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Comments On The Protest


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I am totally and utterly annoyed in fact, I am absolutely ****ing furious with some of the comments beneath the story of fans marching from Ashton Gate to the site of the new ground at Ashton Vale. One ignorant pillock Bob, referred to the marchers as being benefit frauds despite this happening on a Sunday when many people are off, what made matters worse for me is the implication that many of those people supporting the protest were claiming incapacity benefit or disability living allowance. This annoyed me because I wasn't there due to being incapacitated through illness. Just as an aside to that he posted that reply to the EP at 10.15 so either he is claiming benefits or is using his employers time to make ridicules statements attacking peaceful law abiding protesters, bloody hypocrite.

Then there was the idiot "Bedders Resident" squawking on about there is no local support for teams in Bristol and all supporters have grown up glory hunting supporting the likes of Liverpool Man U and Chelsea and the likes of Wigan Cardiff and Hull have far better support thus deserving a new stadium unlike Bristolians, This halfwit only need to look across from AG to the park opposite to see kids kicking a ball in City shirts. He forgets to mention the thousands we have taken to play off finals and various Mickey Mouse Cups. Nor does he put 2+2 together and realise to sustain a quality team and to challenge to join the elite we need the infrastructure. Football isn't just about 22 blokes kicking a ball around for an hour and a half, it is big business and the stadium needs to be utilised 7 days a week all year round to generate the finances to keep the club able to challenge even at the top end of the Championship. Success breeds success and the better the team and the facilities the bigger the club will grow.

Mary from Southville was just as bad, baring in mind the usual anti-city feelings of the local paper; she believes it should be call the BCF Daily (I would prefer BCFC Daily) but she doesn't stop there, she feels poor old Simon Rayner is being harassed (I believe something similar, he's been half-assed) Following this we have Chris who still seems to think it about saving this Greenbelt otherwise known as old landfill. But he doesn't want "housing estates springing up all over Ashton and Yanley2 nor does he want Sainsbury's on this site either. He finishes with this flurry (Bad grammar and spelling mistakes are his not mine!)

"When we way it all up ,our Quality of life takes a step Backwards More Frustration ,Queuing hassle and costs while lansdowne and co are in it for themselves

Don'T be fooled."

Now we have been warned. Steve Lansdown has dipped his hand into his pockets to not only get us challenging for promotion into the highest paid most watched league in the world but kept us afloat when times were bad, so where the hell is this dim wit getting this from. I'm waiting for someone to turn around and say the new stadium is really a Russian / Islamic militant / CIA MI5 base and our chairman is really a reptilian alien with designs to take over the world and Colin Sextone kill little puppies to feed him.

It really hisses me off all this bull being spouted by a group of people who I'm sure would love to keep us a second class City. I'm not against NIMBY's as such but at least get a decent argument to confront us with. The thing is it's probably these types of people who will use Sainsbury's as opposed to ASDA because Sainsbury's cater for their middle class ideas. We need to build modern amenities to take our City up to the level expected and enjoyed by the citizens of the rest of the country. But thanks to the Bob's Chris's and Mary's of our City we are left behind places far smaller than ourselves. I just can't work it out in my head. Sorry for the rant. Rant over

The sooner the offer the resignations the better,complete and utter dimwits every one of them.

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It really hisses me off all this bull being spouted by a group of people who I'm sure would love to keep us a second class City. I'm not against NIMBY's as such but at least get a decent argument to confront us with. The thing is it's probably these types of people who will use Sainsbury's as opposed to ASDA because Sainsbury's cater for their middle class ideas. We need to build modern amenities to take our City up to the level expected and enjoyed by the citizens of the rest of the country. But thanks to the Bob's Chris's and Mary's of our City we are left behind places far smaller than ourselves. I just can't work it out in my head. Sorry for the rant. Rant over

Lots of City fans share the same frustrations and even more so when the profession of Simon Raynor was revealed. A very blantant conflict of interests depsite his prosestations. No matter what developments anywhere in the UK are proposed there always a brigade of protesters. It seems to be a national trait.

I'm confident that an appeal will be forthcoming and be successfull. We will get our new stadium,unfortunately not as soon as we all expected.

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I would go as far to say as the thisisbristol.com site has some of the finest trolls in the country. Even my Brother who has lived in Leeds for the past 20 years is amazed at how bad it is in comparison to the one for Leeds.

I would leave them too it, in fact I refrain myself from ever reading the comments as my blood pressure rises instantaneously

i agree 100%, leave them be, the drongo's in the editorial department also seem to embrace the trolling and the EP wears it as a badge of pride. the nasty racists and bigots who inhabit the boards should be left to interbreed to oblivion.

although having read some of the guardian's online comments the other week, they have the same issue, albeit a different colour, liberal trolls, just as bad!

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Don't let the trolls get to you. Just feel good in the knowledge that Simon Rayner is squirming, To such an extent that he even edited his response on his blog site, accussing the club of inciting hatred. Unfortunately for him, google cached said comments and screenshots were taken.

Constant applied pressure is what is required. I am sure the likes of Rayner and Ferguson will hope this will die down. We as fans must do our bit to ensure it does not happen. I have a fairly active political forum which has good rankings in google and gets a decent amount of traffic. Well as from tomorrow there will be a featured article on Bristol City Council and their ineptitude in holding this city back. Of course, I will be linking out to other sources such as the threads on here, exposing the conflict of interest the likes of Rayner have.

Also it is worthwhile contacting your local MP even if you do not live in Bristol. Because this stadium effects not just Bristol but the entire catchment area of Bristol. Without it being built, we all suffer as a result.

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The council's legal officer and the members of the liberal cabinet have stated that Rayner has no conflict of interest - they just can't see it can they.

The very fact that so many people think that he has a conflict of interest indicates a perceived problem which needs to be properly considered - not a knee jerk reaction saying he didn't have a conflict of interest after this one planning application. We need to keep banging on about his conflict of interest and make the buggers look into it in detail.

They are closing ranks and protecting him, they should be listening and investigating it - that's what they were elected to do.

Mr. Benyon stepped down although his voting was so much easier agreeing with the recommendation. Mr. Rayner and Mr. Levy did not although they were aware of Mr. Benyons decision and they did so even if they were always going to go against the recommendation on obscure reasons.

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