

You're right - no-one is praising the lad, we are just sympathetic to his predicament. Those of you who have no empathy towards him, have either never had to walk home from town in the early hours of a Sunday morning or you have a bladder of steel. :liar:

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Moomin - you have a strange style - I asked a question of you in that do you think this is fine example? You, as you always do if someone challenges your view, make a personal snide about perfection? The fact I don't take a leak in public and get arrested for it does not make me or anyone perfect - I just happen to think it is probably better to be in that position than the one Gerken finds himself in?

If you think it is fine - thats your call

You asked if it was a great example of a proffesional, but given it doesn't really involve his proffesion, how can we judge in that context. As for "personal snide', you brand Gerken "pathetic" so he who casts the first stone.......

A question I will answer, although rhetorical, "you think itls fine..."

No, it clearly isn't fine to walk the streets with your penis out urinating. However, 2am, drunk in an area full of adults it's hardly offending anyone, and something I suspect 99% of young men have done at least once. It makes him pathetic? No. Stupid? No. Unlucky? Yes.

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Oh yes, brilliant, let's all piss up doorways - I just love stepping over it on the way to work. I despair sometimes.

I didn't see anyone advocating wholesale public urination - mabe I missed that post.

Do you have to step over piss on the way to work?

What a silly but unsurprising post from you cheesy .

Have you NEVER had an al fresco piss? - anyone who has, ran/runs the risk of being caught so there is an element of luck involved although it sounds like he was a silly ass.

I don't see anyone applauding the man, and he has let himself down but anyone would think he's done a David Pipe or tried to stick his tadger in a girls hand to see some of the posts on here.

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I have to say being arrested for 'weeing in public' is one of the more stupid public offences we have in this country.

For goodness sake, urination - alongside breathing and eating - is one of the most natural things that humans do. Yes, as you grow up you expect some maturity from people and an ability to 'hold it in', but everyone finds themselves caught out occasionally. Drunk or sober. And what happens then?!

You can:

  • find a public toilet - of which there are hardly any in Bristol and you'd struggle to get to, even if you do know where they are
  • enter premises such as a pub or a cafe - of which they don't like you entering if you've not bought anything there
  • wee in a quiet corner - well, there are plenty of them about, just don't get caught
  • warm your leg.

I know what I'd choose everytime.

If we're going to be banned from weeing in public at least provide an adequate number of places to go when we need to!

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Gerken clearly wasn't 'discreet' or he wouldn't have been caught. Got to love this forum - players get praised on here when they get arrested while others are slaughtered for passing the ball sideways too often.

Tells you something about the average poster perhaps!

What he did was wrong and, if accurate, he made it worse using foul language.. but we were not there and do not know the facts. If he is fined, dropped or reprimanded by GJ we will know a little more if the media report was accurate or not.

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I didn't see anyone advocating wholesale public urination - mabe I missed that post.

Do you have to step over piss on the way to work?

What a silly but unsurprising post from you cheesy .

Have you NEVER had an al fresco piss? - anyone who has, ran/runs the risk of being caught so there is an element of luck involved although it sounds like he was a silly ass.

I don't see anyone applauding the man, and he has let himself down but anyone would think he's done a David Pipe or tried to stick his tadger in a girls hand to see some of the posts on here.

Have you ever wondered what the dark stains in doorways in our town centres are? Have you never stepped over them? Why should I have to put up with urine stinking doorways and phone boxes? Why is that silly or are you just being patronising because the strength of your argument is so weak?

So he gets drunk enough to have to urinate in a public place - and you think that's acceptable? The fact that many people on here see that as "something that happens" is, in my view, absolutely wrong. Having to relieve oneself in public is not, and can never be, acceptable behaviour. For goodness sake, control yourselves and your bodily functions - if you can't then maybe you shouldn't be drinking. And no, I have never relieved myself "al fresco" as you put it since I was about 4 years old.

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I have to say being arrested for 'weeing in public' is one of the more stupid public offences we have in this country.

For goodness sake, urination - alongside breathing and eating - is one of the most natural things that humans do. Yes, as you grow up you expect some maturity from people and an ability to 'hold it in', but everyone finds themselves caught out occasionally. Drunk or sober. And what happens then?!

You can:

  • find a public toilet - of which there are hardly any in Bristol and you'd struggle to get to, even if you do know where they are
  • enter premises such as a pub or a cafe - of which they don't like you entering if you've not bought anything there
  • wee in a quiet corner - well, there are plenty of them about, just don't get caught
  • warm your leg.

I know what I'd choose everytime.

If we're going to be banned from weeing in public at least provide an adequate number of places to go when we need to!

Havig sex is also one of our most natural functions - I presume you don't advocate that in public too? If you're going out - you know the availability of toilet faciltiies - is it too much to ask that people control themselves?

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Havig sex is also one of our most natural functions - I presume you don't advocate that in public too? If you're going out - you know the availability of toilet faciltiies - is it too much to ask that people control themselves?

Although natural, sex and weeing aren't exactly the same sort of 'urge'. Weeing is something that, eventually, is going to happen whether you want it to or not. There are plenty of people who go their whole lives without having sex.

(Umm, I don't mean me in the last sentence, as my copious amount of girlfriends will testify!)

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Just read this on the evening post site, the indecent exposure part of his arrest was simply alleged by a witness - this could all be a load of tosh, and all he was guilty of was swearing at the police when they tried to arrest him for it.

No one would be stupid enough to urinate in such a public place as park street, because there's loads of quiet, hidden places he could have used.

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Although natural, sex and weeing aren't exactly the same sort of 'urge'. Weeing is something that, eventually, is going to happen whether you want it to or not. There are plenty of people who go their whole lives without having sex.

(Umm, I don't mean me in the last sentence, as my copious amount of girlfriends will testify!)

We only have your word for that!! I think we need their sworn affadavits.

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