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Who Has Renewed Their Season Ticket?

thatcham red

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I have renewed my season ticket £425, not in support of the manager, because I support Bristol City Football Club.

I agree

I've just renewed three because if I don't, and things are once again dire next season, we probably wouldn't bother going being honest and that wouldn't help OUR club.

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Not renewing - mostly due to GJ

It is expensive - my son does not have a lot of dosh and for the 2 of us looking at over £650

Still love the club as much as anyone and will pay on the day - may be more expensive but not such a whack to the wallet

May give in - but not all supporters are ST holders and those that pay on the day every week are just as loyal

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Will be renewing mine.

Was a regular POTD for 20 odd years and only had an ST for the last couple of seasons. Must admit it's fantastic value for money in the EE, also nice to have the choice of where to go although usually gravitate to the same seat.

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I am surprised Chessels Chick hasn't been on to say her brother has renewed for her. Because he has. See you Saturday. No reason, other than that some 35 years ago I promised to follow till I was dead, and this is the cheapest way to do it without Mrs Jar killing me. 

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So... that means your're not hoping for better football? You must be on yer own.

No, it means why couldn't you have left your post at one sentence. You just couldn't stop yourself from the other bitter comment could you ?

If we played like Brazil you'd still want the manager out.

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I'll renew but I'm ****** if I'll do it at some stupidly early deadline that is creeping closer to Xmas every year. They really are taking the piss with that.

I like the day out with old mates in the pub even if the football has by and large been complete shite.

I will be expecting us to be significantly more entertaining next season and to stop arsing around kidding ourselves with wingbacks and 433 and have solved the obvious long running problems with squad balance. Results wise playoffs would be nice, top 10 will be fine.

Excellent reply NIBOR.

Who gives a toss about the small discount being offered. Things could change bigtime between now and the end of the season.

Look at the Cardiff situation. Sold 10,000 tickets earlier in the year on the back of a massive chance of making the prem, but look now!

I still have lost my confidence with the management team, even though were unbeaten in 3. Not sure even if i want to watch another season like the currrent again.

But knowing me, will be there again, but when i want to!

i will renew when it suits me

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Renewed mine and Turnip's yesterday, and I did the same last year.

At that time I had no idea City were going to sign Clarkson, Gerken, Blackman, Hartley, Haynes, Nyatanga, Sno, Saborio and the more recent arrivals.

I didn't know the Basso situation was going to unfold or that McIndoe, Adebola, Styvar and Weale wouldn't start the new season with us and that Trundle had no future at the club.

I didn't know who 6 of the opposing teams would be.

I didn't know for sure who the manager would be or whether it would be a promotion, mid table, or even relegation season.

I knew there were no guarantees, that there would be frequent frustrations and I'd often be disappointed, but I didn't hesitate to renew.

What I did know is there would be great games, poor games, boring games, unexpected victories and shattering defeats and that City would find a way of putting me through the mill as usual.

Gary Johnson may or may not be with us in August - if he is, he may or may not still be here at Christmas, or the end of next season. That's the way things go in football, it's unpredictable and you never know what's round the corner and the manager (unless it was Hollowhead ) has little or no bearing on my decision. Withdrawing financial support over dissatisfaction with the manager, or style of play, is an individual's choice of course but for me that would be akin to cutting off my nose to spite my face.

We don't know what's going to happen with the manager, transfers in and out, or whether our best player will break his leg on the first day of the season, that's part of the fascination and why paying up front to support our club is a unique gesture of faith and loyalty.

Whatever the temporary dissatisfactions of any individual fan with the club it should never be forgotten that the club relies on our support and without bedrock ST financial input and attendance there would be no BCFC.

If you're a season ticket holder and can afford it, that means you, and me.

When all's said and done I support Bristol City F.C., whatever division, whoever the manager is, ( bar Skeletorranting.gif) no question - and that's MY seat.city.gifyes.gif

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Excellent reply NIBOR.

Who gives a toss about the small discount being offered. Things could change bigtime between now and the end of the season.

Look at the Cardiff situation. Sold 10,000 tickets earlier in the year on the back of a massive chance of making the prem, but look now!

I still have lost my confidence with the management team, even though were unbeaten in 3. Not sure even if i want to watch another season like the currrent again.

But knowing me, will be there again, but when i want to!

i will renew when it suits me

Surely thats what everyone on this thread has done, chosen the option that suits them?

A cheaper prices suits a lot of people just like not renewing because of GJ blah blah blah suits others.

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Not renewing unless we have a new manager next season.

I'll probably be the same. I have really lost the love for it the last two season. It had nothing to do with league position and all to do with the boring football.

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