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Surely A Reason Why You Want City To Win Next Sunday?

Dolman Block B

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I said I NEVER want to watch Rovers win a match, along with Swindon Palace and a few others perhaps, however I have been to all of their grounds and that does not mean I support them Doh!!

Just take stock of the real issues in Football, and just how difficult it is to survive, inbred rivalries between clubs should not be a factor when survival is at stake. It could come to that, we could really have On Team In Bristol sooner than you think, and if it carried the name City then fine, but any other No.

You were born in 92 ' my youngest son is 6 years older than you, he still thinks he knows better than me now, but put aside your prejudices and think common sense, one day you will have to buy a house, food and clothes for your family, believe me growing up is a journey, and you will learn you have to make ends meet, no difference in running a football club.

Reading your posts it seems as if you've lost the plot. You watched Rovers at Twerton when they weren't playing City on many occasions, why the f ** k would you do that if you're a City fan? I would never set foot in their ground unless it was to watch us play, and even considering watching them for entertainment is absurd to me. I'd also like to know why you think Bristol could have one joint team sooner than people think? No it won't. City fans would despise joining with the sags, and likewise they would with us, I hate the idea of even ground sharing let alone joining teams!! Quite why you've then decided to go off on some ridiculous rant about how soon I'll have to learn how to buy a house/food etc. is not in any way relevant and is just enormously patronising. What does this have to do with my views on Rovers or Hollowhead? Your son probably does know better than you, as it's quite clear from your posts you talk utter shite. And thankfully everyone seems to be able to see that as well, which is why bascially everyone completely disagrees with you.

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It got sweet **** all to do about other teams.

Its HIM, that horrible ****er who tried his best to belittle our team and fans through the 80,s and 90,s!!!

If you were old enough, you would understand!

Mate im 30 so I do understand. Just that people seem more worried about us getting one over on hollowhead than Bristol City themselves. Dont get me wrong I dont like the bloke but if we were not good enough to be above a team that he managed all season on a shoestring budget, I would be more inclined to be worried about that. Whatever happens and who ever makes the plat offs would have been better than us and that is what grates the most with me.

Plus it aint healthy spending too much time thinking about a non entity such as him anyway!!!!!!

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Some people appear content to see Skeletor dancing on the pitch in front of the City fans celebrating getting Blackpool into the play offs. Unbelievable.

Not me..... nothing (else) against Blackpool but I want to see the despicable Hollowhead fail miserably and skulk off the pitch to an unrivalled cacophony of jeers from both sets of fans.

The City-hater deserves nothing except our everlasting contempt.

Cardiff can rot in Hell and take Forest with them, but I can't get worked up about Swansea.

If they beat Cardiff or Forest in the final they'll go up with my blessing.yes.gif

Agree I could NOT BEAR to see Holloway gloating at getting the Play Offs so get out there and RUIN THE SAD GASHEAD B*STARDS DAY........... Come on you Reds.
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Mate im 30 so I do understand. Just that people seem more worried about us getting one over on hollowhead than Bristol City themselves. Dont get me wrong I dont like the bloke but if we were not good enough to be above a team that he managed all season on a shoestring budget, I would be more inclined to be worried about that. Whatever happens and who ever makes the plat offs would have been better than us and that is what grates the most with me.

Plus it aint healthy spending too much time thinking about a non entity such as him anyway!!!!!!

You would have been ten when City lost the Championship to Rovers, so with all due respect i doubt it had the same impact on you as it did us who are slightly older and had to live with those gas ****s, led by Holloway, rubbing it right in. Never have forgotten it, never will forget it and that is why i want us to get one over on him on Sunday. His hatred for us may have been diluted over the years, but make no mistake it is still there and i've no doubt that he will be as joyous about beating us as he will be over reaching the play offs should Blackpool win on Sunday. If i'm honest i genuinely can't understand why any City fan would wish him well, but maybe i hate the gas a little more than most despite their hilarious and continuing failings over the last ten years?

As for your comment about why Blackpool have finished above us despite their budget, well i think the appointment of Mr Coppell has addressed that issue now, so you needen't worry any further.

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''I thought i was going to die'' ha brilliant rofl2br.gif

If i recall correctly, it was common knowledge at the time that Holloway made that comment and made the situation sound as bad as possible to try and enhance City's punishment. Anyway, any fear he felt would have been enhanced by his comments to fans in the Dolman as he went to retrieve the ball for a throw in shortly before the fans ran on the pitch.

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Never watched Rovers at Twerton only Eastville, I am not ranting you are, you have the makings of a narrow minded bigot and I wish you well, come back in a few years when you have something useful to say, until then take some advice on board.

Please explain to me why I'm a bigot because I don't like our teams local rivals or a man that said "a good city fan is a dead city fan"? You still seem unable to grasp the fact that your talking nonsense, and it's no coinicidence several people have disagreed with you. So no, I'm not gonna take advice from some moron who has paid to watch Rovers, would be find if the teams joined as long as the new team had the name 'City' in it and who for some reason thinks his views are more important than those of others just because he's older.

So why don't you take some advice mate, and jog on.

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You don't let go do youfastasleep.gif

Your rhetoric gets more agitated, not liking rival teams is lets face pretty shallow, but completely understandable for someone of such tender years. However calling me a Moron is pretty OTT for having been to a few Rovers matches way before you were born. I did watch City matches there too, and the Old Eastville was pretty electric and coupled with the whiff of gas had it's place in Bristol fokelore. Don't suppose there was the nasty side to football then, as far as the supporters anyway.

However just why I bother to try and explain certain things about Bristol Football, I don't know, you seem pretty much blind to reason so let's leave it that and hope that in a few years time you might learn a few manners and show a bit more respect.

Your posts literally get funnier and funnier. You say I've become more agitated and OTT in calling you a moron, yet you previously called me a bigot, and you still haven't answered my question, so I'll ask again, why am I a bigot? The fact that the only arguement you have. is just that your older and know better, shows how weak your arguement is, and your not really making any points other than repeatedly saying I need to grow up. Like I said, I'm not going to show respect to some moron who calls me a bigot for disliking my rival team and would be happy if our team joined with our rivals! You say there wasn't a nasty side to football then, which shows your ignorance of the game. Not remember City and Rovers fans clashing on the pitch back when Holloway was manager of them? I suppose that was just tough love ey? Unbelievable.

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My One Team In Bristol comment was looking at the scenario due to the problems with some clubs surviving in the future, in this case Rovers, either we as a club help in some way or we look the other way?

Look the other way.yes.gif

Rovers are not our Rivals

Yes they are, always have been and always will be. Unless they disappear of course.praying%20smiley.gif

So why should you Hate them?

How about being attacked by their fans on 3 separate occasions in my youth, not even at matches, for no other reason than I was wearing a City scarf? Or how about simply returning just a little bit of the obsessional hate they have for BCFC?

Because of what Holloway said 20 years ago,

That was unmatched in it's vitriol and would be more than enough on it's own, but the behaviour of their team in always trying to kick City off the pitch and continually winding up the fans as much as possible just cements it.

because of a clash of fans on the pitch before you were born, or just a baby? And this is sufficient for you to hate them and him? That has all the attributes of Bigoted thinking, I hope you will understand.

I hope you'll understand that it's quite natural and understandable for City fans to hate Rovers. If they ever go bust, so be it, many of us remember exactly how much sympathy BCFC got from them in 1982 - absolutely none, they rubbed their hands with glee and tried to get hold of AG for a pittance.

Foul dirge of a club song which is universally despised the length and breadth of the football league, ground stealers, perpetuating the myth of 'The Family Club', I could go on, but I'm starting to feel nauseous just thinking about them. Come on Norwich, stuff 'em.city.gif

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I hope we absolutely hammer them and make the horrible little sag 'ed C***s heart break,

to see the W****r crying his eyes out after we beat them would feel fantastic, he is a horrible little sleaze bag who we all know HATES us with a vengeance, and everytime I see that video I detest him even more, I hope you lose you sad sag hollowhead !!!!

Redtilldead city.gif

I remember seeing the little fanny look like he was trying not to cry in his post match interview after Haynes and Maynard seen his side off at the gate earlyer this season. Whilst i have absolutely nothing against Blackpool, i would love nothing more than to see the unfunny, boring, self obsessed, up his arse, embarrasment to bristolians ( and humanity itself ), skeleton faced, bog eyed, Dirty gashead **** drown in his own tears when we wreck his pray-off hopes.

Heres to 3 points on sunday and Swansea turn over Doncaster.

Happy days!

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I remember seeing the little fanny look like he was trying not to cry in his post match interview after Haynes and Maynard seen his side off at the gate earlyer this season. Whilst i have absolutely nothing against Blackpool, i would love nothing more than to see the unfunny, boring, self obsessed, up his arse, embarrasment to bristolians ( and humanity itself ), skeleton faced, bog eyed, Dirty gashead **** drown in his own tears when we wreck his pray-off hopes.

Heres to 3 points on sunday and Swansea turn over Doncaster.

Happy days!

The hate runs deep with me. Many years ago, me and my business partner were taken up the Mem by a building company that sponsored the game v City.

The Gas turnt us over, 2 nil i think. Went into the hospitality area after the game and within half a hour up popped Hollowhead.

He grabbed the mike and screamed "Thats how to take care of the f kin shitheads" much to the delight of many.

I thought what a unproffesional barsteward, and could not get out the place quick enough.

He,s horrible f okeer and always has been

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I don't really know if you have sufficient years to be called a Bigot or anything else for that matter, however you do seem to be able to twist the truth to suit your argument. My One Team In Bristol comment was looking at the scenario due to the problems with some clubs surviving in the future, in this case Rovers, either we as a club help in some way or we look the other way?

Rovers are not our Rivals (well not since the early 90's perhaps) and before then, back to the 3rd Division South they might be considered rivals but not in the last 20 years. So why should you Hate them? Because of what Holloway said 20 years ago, because of a clash of fans on the pitch before you were born, or just a baby? And this is sufficient for you to hate them and him? That has all the attributes of Bigoted thinking, I hope you will understand.

Feel free to withdraw the Moron slur at anytime

Please, please, please read this post properly before you reply, as you clearly have not been doing that. I do not hate Rovers because of a clash that happened then, I NEVER said I did, I was using that as an example that football fans were more troublesome then, as you stated there wasn't a nasty side to football then, which is absurd. Rovers are our rivals. This cannot be ignored and it cannot be denied. They are our local rivals, and just because they are a league below us, or not as good as us, it doesn't change anything, I still consider them our biggest rivals, as do the majority of our fans. I'd also like you to explain to me where I've twisted the truth. I have quoted you on things that you yourself have posted, but in no way have I twisted what you've said. I dislike Holloway because he has admitted he hates City, he has saaid appalling things about City fans and after watching that video that was posted on this thread earlier I do not understand how others can show a liking for him. This doesn't mean I don't think he's done a good job at Blackpool. Of course he's done well there and it would be stupid to suggest he hasn't, however why should this change my views on him? I am not a bigot, and you should read my posts properly before misquoting me or accusing me of bigoted views.

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Be careful, you might offend the people who feel it neccasary to clap the ***** when he comes to ag. Horrible man, my weekend will be made if we snatch a late equaliser and Swansea score a winner in the 95th minute!! Followed by hearing news that wednesdy have scored with a maradonna like handball and palace go down by 1 point!!!

I gotta say Longacre...I like your style...Horrible little fellow...

I am completely behind Nogbad from an earlier post....This odius man who some see fit to applaud when he comes to our ground...hates our football club has stated as such openly and by implication on more occasions then I care to remember.

I have a pretty long memory and I can never remember a person so closely related to City ever have this long-term obsession toward Bristol Rovers Football Club...Ian Holloway has well and truly earned the right to be disliked by many AND HE KNOWS IT!

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I will concede I didn't realise Holloway said such things, and for that I have to have a different opinion of him, mind you I never did much like his humour, but I sympathised with his problems he had with his kids. Holloway has grown up since his outburts, and I guess we all mellow with age so hopefully he is more tolerant of us as we should be of him.

You know it must be pretty bad to have to take shed loads of abuse day in day out, as he has done from us and just lately Plymouth fans, and his reaction to all this at Home Park? the other week was that he felt shocked and a bit hurt, especially as he was so popular down there. Mind you City fans can give it too, Pulis Warnock and Stewart, the latter was especially harshly treated with the Paedo chants when he played at AG for Swindon. Not one of those fans would dare call him that to his face but it's easy to do that on a baying pack, cowardly I reckon. That day I was ashamed to be a City fan. Warnock is open season, Pulis I dont like the shifty bloke but has done wonders at Stoke. ...Anyway I digress.

Can we then cut out the anomosity? I will retract the Bigot thing (it was anyway a topical thing on the same day a Browns gaff) and feel free not to call me a Moron so at least I can resume the rest of my life without a complexunsure.gif

PS I can never agree that Rovers are Rivals, they are not, they are a small Bristol Club that are condemned to always play in the lower leagues, where they have always been..

I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree. I never buy the whole it must be tiring taking abuse all day arguement as it's not like Holloway recieves abuse on a daily basis. He recieved it at home park, one day in a season, and some would say rightly so after walking out on them, and he does only face us twice a season! Anyway, we've both said our pieces, and that can be that, but I do consider Rovers our biggest rivals, because they are the local team who we share a city with, and even though they are nowhere near the club we are on or off field, they are still our local rivals, and imo this cannot be ignored!

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Have just seen the youtube video and has reaffirmed my feelings towards the man.

Hope we do sufficently well to see him fall to 7th...it will be the third final day disappointment for him in a decade!winner_third_h4h.giffingerscrossed.gif


Just seen him on sky sports bing interviewed.

Even horribler than yesterdayflowers.gif

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Guest oftbc

For those that are sticking up for that horrible ****** think what he would be like if the tables were turned and it was infact us going for a play off place on the final day against his side. He would do all he could to make sure his side were fired up to spoil our party. Nothing against Blackpool would be funny seeing them in the premier league with all the big clubs visiting that shit hole it's just a shame they are managed by a complete tosser.

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clapping.gifFor those that are sticking up for that horrible ****** think what he would be like if the tables were turned and it was infact us going for a play off place on the final day against his side. He would do all he could to make sure his side were fired up to spoil our party. Nothing against Blackpool would be funny seeing them in the premier league with all the big clubs visiting that shit hole it's just a shame they are managed by a complete tosser.

Best post yetclapping.gif

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Anyone just read Hollow heads lips? He called Marv a f inkg p r ick

Thats why he really is a complete tool

Yeah, saw that, shows himself up for what he really is.

I get the feeling the ref aint exactly on our side. Hartley, was blatantly manhandled late in the half and there was no whistle. I'm just hoping I get to use that long laugh I've got stored up.

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