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Surely A Reason Why You Want City To Win Next Sunday?

Dolman Block B

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I must admit i do find it funny how some people display real anger towards Hollowhead, he's nothing, never was, never will be.

He is a wnker, always was and always will be.

A pretty average midfielder in my opinion as well - all mouth too.

I am in two minds really on all this.

I would truly love to see us completely fk up Hollowhead's chance of the Premier League.

BUT I have always liked the football Blackpool play (particularly under Grayson) plus their fans have put up with a lot of shite in the past with the ground etc. Be good to see them stick it to the 'establishment' and reach the top division.

I also would prefer either them or Leicester than either set of sheep shaggers.

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Must admit and yet again I find myself very very much in the minority but I really hate Nottingham Forest and their horrible little shite of a manager and their even bigger shite of a left winger (just ask Dean Gherken), Cardiff well 'nuff said, Swansea, in my opinion are not even good enough for the Championship let alone the Premier League, Leicester are like wallpaper, they are just there and nobody really notices them, so this leaves Blackpool.

Just due to my total hatred for most of the other teams left in the play offs, my vote would sadly have to go to Blackpool and even better would be beating the hated Davies thugs in the fifth minute of injury time at Wembley with a Tyson own goal!!!

SORRY BUT IN THIS INSTANCE ITS PERSONAL - And personally I have a bigger hatred for Billy Davies, Cardiff and Swansea than one of Bristol's own albeit he is a Gas Head plus he is still good value on Soccer AM chatting about chicken sheds!!!



...which makes them a million times better than any team managed by Hollowhead!

Never forget 1990. :bruce_h4h:

Couldn't agree more about Forest though...

...and who are they going to want up least??

C'MON LEICESTER!!! :winner_third_h4h:

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Some people appear content to see Skeletor dancing on the pitch in front of the City fans celebrating getting Blackpool into the play offs. Unbelievable.

Not me..... nothing (else) against Blackpool but I want to see the despicable Hollowhead fail miserably and skulk off the pitch to an unrivalled cacophony of jeers from both sets of fans.

worship2.gifThe City-hater deserves nothing except our everlasting contempt.

Cardiff can rot in Hell and take Forest with them, but I can't get worked up about Swansea.

If they beat Cardiff or Forest in the final they'll go up with my blessing.yes.gif

Could not have been better Nogbad!worship2.gif

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Wouldn't there be something wrong if he didn't hate City? I for one actually love the passion he shows. To be honest, If I was a Gas Head, I'd hate us too. He's a Bristol boy who loves his team. I see nothing wrong with it. I for one actually enjoyed that video. We need more passion in the game.

I don't consider the Rovers to be our biggest rivals, I don't even consider them to be a rival. I'd stop short of saying I have a soft spot for them though. They're like the younger, more stupid younger brother we all didn't want!

As for the play off teams. Well, I'd go for Blackpool. Nice club, good history.

Of course you would, but your not, you're a zider head so you should hate the gas, and you should hate skelator! How on earth people cannot consider them rivals is beyond me. And as for having a soft spot for them, I cannot see where you are coming from. I despise them, and I despise that sag **** Ian Holloway.

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I will be crying with laughter if we knock Skeletor out of the playoffs, that ******* thick as pigshit cheating dirty **** ought to get nothing but vitriol from City fans for how he carried on in the past. He's an utter embarrassment to Bristol.

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Im sorry but I dont understand why everybody cares about other teams??

The only result I actually care about is BRISTOL CITYs, ie that we win. Anything else just never has and never will interest me. You should all be praying that we win full stop. Whatever else happens will happen regarless of any other results. I know we have nothing to play for now but where ever we are in the league, all I worry about is that we get 3 points. Always has been like that and always will be.

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Im sorry but I dont understand why everybody cares about other teams??

The only result I actually care about is BRISTOL CITYs, ie that we win. Anything else just never has and never will interest me. You should all be praying that we win full stop. Whatever else happens will happen regarless of any other results. I know we have nothing to play for now but where ever we are in the league, all I worry about is that we get 3 points. Always has been like that and always will be.

Nothing wrong with that, but if we can get three points and end Skeletor's season all the better. :shifty:

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Im sorry but I dont understand why everybody cares about other teams??

The only result I actually care about is BRISTOL CITYs, ie that we win. Anything else just never has and never will interest me. You should all be praying that we win full stop. Whatever else happens will happen regarless of any other results. I know we have nothing to play for now but where ever we are in the league, all I worry about is that we get 3 points. Always has been like that and always will be.

Good attitude but tell me honestly the sight of Hollowhead crying come the final whistle won't make you extra happy?

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Im sorry but I dont understand why everybody cares about other teams??

The only result I actually care about is BRISTOL CITYs, ie that we win. Anything else just never has and never will interest me. You should all be praying that we win full stop. Whatever else happens will happen regarless of any other results. I know we have nothing to play for now but where ever we are in the league, all I worry about is that we get 3 points. Always has been like that and always will be.

It got sweet **** all to do about other teams.

Its HIM, that horrible ****er who tried his best to belittle our team and fans through the 80,s and 90,s!!!

If you were old enough, you would understand!

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Hate the man with a passion! NOTHING would give me more pleasure than battering Blackpool on Sunday and watching Holloway's chance of the prem go up in smoke.

personally I also think those fans who constantly feel the need to clap him off at the Gate should be ashamed of themselves!

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Hate the man with a passion! NOTHING would give me more pleasure than battering Blackpool on Sunday and watching Holloway's chance of the prem go up in smoke.

personally I also think those fans who constantly feel the need to clap him off at the Gate should be ashamed of themselves!

Rather he ended up with a dose of the (above)

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This from the man who once said "the only good City fan is a dead City fan".


The man is UTTER SCUM! between the youtube link, that article and the endless comments over the years, the Olly Love expressed by some because of a few funny jokes is embrassing!

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I hope we absolutely hammer them and make the horrible little sag 'ed C***s heart break,

to see the W****r crying his eyes out after we beat them would feel fantastic, he is a horrible little sleaze bag who we all know HATES us with a vengeance, and everytime I see that video I detest him even more, I hope you lose you sad sag hollowhead !!!!

Redtilldead city.gif

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Never supported Rovers never wanted them to win a game, but used to go and watch them at Eastville way back, (Sister married a Gas Head) but I don't hate them or Holloway, neither should any Bristolian I reckon, after all he is a Bristol lad, save all your hate for the like of Palace, a more 'orrible bunch I have yet to meet.

After admitting that I think it's unwise to suggest we can't hate them or Holloway, why would I hate Crystal Palace more than our local rivals? That's ludicrous! Prepare for a barrage of insults as well after admitting your closet Gas!

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Harsh, he has been the Personality that defines ''Bristol Humour'', OK he might have followed the wrong team but at least the guy can enjoy a joke, and for that I cannot hate him.

SOH on here seems a rare commodity mindwhistle.gif

See post 48, rough, do you really think that's funny?

Plenty more unpleasant anti - BCFC jibes like that from Hollowhead over the decades, the common theme being a detestation of all things Bristol City.

I've never found him funny full stop, and God help us Bristolians if the rest of the country defines "Bristol Humour" by the gibbering outpourings of that buffoon.

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Closet Gas? not at all, but the fact that I don't live in Bristol, and havn't since I was 16 sort of tempers the rivalry. However 'hating' is a strong word, and tbh I dont hate Holloway, but I do remember 1990 and in fact I worked in Bath on the Bristol Road just opposite Twerton Park, I could see the 'floodlights' from my office, that still hurts. My sister married twice into abusive relationships both were and are Gas, the current incumbent is not only Gas but Welsh too, and of course is an avid Rugby supporter. But I can assure you that I never gave an inch against these imposters into what is a City family and never will.

I had no choice I was born in St Annes, and my Dad took me to the Gate when I was 8 or so, and grew up with the legend that was Ateyo, and followed the team everywhere, until I discovered Girls.

Barrage of Insults..Closet Gas? Nooo and when you have had this club in your life for as long as I have you will understand, think about it on your way to schoolkiddie.gif

What are you talking about? First you say that you used to watch the G*s and now your saying that just seeing there ground hurt, which is it? If you were happy enough to go along and watch them then clearly you were happy enough to see their ground. As for your school comment what's that supposed to mean? You've clearly seen that I stated I was born in 92 and for whatever reason decided to bring that up as if it somehow works in your favour, but I don't go to school anymore mate, I'm a tad too old. Your posts just smack of hypocrosy and contradictions. You say you don't mind Holloway and he's just a Bristol lad, and that as you know longer live in Bristol this tempers the rivalry, yet at the same time you've stated when the clubs been in my life as long as yours I'll understand. Understand what? Please do tell me. Clearly the club isn't so important to you as you used to watch Rovers, you're not bothered about the rivalry, and you even claim in your next post that we should've pulled together. Never! I support Bristol City, and I'd detest some bullsh*t joint team just in the hope of gaining more attention or some trophies, and so should all City fans.

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This from the man who once said "the only good City fan is a dead City fan".

How anyone can even like or want this man to succeed is beyond me, if you are a City fan he would prefer you to be dead, thats dead, not 'no i dont really like city'.

I had the misfortune of meeting him once in the early 90's during the time we could not beat them and had a heated discussion outside twerton after we had played them and I will quote his comment to me

'There is nothing more in life I hate than you City scum'

So, for all of you who think he is a bit of a laugh, good for football and Bristol etc etc, he hates you more than anything else, hates you more than baadiff or swansea hate you, hates you more than most sagheads probably do.

So I hope we beat them and I hope Swansea win, sorry to all those Blackpool fans who I have nothing against but this is the man I hate in football more than anyone else.

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I said I NEVER want to watch Rovers win a match, along with Swindon Palace and a few others perhaps, however I have been to all of their grounds and that does not mean I support them Doh!!

Just take stock of the real issues in Football, and just how difficult it is to survive, inbred rivalries between clubs should not be a factor when survival is at stake. It could come to that, we could really have On Team In Bristol sooner than you think, and if it carried the name City then fine, but any other No.

You were born in 92 ' my youngest son is 6 years older than you, he still thinks he knows better than me now, but put aside your prejudices and think common sense, one day you will have to buy a house, food and clothes for your family, believe me growing up is a journey, and you will learn you have to make ends meet, no difference in running a football club.

How you could like him and support city i really dont know. Also how you could want a joint team with them is also beyond me.

How do you know he already doesnt own a house, has a family? Not like he is 12 is it.

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Guest Parson St Station

I said I NEVER want to watch Rovers win a match, along with Swindon Palace and a few others perhaps, however I have been to all of their grounds and that does not mean I support them Doh!!

Just take stock of the real issues in Football, and just how difficult it is to survive, inbred rivalries between clubs should not be a factor when survival is at stake. It could come to that, we could really have On Team In Bristol sooner than you think, and if it carried the name City then fine, but any other No.

You were born in 92 ' my youngest son is 6 years older than you, he still thinks he knows better than me now, but put aside your prejudices and think common sense, one day you will have to buy a house, food and clothes for your family, believe me growing up is a journey, and you will learn you have to make ends meet, no difference in running a football club.

Seriously, what are you on about?

Hollowhead is the definition of "I ****in hate City".

Contemptous scumbag.

I hope we score in the first minute and watch as Skeletor rants and raves for the next 89 mins.And Blackpool don't score. I detest Holloway.I detest his "Bristolian" humour. I detest Bristol Rovers. I was in the Tote End when we absolutely ******* ran them in the Eighties.And loved it.

City to win. Gas to stay in L1 and go down next year. Baadiff to go into admin. Leicester to go up to piss off the Florist thugs.

Oh and , of course, Wednesday to smash the Tango Army.

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