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Doncaster Match Thread

Frome Red

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Is it the defense or is it they aren't getting help from Midfield?

I've watched JCR before...is he tracking back? Space behind JCR and Haynes? Dunno...haven't got any live feed, but this is what i thought might happen when i saw the team list.

Just supposition on my part...

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My opinion is that the wrong man has been terminated disapointed2se.gif

I agree, I think a whole load of boo boys and moaners should have been terminated. Or do they prefer this option of getting battered when trying to play open football?

Can't help but think GJ is trying to respond to the snipes and gripes at the kind of footy played, and this is the consequence. . . . .

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I agree, I think a whole load of boo boys and moaners should have been terminated. Or do they prefer this option of getting battered when trying to play open football?

Can't help but think GJ is trying to respond to the snipes and gripes at the kind of footy played, and this is the consequence. . . . .

Ah yes, the voice of reason. if Johnson is so good, why is our top scorer recently, yet again on the bench, and Maynard started who aint scored since boxing day starting?

not to mention Hartley who contrivbuted directly to Scotlands win, also benched/

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Iwelumo is winning everything upfront but Maynard is being his usual (well lately anyway) disinterested self.

Defence is a mess and needs to be strengthened or we are going down, we only have 1 leader and he is upfront on his own....and he doesn't even belong to us.

Expecting more of the same 2nd half, they should easily score 6.


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I agree, I think a whole load of boo boys and moaners should have been terminated. Or do they prefer this option of getting battered when trying to play open football?

Can't help but think GJ is trying to respond to the snipes and gripes at the kind of footy played, and this is the consequence. . . . .

Thats funny has to be the fans fault of course; Fact is; GJ has NO-ONE TO BLAME (OR PRAISE) but himself.

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Ah yes, the voice of reason. if Johnson is so good, why is our top scorer recently, yet again on the bench, and Maynard started who aint scored since boxing day starting?

not to mention Hartley who contrivbuted directly to Scotlands win, also benched/

Was a bit toungue in cheek mate. Though I dont agree with hartley starting, based on the last few games. I do think we have lost some points by trying to change the way GJ sets his teams and squads out to play, that said I hoped and thought we had the quality this year to start making that change and GJ doesnt appear to be bringing it about very well. We see glimmers, and seldom do they come. We ARE in trouble, the defense has had howlers since day one and has not been sorted with either a change of personal or a change of tactic, plus NM as you mentioned who was winning us points is very out of form it would seem. The bad thing is also, that Palarse and Qpr have games in hand over us and Watford and Reading have two in hand. A team this eratic really could be in deep trouble fairly soon. We can only hope that others dont improve, as im not convinced we will do.

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Games are won and lost in midfield, we are losing this in midfield, not making any challenges, not tracking back, wrong players in there. And still no hartley... Joke.

We only have 2 midfielders and one of them is LJ the middle is supposed to be protection for the defence and the spring board for attack

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