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The March/petition Today


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Great coverage on the local BBC news. Wish I could have been there. Well done all involved.

This, I am sure is just the start of a big thing.. :bruce_h4h:

Whilst I think it is nothing short of brilliant what has happened in a short space of time, how about NEXT time getting in some peoples faces.

Protests are about letting "other" people know what's happening.

As stated above, there wasn't even any "village greeners" there to annoy!

Anyhow jolly well done.

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Not sure of the Politics, but I met the Green'un today. Thoroughly good chap and the last man standing. He's banned from the OTIB forum. I don't know why and it's none of my business, but he was there today and gagging for the new stadium. Thoughts?

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I also witnessed somebody order 4 pints of Fosters (He wasn't advised that a four pint pitcher would be cheaper) and two pints of Ashton Press in The Tobacco Factory. Not sure why, but he left all six drinks on the bar and left via the front door. Strange.

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Thanks for all the kind words and support for our Musicworks crew today. It was a pleasure to be part of such a well organized event and demonstration and we look to be helping with further events. As City fans we want to see the new stadium and as Musicians we want to see the long overdue Arena that Bristol so badly needs.

Furthermore may I say special thanks to all the Supporters Trust who put in such a great shift. It was great to get MC Mikee Freedom performing 'Devotion' again after all these years in his home town and we are looking forward to the new Devotion remix that he is recording with the legendary Ruby Turner.

Finally thanks to Shaun for the stage and Mark for the PA, GREAT DAY!

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Bless, my Mummy was so excited at seeing herself on the telly. They had to go and sodding get me in that luminous jacket at the end though didn't they! :noexp:

You look like you have the potential to be the Fore(wo)man when the Ashton Vale build starts! All you need is a hard hat now!

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I also witnessed somebody order 4 pints of Fosters (He wasn't advised that a four pint pitcher would be cheaper) and two pints of Ashton Press in The Tobacco Factory. Not sure why, but he left all six drinks on the bar and left via the front door. Strange.

Hopefully he didn't pay for them ....that'll be six pints worth of profit down the drain for red trousers.

That could be a good alternative to boycotting the place if loads of us turned up and did the same and would really hurt that p***s pocket.

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I also witnessed somebody order 4 pints of Fosters (He wasn't advised that a four pint pitcher would be cheaper) and two pints of Ashton Press in The Tobacco Factory. Not sure why, but he left all six drinks on the bar and left via the front door. Strange.

Ha ha, well done. 6 pints of profit gone for red trousers!!

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I also witnessed somebody order 4 pints of Fosters (He wasn't advised that a four pint pitcher would be cheaper) and two pints of Ashton Press in The Tobacco Factory. Not sure why, but he left all six drinks on the bar and left via the front door. Strange.

is that not a fergie joint?... what were you doing in there? shameful!!

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New to these forums - although I have read them for many years.

Haven't been to see CITY since the early '90s although I went religiously between 1967 - 92. Just wanted to say "Well Done" to all who arranged / turned up for the march and fingers crossed for a good result.

Best wishes


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is that not a fergie joint?... what were you doing in there? shameful!!

Not me Guv. I was invited into the Bar by a friend on the promise of him making a personal complaint to Roger Red Trousers. In Rog's absence, said friend made a quick decision to make his own form of protest. 6 Pints left unpaid for on the bar. They would probably reuse them anyway but it shocked the Barmaid. Saying that, most people in the Bar were under 5 and sleeping/screaming in pushchairs.

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