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At Least 6 Players Coming In!


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from our favourite rumour site :closedeyes:

25 Jul 2010 20:29:41

Bristol City news

i have just been informed from a source within the club that Bristol City are in talks with a midfielder from manchester city

also a very experienced international goalkeeper has been approached

i also can confirm that a centre back, full back and a championship forward are close to agreeing terms with the club and should be made

public within the next couple of days

25 Jul 2010 20:10:12

Bristol City News:

Bristol City Looking to Bring in Michael Johnson From Man city.Man City Keen to offload.

Which could see Johnson on loan with a view to making the deal perm in January.

Steven Carr Also Linked to City.

David James is a free agent....... :whistle2:

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Today at the Question and Answer he said he wants too replace McCombe, Hartley and Orr, so thats 3, he wants a 3rd goalkeeper, 4, A left sided player to address the inbalance, 5, and at least 1 striker, 6. So he actually did say it.

There is a difference between "I want" and "I will".

I'm sure he does want 6-8 more players, I'm damn certain he won't sign six by the end of August because he won't find players good enough available to us to fit all those holes.

It's best not to have unrealistic expectations because those are what lead to you being optimistic one minute and concerned the next.

Building a Steve Coppell team is a job that will not be completed until at the earliest, next summer.

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6 coming in ?

I was accused on panicking yesterday, it will be atleast 5 I reckon

more. We will see. The lot we have

at the moment aren't good enough but

I won't start again.

As SC said today, we have only about 5 players FIT that were in the team at the end of last season.

The team proved they were good enough at the end of last season. Once there all fit and we get a couple left sided players we will be fine.Gary Johnson made a complete mess with an unbalenced squad and SC has to pick up the pieces.

By the way, i sat there patiently today waiting for your questions to SC..........

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WBA have had 3 bids for Prestons GK rejected, one assumes they're not going to bid £3M+ to have him as a no 2 ?!!

Doesn't make me think WE are getting Carson mind you, more likely he'd go another Prem club.

Kiely is their GK coach having semi retired last season.

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<br />Michael Johnson?!! That's ****ing hilarious. I would literally piss my pants if we signed him. He's miles better than half our players and when he inevitably does leave Eastlands it will be for a prem side. Where do they get this crap from?

i swear in january spurs had a 5m bid rejected for him there's more chance of me sprouting a fanny then him coming here

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Oh and regarding potential keeper signing it won't be a big name. SC reckons it's neck and neck between Gerka and Hendo so he won't be looking for a first choice keeper, he'll be after cover for these two.

Saying that Gerken and Henderson are neck and neck doesn't mean anything about how SC rates either. It just means there isn't much to choose between them.

Personally I would think he will definitely be looking for a first choice keeper, though it certainly won't be David James.

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After listening to Steve Coppell's Q and A today, he mentioned different positions he is looking to bring players in.

He mentioned:

GK - he preferably wants 3

RB - too replace Orr

CB - too replace McCombe

CM - too replace Hartley

LM - to solve the inbalance

ST - at least one

So we maybe signing 2 strickers altogether, possible a LB aswell.

He also mentioned how he has already asked about some players, and may bring some people in on loan even though he dislikes it. He mentioned Fergie about this one, so maybe some Man U youngsters. He said they will be released on loan next week as the world cup players are coming back now so the youngsters are not needed for pre-season anymore.

Im quite excited about the future now! dancing6.gifdancing2.gifdancing6.gifdancing2.gif

http://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?/topic/127962-man-united-loanees/page__p__1248410__fromsearch__1#entry1248410 :innocent06:

Fergie has already said Welbeck and Cleverley will go to Premier League teams on loan so no chance of either of those

If we loaned anyone from Man Utd it would most likely be - Craig Cathcart, Corry Evans, Ritchie De Laet or Mame Biram Diouf

http://www.otib.co.uk/index.php?/topic/127962-man-united-loanees/page__p__1248410__fromsearch__1#entry1248410 :whistle2:

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Oh and regarding potential keeper signing it won't be a big name. SC reckons it's neck and neck between Gerka and Hendo so he won't be looking for a first choice keeper, he'll be after cover for these two.

Yeah I read it like that too. Guess you could only really tell if you were there with the guy though.

I'm wondering if he see's the number 1 jersey to be won and lost by Henderson/Gerken then why not blood an academy keeper? I agree with the general consesus that Gerken's downfalls are indecision whilst Henderson is relatively untested (over the course of a season) which means we need a keeper that has neither of these problems, finding one for the right price at a good age will be difficult though - I don't believe RW would be an improvement (imo).

For me though, far more pressing issues are getting in a commanding centre half and a versatile left sided player in the mould of Gareth Bale who can operate as a full back/wing back or winger. obviously we can't get some of the bigger names but perhaps with the new scouting team we could unearth a talented lefty from the lower leagues?

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from our favourite rumour site :closedeyes:

25 Jul 2010 20:29:41

Bristol City news

i have just been informed from a source within the club that Bristol City are in talks with a midfielder from manchester city

also a very experienced international goalkeeper has been approached

i also can confirm that a centre back, full back and a championship forward are close to agreeing terms with the club and should be made

public within the next couple of days

25 Jul 2010 20:10:12

Bristol City News:

Bristol City Looking to Bring in Michael Johnson From Man city.Man City Keen to offload.

Which could see Johnson on loan with a view to making the deal perm in January.

Steven Carr Also Linked to City.

Michael Johnson?! Oh, good Lord...there aren't enough pies in Bristol...

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