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Carey/james Argument


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are you demented? How on earth can you possibly justify such a ludicrous and down right stupid comment?

Attack the post not the poster. I've really seen nothing in the 7 games I've seen that suggests he is worth the money we are paying out for him apart from the Pompey game when he was more interested getting kudos from the home supporters. If you have seen different bar the bitchy attacks on our already fragile defence, 15k a week and mistakes then good on you

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When a professional Player comes to the twilight of his career and 19, 20 year olds start skipping past him or the Ball is in the net more times than in the keepers hands then its time to hang up your boots or drop down a league or two. Both were probably frustrated at the realism that the end is nigh and took the opportunity to scapegoat the other. You always look to blame someone in this situation, believe me Ive been there myself many saturdays ago. Time for both to move down or hang up the boots, but you can never accept this as a player.

Carey should never have started at RB on saturday and he was indeed quite awful in both his play and his leadership. Millen must take the blame for the defeat he should have had the balls to get Carey off and replaced with Ribs in the 50th minute. I dont care what anyone says, whether he hasnt played as well as he can to date or not the lad is our best Right Back end of story...

Always Hoping is probably right Millen doesnt seem to have much confidence in Ribs ability and I can see a loan spell beckoning followed by a permanent move in January. The Welsh manager will want him playing regular football, and 80% of the City fans do too.

Our defence is relying far too heavily on David James reputation his signing has unsettled the squad... they expect too much of him and he expects too much of them.! Ive said it before and I will say it again James has absolutely nothing to offer the club at his age.

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I've always quite liked Carey as a player, one of our better players over the years, but i have a problem with people being cast as 'great, loyal, servants' as if they could have gone off to any number of other clubs/played at a higher standard, but instead decided they'd stay here, for the sake of the club. It suited Louis to be here and he's made a very good living from Bristol City. I don't believe I was giving him stick.

I understand the point your making, and I wasn't specifically saying you were gicing Carey stick, but if you read through the thread their a quite a lot of remarks made about Carey that I think are just insulting. It probably did suit him to be here, but he was a City fan as a kid and has shown a great deal of a passion and commitment to this club over the years. I think this warrants his respect.

People are also forgetting what a good player he has been for us as well, and I agree he was poor yesterday but he was also out of position. He needs to be replaced and his form is dipping, but right now it's hardly like we have many ther options. I'd rather have Carey on the teamsheet than Stewart and James Wilson is injured, so there aren't exactly many options. I did think Caulker and Fontaine played well yesterday which was encouraging, but at the same time we conceded 3 goals with them playing quite well, which is enormously worrying.

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Attack the post not the poster. I've really seen nothing in the 7 games I've seen that suggests he is worth the money we are paying out for him apart from the Pompey game when he was more interested getting kudos from the home supporters. If you have seen different bar the bitchy attacks on our already fragile defence, 15k a week and mistakes then good on you

the post attacked itself.

The simple fact that in most games this season he has been the reason we have not lost 6 or 7 nil.

Bitchy? are you for real? should he be asking louis politely to improve his performances? or maybe write him a letter? do me a favour.

he's made ONE mistake this season, against Ipswich... Gerken made COUNTLESS last season.

the people slagging off Davind James have absolutely no idea about football. that's the only conclusion I can muster.

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The simple fact that in most games this season he has been the reason we have not lost 6 or 7 nil.

I don't agree with this at all. He's hardly been making world class save after world class save, nor has he been an error-ridden mess as some have suggested. He was superb against S****horpe from what I've heard although I did not make that game and yesterday he made one world class save at 2-2, not that it mattered in the end. Apart from the Ipswich game where he was at fault he has not really made any mistakes however he has been beaten from range a few times and he certainly hasn't made the level of saves you are suggesting each game.

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Personally, I think both James and Carey are top men. They are like us, totally frustrated by losing every week. Its failure and it stinks. Losing like winning is a habit and we cant shake it off.

So when things dont go well you argue, its natural.

Our team, any team, has to be a mix and unfortunately the mix is wrong. We have too many similar players, ones that run around and dont do much. We dont have winners and we dont have any 'special' players. We shipped out the winners with Hartley and Orr and then Carey lost his 'mojo' The special one 'Maynard' hasnt played and we have no idea how he will play when he comes back. After injuries most players lose something. We also have a novice Manager with no particular plan, again a decent bloke..but is that what we need?

I think we have a large squad, too many in fact, but there are some good players in there.

However, we just need a couple of 'pieces' to make it all work and then change.

Those pieces are ...a dodgy win for confidence, a 'special player' or two and unfortunately if we dont get a dodgy win soon the big change........... a new manager im afraid.

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Believe me I am not debating the fact that we need someone to replace Louis sooner rather then later and I believe if we keep having to rely on him it may become sad seeing someone who has been such a great servent to City becoming more and more of a liability. My problem with the post was that it was being implied that James can say what he wants to who he wants because he's been such a great keeper. This is clearly ridiculous and if anyone should shut up in that situation it should be James as Loius has the armband on. Personally I think alot of fuss is being made over nothing and it's simply two demanding characters who were annoyed and their and the teams performance. Although the danger is that this episode maybe showed what the other players think of James's presence in the squad and his recent perfomances.

Forget James International career for a moment and reflex on his position. As the last line of defence he sees the pitch as a whole and therefore should instruct HIS defence as he sees fit that is part of the role of any keeper from International to Sunday League standard and if the riot act needs reading then so be it. Now put his career back into thought and you can see why any defender worth the name should sit up and listen.

As for Louis being Mr Bristol City or a legend cast your mind back to the sour grapes he poured out about the club not loking after local players compared to those brought in from outside the club. At the time I thought what a petculant child he was being. So as much as I like Carey I feel he enjoys the easy life too much and finds dealing with authority difficult, hence he came back to us from Coventry. Last season he looked like he either couldn't be asked or was not up to the task of giving a gutsy performance whilst GJ was at the helm. When GJ left back came Mr 110% Carey. Errmm 2+2 +? Right now Carey needs to start listening not only to DJ but to the likes of you and I and get his finger out or become a real legend by retiring.

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I don't agree with this at all. He's hardly been making world class save after world class save, nor has he been an error-ridden mess as some have suggested. He was superb against S****horpe from what I've heard although I did not make that game and yesterday he made one world class save at 2-2, not that it mattered in the end. Apart from the Ipswich game where he was at fault he has not really made any mistakes however he has been beaten from range a few times and he certainly hasn't made the level of saves you are suggesting each game.

he has made a lot more blinding saves than Gerken ever did, He has however been massively let down by the shambles sat infront of him.

The one thing that completely summed up this season for me was Watfords first goal in the recent home game. James pulls off a wonder save in the bottom corner, the defence shows they have the reaction time of an alcoholic... and the ball is bundled in by an opportunist striker!

This has to be the worst defence David James has played infront of, it is crying out for a dominant leader in the middle, and we just dont have that!

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Correct me if I'm wrong but Carey played at right back was one of the reasons he left for Coventry. He did not like it then and I doubt he likes it now.

OK, I correct you, you're wrong!

I was told by someone very close to him that he felt the local players were taken advantage of compared with transfers in who he felt - as do I - were no better but paid more.

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he has made a lot more blinding saves than Gerken ever did, He has however been massively let down by the shambles sat infront of him.

The one thing that completely summed up this season for me was Watfords first goal in the recent home game. James pulls off a wonder save in the bottom corner, the defence shows they have the reaction time of an alcoholic... and the ball is bundled in by an opportunist striker!

This has to be the worst defence David James has played infront of, it is crying out for a dominant leader in the middle, and we just dont have that!

JT, I have tried many times to fight James' corner but you never get anywhere.

People don't seem to realize we have dog shite in defense.

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Pretty much. I know he rejected a new contract when he left for Coventry but he was hardly treated in the way he deserved to be. Besides, that was only six months of his career that wasn't with us. Carey has been a superb servant to this football club.

In HIS opinion. In six months he worked out the grass wasn't greener and came back to the womb.

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he has made a lot more blinding saves than Gerken ever did, He has however been massively let down by the shambles sat infront of him.

The one thing that completely summed up this season for me was Watfords first goal in the recent home game. James pulls off a wonder save in the bottom corner, the defence shows they have the reaction time of an alcoholic... and the ball is bundled in by an opportunist striker!

This has to be the worst defence David James has played infront of, it is crying out for a dominant leader in the middle, and we just dont have that!

I agree that the defence has been useless this season and I am not for one reason saying James has been poor or that if we had Gerken we'd have any more points. I just can't recall him making anywhere the amount of high-quality stops that has been suggested. Gerken was quite flappy, and made one or two terrible errors lasts season, but tbf to him he did make a lot of excellent saves and he was a superb stop-shotter. Once again I am not saying he should be brought back into the side but there were several games last year where Gerken was incredible and earned us points (Ipswich at home and Newcastle away are the two that immediately spring to mind) and I think it's a tad harsh to say James had made a lot more blinding saves than Gerken.

The Watford example is a good one, it was a stunning save and the fact we were one down, after two minutes, after James had made a world-class save just sums this season up!

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In HIS opinion. In six months he worked out the grass wasn't greener and came back to the womb.

You put that in a way that its a bad thing, why so negative. An alternative way of putting the same thing: In six months, he missed Bristol, Bristol City, his family and friends, and craved to get back.

Oh and came back on higher wages than when he left, somewhat proving his point.

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Last season people on here were calling for Carey to go and saying he was past it. This season when he was injured people couldn't wait for him to return saying he would sort the defence out and all will be ok.

Please make your point then stick with it for more than 5 minutes please...............

Do you realy think Carey wants the club to be bottom????? come on get behind the team having ago at individuals will only divide the team more and make players play worse. we have already played 3 at right back.

Get behind the team they want to win and stay in the Championship as do we all. :pray:

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Whether he was shit or not today has no bearing whatsoever on his commitment to the club. I agree he was by far the worst defender today, but he is clearly Bristol City through and through and has dedicated his career to us, something that surely earns him respect? So are you saying you only earn respect by being a brilliant footballer? Because if so I disagree. I have no idea if he was in the wrong or not today in his confrontation with James but he has done more for this club than James ever will, and has earned respect from City fans...at least he should have.

You say Carey has dedicated his career to us the first oppurtunity he had he up sticks and went to Coventry and when that didn't work out he wants to come back to the cushy lifestyle at Ashton Gate. He has done well for us in the past but he is the same as any other player if they get a better offer they are gone. We should now be looking to other players to fill his spot who are younger and more mobile.

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James shouted at Carey, defenders are meant to defend you know, you could start telling you and your defence that, to which Carey replied, funny that, keepers are meant to save the ball not stare at it.

What it struck me as, James has no confidence in his defence, and either the defence expect James to cover for their mistakes or have no confidence in him between the posts.

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I agree that the defence has been useless this season and I am not for one reason saying James has been poor or that if we had Gerken we'd have any more points. I just can't recall him making anywhere the amount of high-quality stops that has been suggested. Gerken was quite flappy, and made one or two terrible errors lasts season, but tbf to him he did make a lot of excellent saves and he was a superb stop-shotter. Once again I am not saying he should be brought back into the side but there were several games last year where Gerken was incredible and earned us points (Ipswich at home and Newcastle away are the two that immediately spring to mind) and I think it's a tad harsh to say James had made a lot more blinding saves than Gerken.

The Watford example is a good one, it was a stunning save and the fact we were one down, after two minutes, after James had made a world-class save just sums this season up!

I've realised I cam across very negative there towards Gerkin, That is not a true reflection on how I feel about him, I do rate him, and last season thought he was arguably the player of the season but for one ro two high profile errors.

He is only 25? young for a keeper, he is the future, but we have one of the best keepers in the country, unfortunately the rabble of over-rated tripe sat in front of him are letting him and this football club down.

I think James would have earned us points this season, Saturday for example is one where he did just as much as Deano did at Newcastle, yet Cardiff were still allowed to score three... two of those goals I dont think the defence could have really done much about... both of Whittinghams. but the marking for the first was dreadful, it wasn't even league 1 standard.

I get the feeling to men who matter are starting to see that the defence is the problem too, which I am happy with, I suppose I can just be thankful that some of the idiots on here are not involved in team selection... we'd be down before christmas

(awaits smart alec comment about how we will be down by christmas with Millen in charge)


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Thanks for that Jordan I love you too. Now tell me why it is codswallop!!!

To sum up your opinion; David James is here for the money, David James is not playing well, and David James' unrivalled experience and success doesn't give him the higher ground when telling a small time local defender to wake the hell up when he's having an absolute stinker.

All three points there are Codswallop! drivel of the highest order!

Point 1. David James is NOT here for the money. He had offers from Celtic, Sunderland and a few other PREMIER LEAGUE clubs. If he had gone there he could have been looking at anywhere up to DOUBLE the reported £15k he earns here. David James is here for one reason, to be near home. That to me is a very noble ideal, wanting to prolong his career in a game he loves and still be able to be a proper family man. Incidently this is the argument that NickJ is using to promote Carey's return after leaving for Coventy, So, If we are to accept NickJ's assessment of Carey's commitment to City then you have to accept David James' commitment to playing near his home.

Point 2. The only players this season who have performed well have been Albert Adomah, Jon Stead and David James, the fact you think he is the problem when we have an array of over-rated diabolical nobodies in our defence leaves me feeling quite worried, it really isn't hard to see that having a defence with over the hill players, paceless full backs and over-rated "Prem class" defenders is going to leave us weak at the back.

Point 3. David James by virtue of playing with some of the best defenders in the world, in the best league in the world and at world cups commands more respect than Louis Carey. I love Louis, I really do, but he is outdated, over-rated, and past it. He's given this club plenty, and we've given it back to him, supplying him with a vast wage and a lifestyle he could only dream about. David James' job is to communicate with his defence. People got on Gerkin's back for not being vocal enough, and as soon as we sign a proper top class 'keeper who gets his point across forcibly we all quiver at the thought of someone challenging Bristol's favourite son?

I have no idea what David James did to you, because your vendetta against him is starting to become as tiresome and pathetic as Robbored's tirade against Gary Johnson. David James was our man of the match saturday, and yet you try make out he is the reason we lost.

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To sum up your opinion; David James is here for the money, David James is not playing well, and David James' unrivalled experience and success doesn't give him the higher ground when telling a small time local defender to wake the hell up when he's having an absolute stinker.

All three points there are Codswallop! drivel of the highest order!

Point 1. David James is NOT here for the money. He had offers from Celtic, Sunderland and a few other PREMIER LEAGUE clubs. If he had gone there he could have been looking at anywhere up to DOUBLE the reported £15k he earns here. David James is here for one reason, to be near home. That to me is a very noble ideal, wanting to prolong his career in a game he loves and still be able to be a proper family man. Incidently this is the argument that NickJ is using to promote Carey's return after leaving for Coventy, So, If we are to accept NickJ's assessment of Carey's commitment to City then you have to accept David James' commitment to playing near his home.

Point 2. The only players this season who have performed well have been Albert Adomah, Jon Stead and David James, the fact you think he is the problem when we have an array of over-rated diabolical nobodies in our defence leaves me feeling quite worried, it really isn't hard to see that having a defence with over the hill players, paceless full backs and over-rated "Prem class" defenders is going to leave us weak at the back.

Point 3. David James by virtue of playing with some of the best defenders in the world, in the best league in the world and at world cups commands more respect than Louis Carey. I love Louis, I really do, but he is outdated, over-rated, and past it. He's given this club plenty, and we've given it back to him, supplying him with a vast wage and a lifestyle he could only dream about. David James' job is to communicate with his defence. People got on Gerkin's back for not being vocal enough, and as soon as we sign a proper top class 'keeper who gets his point across forcibly we all quiver at the thought of someone challenging Bristol's favourite son?

I have no idea what David James did to you, because your vendetta against him is starting to become as tiresome and pathetic as Robbored's tirade against Gary Johnson. David James was our man of the match saturday, and yet you try make out he is the reason we lost.

As much as it pains me to admit :innocent06: ......I agree with absolutely 100% of what you have wrote here.

The fact some people seem to think they can make David James a scape goat, or make out he isnt good enough for us, is laughable.

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Our keeper gave one of his defenders a bollocking. I don't see anything wrong with that atall.

Surely the keeper is in a good position to see what is causing problems as he is always facing the play.

I remember when Flapper was playing for us that supporters criticised him for being too quiet, something that was also aimed at Deano last season. Surely we can all remember Peter Schmeichel (sp) and Steve Bruce / Gary Pallister going nose to 'red' nose because the keeper had rollocked one of his centre halves? They didn't do too badly now did they?

Keep on shouting and bawling DJ as far as I am concerned.

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You say Carey has dedicated his career to us the first oppurtunity he had he up sticks and went to Coventry and when that didn't work out he wants to come back to the cushy lifestyle at Ashton Gate. He has done well for us in the past but he is the same as any other player if they get a better offer they are gone. We should now be looking to other players to fill his spot who are younger and more mobile.

If you bothered to read all of this thread you will see I have already explained my personal view on his move to Coventry, and I do not believe it was ditching us at the first possible opportunity.

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Why do people confuse 'Commitment' with Quality...?

There is no doubt Carey has been a good servant for this Club and has always been committed.

He has however, never been anything more, than an average Championship player when he was at his best.

He should have been replaced 2 seasons ago.

I love the bloke for his passion for City, and the fact he's Bristolian.

One of the biggest downfalls of our Club is loyalty, and what holds us back, is that we show way too much of it to players and managers alike.

In a perfect world, it would be wonderful, to turn back to clock and have loyalty from players and Clubs alike.

But, unfortunately, in this day and age, to succeed in Football, you have to be ruthless.

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