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City V Gas 1958 Film Footage


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Don't know who he was but watch the Gas player just before their second goal who got the ball on the edge of the box, beat two City players layed off the ball and sprinted the whole length of the pitch into the City box for the cross. That was some lung busting effort wearing leather ankle boots......

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Don't know who he was but watch the Gas player just before their second goal who got the ball on the edge of the box, beat two City players layed off the ball and sprinted the whole length of the pitch into the City box for the cross. That was some lung busting effort wearing leather ankle boots......

...doubly so when you consider they all smoked fags back then, too!

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and Bradford was a mile offside for the winner.

Many supporters of BOTH teams who were at that game all said that.

Red Goblin's dad was there and he said that just for fun, that day the gas heads sang "Red red robin" whilst the City fans sang "Goodnight Irene".

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Many supporters of BOTH teams who were at that game all said that.

Red Goblin's dad was there and he said that just for fun, that day the gas heads sang "Red red robin" whilst the City fans sang "Goodnight Irene".

Thank you spudski for the film footage. Relatively, that was the strongest Bristol Rovers side in history as they finished 6th in ye olde division 2 on two occasions in the late 1950's - they'd never finished higher than that before or since. I was indeed told that the Gas and City sang each others songs, 52 years ago and attitudes were obviously very different to today.

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Thank you spudski for the film footage. Relatively, that was the strongest Bristol Rovers side in history as they finished 6th in ye olde division 2 on two occasions in the late 1950's - they'd never finished higher than that before or since. I was indeed told that the Gas and City sang each others songs, 52 years ago and attitudes were obviously very different to today.

Glad you enjoyed it.

My father went to watch the City with his father, but would also cycle from St Johns Lane, to Eastville, to watch the Rovers as well. Like you say, attitudes were different then.

Did anyone notice the footage of the Gas playing Cardiff in a friendly at Badminton Estate? 11,000 there...How times have changed.

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Frightening I can remember those light blue invalid vehicles parked at the open end!!!

So how about memories of the Ashton Gate football experience from when football was proper. I'll start .....

1) the half- time letters score board on the perimeter fencing at the East End and Open End .

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Frightening I can remember those light blue invalid vehicles parked at the open end!!!

So how about memories of the Ashton Gate football experience from when football was proper. I'll start .....

1) the half- time letters score board on the perimeter fencing at the East End and Open End .

2) The Rocking Robins

3) Tony Harling

4) Fags

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So how about memories of the Ashton Gate football experience from when football was proper. I'll start .....

My memory is of buying a hot cup of Bovril then City scoring and being scolded celebrating the goal. They only sell hot drinks with lids on these days.

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Being soaked many times in the open end when the Wedlocks was full. Somehow it didn't matter.

The half-time lettering showing the half time score from other games. If I remember rightly you needed a programme to work out who was who.

Players running out on the half way line.

Aggressive coppers with batons wading into the fans at the slightest sign of trouble. The police were the other enemy in those days. I once saw three of them beating up some away fan who had become isolated in Greville Smyth Park. Very brutal bunch.

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Yes, I can remember one particular evil copper in the old Park End, was the superintendent with a flat cap if I remember correctly. Just hated everything to do with football. most of all the fans. Vented his hatred on anything that moved.

Almost forgot 6) the rayon/silk scarves.

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Aggressive coppers with batons wading into the fans at the slightest sign of trouble. The police were the other enemy in those days. I once saw three of them beating up some away fan who had become isolated in Greville Smyth Park. Very brutal bunch.

In general, the Police have always been anti working man and anti football. Nothing has changed.

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Guest Roofio

Amazing! The East End is exactlty the same today. I didn't realise how tall Atyeo was.

My Grandad said it was normal for City fans to go to Eastville when City were away. He told me about one game in particular at Eastville when Rovers played Newcastle in the FA cup. He said the fans were singing 'City & Rovers...City & Rovers' on the Rovers home end.

When and why did things change?

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Amazing! The East End is exactlty the same today. I didn't realise how tall Atyeo was.

My Grandad said it was normal for City fans to go to Eastville when City were away. He told me about one game in particular at Eastville when Rovers played Newcastle in the FA cup. He said the fans were singing 'City & Rovers...City & Rovers' on the Rovers home end.

When and why did things change?

now your taking the michael!.......................... surely!

anyone got any footage.

anyone on the forum support both teams today?

if so fair play to you and good luck with the song ............GOOD NIGHT CIDER i'll see you in my dreams!!!!

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Players running out on the half way line.

As a kid standing in the eastend you always knew when the players where about to come out (this was before they were introduced and came out holding hands with the away team), cos the Dolman would see them down the tunnel and start to cheer and clap and then rest of the ground would join in.

I preferred it so much more when they didn't come out together, massive cheer for City, lots of boos for the away team and then they kicked off about 3 minutes later, so the atmosphere continued from when they came out.

it is so long between coming out and kick off now that the tension and build up gets lost whilst we wait.

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I don't know if this has been shown before on here, so sorry if i've missed it.

Apart from the result 3-4 to the Gas, it shows a packed Gate and Big John playing.

Hope you like it...


I love the fact that inbetween a packed crowd there is a Robin Reliant by the corner flag? Was it a police car? Great footage.

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