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Gerken Arrested Saturday Night

Martyn Hocking

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Well, I seem to recall a GJ statement on saturday after the Barnsley game, something along the lines of 'I trust the boys to celebrate the win sensibly', I really suspect Gerkin will be more afraid of GJ's reaction and the possible sanctions the club will take against him and the possible tightening of club rules which may well impact on the whole squad.

From my point of view I will sit firmly on the fence, pissing in public is ok but use some thought in picking your spot for instance pissing in shop doorways is disgusting and should be punished in some way.

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You asked if it was a great example of a proffesional, but given it doesn't really involve his proffesion, how can we judge in that context. As for "personal snide', you brand Gerken "pathetic" so he who casts the first stone.......

A question I will answer, although rhetorical, "you think itls fine..."

No, it clearly isn't fine to walk the streets with your penis out urinating. However, 2am, drunk in an area full of adults it's hardly offending anyone, and something I suspect 99% of young men have done at least once. It makes him pathetic? No. Stupid? No. Unlucky? Yes.

If he was having a quick waz in a hedgerow in the counrtyside then fair enough...but no, it was on the streetin town...That is out of order whoever you are....since when was pissing where you wanted on the streets of Bristol acceptable? Thats why its illegal and he deserves to be arrested, the dirty scrotter!

The fact he is a pro-footballer representing bcfc makes it worse. As a footballer you are never off duty, more so when on the lash in town. He is in the public eye, so he has to be more diligent than us mortals.

Stupid? Yes. He's must be embarrased by this...and rightl so.

Pay the fines and move on.

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Now, I could be completely wrong here, but you know that there's still laws in existence where you can shoot a Welshman within the boundaries of Catherdral's up and down the Welsh border on a Sunday afternoon with a crossbow........I'm pretty certain I read somewhere that it's legal for a man to have a wee, in public, as long he has one hand on the old todger and one hand touching a certain place on his car - kind of back drivers side type of thing.

Anyone else heard this, or am I going mad? Not that I'm likely to try it - I need two hands to hold mine obviously......!!

I live out in the countryside and I can't remember the last time I didn't relieve myself on the way home after a few ciders. Doesn't make it right, but I do it all the same.

Bet Gerken has copped an almighty b*llocking off GJ for this - will be interesting to see who's in goal on Saturday.

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Have you ever wondered what the dark stains in doorways in our town centres are? Have you never stepped over them? Why should I have to put up with urine stinking doorways and phone boxes? Why is that silly or are you just being patronising because the strength of your argument is so weak?

So he gets drunk enough to have to urinate in a public place - and you think that's acceptable? The fact that many people on here see that as "something that happens" is, in my view, absolutely wrong. Having to relieve oneself in public is not, and can never be, acceptable behaviour. For goodness sake, control yourselves and your bodily functions - if you can't then maybe you shouldn't be drinking. And no, I have never relieved myself "al fresco" as you put it since I was about 4 years old.

Have i missed the post where people are saying its ok to have a wee in a phonebox? You dont have to be paraletic to need a wee - do you not ever go and have one yourself? I can have 5 pints without one and the when the seal is broke thats it for me (im sober after 5 pints btw). My next one is about 15-20 minutes later, but you want me to wait until i get home - sometimes an hour after the pub doors shut? Oh i get it nobody should have a social life and interact with people..

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Gerken clearly wasn't 'discreet' or he wouldn't have been caught. Got to love this forum - players get praised on here when they get arrested while others are slaughtered for passing the ball sideways too often.

A friend of mine got arrested for this when we were in University and he was discreet. He went down an alleyway out of sight of the pavement, but a policeman saw him going down the alleyway, waited until he'd started pissing and then put the torch on him.

As others have said, I'm not defending it. He did wrong and got caught, but it happens and I'm sure he's more worried about facing GJ than the magistrate.

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Have i missed the post where people are saying its ok to have a wee in a phonebox? You dont have to be paraletic to need a wee - do you not ever go and have one yourself? I can have 5 pints without one and the when the seal is broke thats it for me (im sober after 5 pints btw). My next one is about 15-20 minutes later, but you want me to wait until i get home - sometimes an hour after the pub doors shut? Oh i get it nobody should have a social life and interact with people..

Of course, I use the toilet facilities - that's what they are there for. If I'm going to be somewhere that doesn't have them - I anticipate that fact and deal with it accordingly. I'm sorry, but there is no excuse for an adult - and if you have bladder problems then there are a multitude of pads available to help you out.

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Of course, I use the toilet facilities - that's what they are there for. If I'm going to be somewhere that doesn't have them - I anticipate that fact and deal with it accordingly. I'm sorry, but there is no excuse for an adult - and if you have bladder problems then there are a multitude of pads available to help you out.

What toilet facilities are open at 3am? Yes i have a bladder problem i drink 5 pints but only wee out a pint and need to get rid of some more when everything is shut and im stuck in town - where do i go? I know i should have anticipated the fact and dealt with it accordingly and stayed in and it was my fault for having friends to go out with in the first place.

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Of course, I use the toilet facilities - that's what they are there for. If I'm going to be somewhere that doesn't have them - I anticipate that fact and deal with it accordingly. I'm sorry, but there is no excuse for an adult - and if you have bladder problems then there are a multitude of pads available to help you out.

We are blowing this up more than what is necessary.....

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What toilet facilities are open at 3am? Yes i have a bladder problem i drink 5 pints but only wee out a pint and need to get rid of some more when everything is shut and im stuck in town - where do i go? I know i should have anticipated the fact and dealt with it accordingly and stayed in and it was my fault for having friends to go out with in the first place.

What has having friends got to do with it? Do we only pee if we have friends?

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Im down town at 3am in the morning - im out with friends, waiting to go home.

Yes, I managed to figure that one out. I was just wondering why you need to keep referring to friends as though without them you woudn't need to pee in public? As far as I am concerned, and I'm not sorry for holding this view, urinating in public is wrong - being with friends or having drank 5 pints does not make it right.

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Yes, I managed to figure that one out. I was just wondering why you need to keep referring to friends as though without them you woudn't need to pee in public? As far as I am concerned, and I'm not sorry for holding this view, urinating in public is wrong - being with friends or having drank 5 pints does not make it right.

Its wrong, but as crimes go, its hardly murder is it? lets have a little perspective...

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Its wrong, but as crimes go, its hardly murder is it? lets have a little perspective...

I don't think I've got it out of perspective - he's been punished, also by the club so I'm sure the punishment fits the crime. It'll be interesting to see if not playing this Saturday is part of that punishment. I'm sure the worst part of the "crime" was being out on the lash at that time in the morning - can't see GJ being happy with that at all.

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I don't think I've got it out of perspective - he's been punished, also by the club so I'm sure the punishment fits the crime. It'll be interesting to see if not playing this Saturday is part of that punishment. I'm sure the worst part of the "crime" was being out on the lash at that time in the morning - can't see GJ being happy with that at all.

Loosen up and live a little....

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Now, I could be completely wrong here, but you know that there's still laws in existence where you can shoot a Welshman within the boundaries of Catherdral's up and down the Welsh border on a Sunday afternoon with a crossbow........I'm pretty certain I read somewhere that it's legal for a man to have a wee, in public, as long he has one hand on the old todger and one hand touching a certain place on his car - kind of back drivers side type of thing.

Anyone else heard this, or am I going mad? Not that I'm likely to try it - I need two hands to hold mine obviously......!!

Yes, pretty certain you are correct. The law is that you are able to pee against your car providing that (a) it's your car, and (b) you only pee against the rear wheel and (c ) your right hand is on the vehicle.

Was brought in to help Taxi Drivers if I recall correctly.

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Sorry. It don't sound like it...

Hmm, well I am - and not sure how you would come to a different conclusion based on this forum.

Look, I think it's wrong - I accept it happens, I have friends that find it necessary - that still doesn't make it right or mean that I find it acceptable or stop me believing that it shouldn't happen. Are there worse "crimes" - sure there are.

Let's move on.

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Yes, pretty certain you are correct. The law is that you are able to pee against your car providing that (a) it's your car, and (b) you only pee against the read wheel and (c ) your right hand is on the vehicle.

Was brought in to help Taxi Drivers if I recall correctly.

And is only applicable to Hackney Carriages.

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