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So Who Wants Millen Sacked Now?


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Correct me, but do I properly understand this thread?

Because we have 7 points from the last 9, the manager is now brilliant, and we are going to be promoted this season?

The league table says we are in a relegation spot, we have a crap goal difference, and we have won once at home this season.

BUT! We have one two out of the last three, so we are saved?

OK, now I understand. Can't argue against logic of this quality........


Champoins League HERE WE COME!!

P.S. How much will we have to shell out to get Messi to the Gate?


"Go Keith, go!!"


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I was at the game yesterday. We played on the Counter attack. They had more possession. Both teams looked poor. A very dull game. The result, and Elliots goal were the only exciting points. That's about it really. Both teams played like relegation candidates. It will be interesting to see whether Mowbrey can turn their fortunes around. It will be ironic if they stay up, and we don't, if we keep hold of KM.

The results from the last 3 games have been good, but i still don't think KM is the right man to take this Club forward for the next 2 years.

Listened to the local radio station on the way home. Very little spoken about City. Mostly about Mowbrey. A draw would have been a fair result on teams performances.

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A win against a team who are almost as dire as us doesn't make Millen the man for the job.

If you can hand on heart tell me you think Millen will EVER get a Championship team into the Premier League then I'll say he's the man I want at the helm but the blatant truth is he won't even if you give him 10 years in control.

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  • Admin

Correct me, but do I properly understand this thread?

Because we have 7 points from the last 9, the manager is now brilliant, and we are going to be promoted this season?

The league table says we are in a relegation spot, we have a crap goal difference, and we have won once at home this season.

BUT! We have one two out of the last three, so we are saved?

OK, now I understand. Can't argue against logic of this quality........


Champoins League HERE WE COME!!

P.S. How much will we have to shell out to get Messi to the Gate?


"Go Keith, go!!"


Taxi for Rennie, I think you need to get your calculator out.

Just a few games ago we were heading for relegation but now with 7 points from the last 3 games, if we extrapolate this over the remaining 32 games we will finish on 87 or 88 points (curiously my calculator reckons we'll actually pick up 0.6666667 of a point from somewhere) which is usually enough for automatic promotion to the Premier League.

Not only that but if we then extrapolate it a further 38 games to encompass next year's PL season, we will finish on 88(.66667) points which may even be enough to win the PL at Chelsea's expense.

I'm just hoping that some Jonny-cum-lately doesn't nab my seat for the home leg of the CL semi against Barcelona the year after :fingerscrossed:

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A win against a team who are almost as dire as us doesn't make Millen the man for the job.

If you can hand on heart tell me you think Millen will EVER get a Championship team into the Premier League then I'll say he's the man I want at the helm but the blatant truth is he won't even if you give him 10 years in control.

So harsh to just brand Millen in that way all managers have to start somewhere I'm not claiming he will be our next manager for us to get to the prem but you don't know. Look at Reading quite interesting that Brian McDermott too had been at the club for ten years before taking the managers job is just one many examples that managers that come from nowhere.

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GO?dunno.gifKeith.... GO? speechless-smiley-040.gifdunno.gif

A smiling - even triumphantly happy - assassin after 7 points out of 9?

Talk about putting the boot in when a man is up.disapointed2se.gif

Hang-on, A few more icons, first.....


Right, down to the point.

Ahem, :preacher:

Of course I understand the thread point. If we lose three games, everyone shouts for the managers head. We win a few games, so everyone thinks things are OK.

Millen, however was appointed as a knee-jerk, easy option after the Coppell debarcle. No-one thought it was going to be easy picking up the pieces after Coppell decided to scapa, and it must have been difficult picking up the players.

The problem with the season so far (I say this as BCFC currently sit in a relegation place, with a shit goal difference), is not simply the results, but the manner of the defeats, particularly at home. Any group of fans would find this difficult or unacceptable. Whilst things have been undeniably difficult, he have also spent a bit of money on new players, fees and wages. We are not running the club on a shoestring.

The last four games have been an improvement - but lets not kid ourselves - we have scraped our results, and not won by a margin in any game. We could easily have lost the last three. Boro could have had us 4-1 down on saturday by half-time.

Credit to Keith and the lads for the last three results, but our form is still very fragile, and we have not played a team on thier game for some time - neither Cardiff or QPR were anywhere near thier best.

The fact we want Keith and the team to do well is not the same as having any expectation that we are in for anything other than a long hard slog for mid table respectability.

Eyes wide open.

No play-offs or big FA Cup run this year........


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Taxi for Rennie, I think you need to get your calculator out.

Just a few games ago we were heading for relegation but now with 7 points from the last 3 games, if we extrapolate this over the remaining 32 games we will finish on 87 or 88 points (curiously my calculator reckons we'll actually pick up 0.6666667 of a point from somewhere) which is usually enough for automatic promotion to the Premier League.

Not only that but if we then extrapolate it a further 38 games to encompass next year's PL season, we will finish on 88(.66667) points which may even be enough to win the PL at Chelsea's expense.

I'm just hoping that some Jonny-cum-lately doesn't nab my seat for the home leg of the CL semi against Barcelona the year after :fingerscrossed:

An excellent example of logic, and the use of statistics to prove utter, utter bull-shit.

Good work!


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Hang-on, A few more icons, first.....


Right, down to the point.

Ahem, :preacher:

Of course I understand the thread point. If we lose three games, everyone shouts for the managers head. We win a few games, so everyone thinks things are OK.

Millen, however was appointed as a knee-jerk, easy option after the Coppell debarcle. No-one thought it was going to be easy picking up the pieces after Coppell decided to scapa, and it must have been difficult picking up the players.

The problem with the season so far (I say this as BCFC currently sit in a relegation place, with a shit goal difference), is not simply the results, but the manner of the defeats, particularly at home. Any group of fans would find this difficult or unacceptable. Whilst things have been undeniably difficult, he have also spent a bit of money on new players, fees and wages. We are not running the club on a shoestring.

The last four games have been an improvement - but lets not kid ourselves - we have scraped our results, and not won by a margin in any game. We could easily have lost the last three. Boro could have had us 4-1 down on saturday by half-time.

Credit to Keith and the lads for the last three results, but our form is still very fragile, and we have not played a team on thier game for some time - neither Cardiff or QPR were anywhere near thier best.

The fact we want Keith and the team to do well is not the same as having any expectation that we are in for anything other than a long hard slog for mid table respectability.

Eyes wide open.

No play-offs or big FA Cup run this year........


I have sometimes thought to myself a lot too, oh we they were on form they would of scored a handful or if we were playing a stronger team etc... but the fact is we have played some decent teams and won so we must be doing something right. I agree though it is such a pointless thread based on a few games and posters trying to get the higher ground on one another. I think we need to see where we are at Christmas. I personally think Millen has enough in him to get us out of the relegation zone by Christmas and I'd be happy with that for now.

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A win against a team who are almost as dire as us doesn't make Millen the man for the job.

If you can hand on heart tell me you think Millen will EVER get a Championship team into the Premier League then I'll say he's the man I want at the helm but the blatant truth is he won't even if you give him 10 years in control.

I suppose it depends if you think promotion is seriously something we are in a position to attain, even if we had the best manager in the division in charge.

Based on our attendances, turnover and current ground, I really don't think it is.

I readily admit I wanted Millen sacked because even though I knew he inherited a shambles from quitter Coppell, after all those home defeats I was convinced he was taking us down, but if we finish anywhere around 14th now he'll have done a great job this season.

As for any longer in the future than that, who knows?

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I was at the game yesterday. We played on the Counter attack. They had more possession. Both teams looked poor. A very dull game. The result, and Elliots goal were the only exciting points. That's about it really. Both teams played like relegation candidates. It will be interesting to see whether Mowbrey can turn their fortunes around. It will be ironic if they stay up, and we don't, if we keep hold of KM.

The results from the last 3 games have been good, but i still don't think KM is the right man to take this Club forward for the next 2 years.

Listened to the local radio station on the way home. Very little spoken about City. Mostly about Mowbrey. A draw would have been a fair result on teams performances.

Were you the one sat right behind me slagging off Haynes constantly throughout? Sounds like you.

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The last four games have been an improvement - but lets not kid ourselves - we have scraped our results, and not won by a margin in any game. We could easily have lost the last three. Boro could have had us 4-1 down on saturday by half-time.

Could have, should have, would have on another day.

Credit to Keith and the lads for the last three results, but our form is still very fragile, and we have not played a team on thier game for some time - neither Cardiff or QPR were anywhere near thier best.

So what if the opposition weren't at their best? neither were City.

The fact we want Keith and the team to do well is not the same as having any expectation that we are in for anything other than a long hard slog for mid table respectability.

Eyes wide open.

No play-offs or big FA Cup run this year........

Another glass half empty poster. I hope you come back on here after City reach the 5th round of the FA Cup and are on the fringe of the pray-offs.

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I bet you can't spot the irony in this statement.

No afraid not.

Unless you're suggesting that I am wrong in thinking we looked all over the place before the last three games?

Let's just all be happy for a fantastic result.

I think 'Robbored' is good value, I cant say I agree with him a great deal but he is a valued character for the forum.

I just think it's a shame this thread exists as, whatever your opinion of the manager, we should all be thrilled with the past three games and congratulating the players and manager for our turnaround in form.

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Anyone still want Millen sacked? :dunno:

Just thought I'd ask.

Oh I expect somewhere out there is a complete tool who for some reason would like to see it happen.

Perhaps someone with their own agenda, or someone that holds a personnal grudge. Some one maybe that lost some power because of him.

Maybe someone who's bluff was called once, twice, or three times.

Just possible that some complete pillock who even if we got to the playoff final would still not be happy. :dunno:

Just thought I'd say.

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Taxi for Rennie, I think you need to get your calculator out.

Just a few games ago we were heading for relegation but now with 7 points from the last 3 games, if we extrapolate this over the remaining 32 games we will finish on 87 or 88 points (curiously my calculator reckons we'll actually pick up 0.6666667 of a point from somewhere) which is usually enough for automatic promotion to the Premier League.

Not only that but if we then extrapolate it a further 38 games to encompass next year's PL season, we will finish on 88(.66667) points which may even be enough to win the PL at Chelsea's expense.

I'm just hoping that some Jonny-cum-lately doesn't nab my seat for the home leg of the CL semi against Barcelona the year after :fingerscrossed:

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

We've won the Championship and the Premier League and you still won't take up the early bird ST offer. disapointed2se.gif

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Anyone still want Millen sacked? :dunno:

Just thought I'd ask.

don't panic, the sackers will return if we lose to preston. i dont think we will lose :grr:

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Were you the one sat right behind me slagging off Haynes constantly throughout? Sounds like you.

Clarify how my observations would make you think i would slag off Haynes? I sit and watch, with my mouth shut. I'm not one for shouting my head off. I sit or stand, and observe and generally laugh a lot at the pathetic moron's around me. Unfortunately Football is full of them. That's why you'll find 'Businessman' and football club owners, easily taking their money with no backlash. I let the frustrated Cannon fodder do the shouting. If you're a women, with a face like John Bailey's love child and work for 'Boro, then you may have been sat infront of me. Did you enjoy the hospitality?...much better than City's i thought. Keep biting my babber...

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Anyone still want Millen sacked? :dunno:

Just thought I'd ask.

I am not saying I want him sacked but the belief now flooding the forum that we are out of the woods is a bit premature to say the least as is the belief that Millen is now the man for the job.Recent results are encouraging and Millen might just be our version of Nigel Adkins.But it is far to soon to be sure.

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Got to say the last three results give some hope for survival but last home game playing one up front and having our center forward playing as left back does not fill me with confidence. If this seasons ambition has now been demoted to just surviving then we have a chance. Any more than that and we need to look elsewhere for leadership.

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So harsh to just brand Millen in that way all managers have to start somewhere I'm not claiming he will be our next manager for us to get to the prem but you don't know. Look at Reading quite interesting that Brian McDermott too had been at the club for ten years before taking the managers job is just one many examples that managers that come from nowhere.

The difference being that Millen has no clue in what he's doing and keeps giving the same old out of a managers 101 book answers during interviews. He doesn't have a good contacts list, he's not started well and doesn't look to be improving in my eyes and saying that I don't know is hardly a good reason to keep him in as you don't know if he could be the reason we end up relegated and back in League One.

It may seem harsh to criticise him when he's only starting but a Championship Club with a large desire to move forward is far too high for him and I'd much rather have an experienced man at the helm who actually has the contacts to get things done.

I suppose it depends if you think promotion is seriously something we are in a position to attain, even if we had the best manager in the division in charge.

Based on our attendances, turnover and current ground, I really don't think it is.

I readily admit I wanted Millen sacked because even though I knew he inherited a shambles from quitter Coppell, after all those home defeats I was convinced he was taking us down, but if we finish anywhere around 14th now he'll have done a great job this season.

As for any longer in the future than that, who knows?

See, I see it differently, if he gets us to 14th with the squad we have I would still consider that poor as it wasn't too long before the season started there was talk about promotion etc and rightfully so. However with a bad run and very little tactical knowledge shown from Millen or the ability to turn things around we find ourselves fighting to stay in the league when the squad is far better than that.

People keep making out like we have a weak squad.... we don't! What we have is a lack of ability to gel it together, something that GJ did very well and hence we did a lot better under his leadership. I think the squad we have is easily good enough to take mid table or higher, it just needs the right man to guide it and to inspire it.

All of that aside I know Millen isn't the man to make us a stronger team and I know he'll never achieve what GJ did (play offs final) and it's that step that I want for the club I support hence until Millen proves me wrong which obviously won't happen this season then I'll continue to want a better quality of manager.

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The difference being that Millen has no clue in what he's doing and keeps giving the same old out of a managers 101 book answers during interviews. He doesn't have a good contacts list, he's not started well and doesn't look to be improving in my eyes and saying that I don't know is hardly a good reason to keep him in as you don't know if he could be the reason we end up relegated and back in League One.

It may seem harsh to criticise him when he's only starting but a Championship Club with a large desire to move forward is far too high for him and I'd much rather have an experienced man at the helm who actually has the contacts to get things done.

See, I see it differently, if he gets us to 14th with the squad we have I would still consider that poor as it wasn't too long before the season started there was talk about promotion etc and rightfully so. However with a bad run and very little tactical knowledge shown from Millen or the ability to turn things around we find ourselves fighting to stay in the league when the squad is far better than that.

People keep making out like we have a weak squad.... we don't! What we have is a lack of ability to gel it together, something that GJ did very well and hence we did a lot better under his leadership. I think the squad we have is easily good enough to take mid table or higher, it just needs the right man to guide it and to inspire it.

All of that aside I know Millen isn't the man to make us a stronger team and I know he'll never achieve what GJ did (play offs final) and it's that step that I want for the club I support hence until Millen proves me wrong which obviously won't happen this season then I'll continue to want a better quality of manager.

Reading played15 0 3 4 2 8 31 4 12 16-10 13 -points

I'm sure Reading Fans we thinking the same and yet maybe even more worried seeing as their manager used to be head scout not even a coach! I know different scenario but it's so easy to say lets get a experienced manager etc... look where cop out got us. again not saying Millen will get us anywhere near we all dream but give the fella a chance before he has even a season managing us . A season is what I'd give any manager experience or not.Last season if Nicky Maynard was our manager we may of sacked him due to his barren run at one point! so easy to put all of the blame on the manager isn't it just.

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The difference being that Millen has no clue in what he's doing and keeps giving the same old out of a managers 101 book answers during interviews. He doesn't have a good contacts list, he's not started well and doesn't look to be improving in my eyes and saying that I don't know is hardly a good reason to keep him in as you don't know if he could be the reason we end up relegated and back in League One.

All of that aside I know Millen isn't the man to make us a stronger team and I know he'll never achieve what GJ did (play offs final) and it's that step that I want for the club I support hence until Millen proves me wrong which obviously won't happen this season then I'll continue to want a better quality of manager.

Very dogmatic statements and I dont know how you can be so sure about Millen. You can't possibly know that he'll never get us to a play-off final or achieve what one of our previous manangers did. Give the guy a chance.

He's not got off the start he or the fans would have wanted but the green roots of growth have been seen in the last 4 games.

Remember that Danny Wilson took Barnsley into the PL when very inexperienced and both Di Matteo and Houghton did the same last season. When Hull won the play-off final they were struggling upto xmas that season. Then they went on a tremendous run. Its possible that Millen could lead City to do something similair - you just never know.

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Guest punnett

Anyone still want Millen sacked? :dunno:

Just thought I'd ask.

After 1 win in 10 and letting in 3 goals every game while continuing to play a completely useless left back i did want him sacked, tbh 3 games on i haven't really changed my opinion but am willing to see how it goes, we shouldn't go overboard about the last 3 games, boro' are in freefall, QPR haven't won in 4 and Reading, on another day could of nicked a draw, those performances were workmanlike, no more, Millen seems to be a decent bloke and has been a good servant to the club and really hopes he proves me wrong.

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To be honest I am really not surprised at how poor our defence is under Millen. I remember one away night at Brentford (not always a happy hunting ground for us) Wilson's under achievers played that night and to be honest you know what you are going to get at Brentford. At every set piece especially corners Millen whilst organising the defence passed the jolly green giant Ben Burgess onto Matt Hill to mark, I could'nt believe what I was witnessing and the inevitable happend we got dicked.

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To be honest I am really not surprised at how poor our defence is under Millen. I remember one away night at Brentford (not always a happy hunting ground for us) Wilson's under achievers played that night and to be honest you know what you are going to get at Brentford. At every set piece especially corners Millen whilst organising the defence passed the jolly green giant Ben Burgess onto Matt Hill to mark, I could'nt believe what I was witnessing and the inevitable happend we got dicked.

I am, considering City conceded 65 goals last season. I don't think Millen was in charge then.......

City conceded 35 goals including a six, a five and a four conceded at AG last season as well as letting in numerous late goals, so poor defending goes back a long time. Millen has at least brought in Caulker and surely must be looking at the left back position.

As much as you dislike Millen the defensive problems of this season are not directly his fault.

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I'm not, considering City conceded 65 goals last season. I don't think Millen was in charge then.......

City conceded 35 goals including a six, a five and a four conceded at AG last season as well as letting in numerous late goals, so poor defending goes back a long time. Millen has at least brought in Caulker and surely must be looking at the left back position.

As much as you dislike Millen the defensive problems of this season are not directly his fault.

So who was the coach when we conceded 65 goals? Who was the coach when we conceded 35 goals at home including a 6, a five and a four?. The late goals until recently have still plagued us as have too many penalties and you know for sure he is looking at the left back position.

According to you Millen has nothing to answer for at all. I have never said I dislike Millen but I have always felt as head coach over the past 2 years he is tarnished by our poor form as much as GJ.

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I'm not, considering City conceded 65 goals last season. I don't think Millen was in charge then.......

City conceded 35 goals including a six, a five and a four conceded at AG last season as well as letting in numerous late goals, so poor defending goes back a long time. Millen has at least brought in Caulker and surely must be looking at the left back position.

As much as you dislike Millen the defensive problems of this season are not directly his fault.

I am pretty sure KM was assistant manager last season, and considering he was a defender in a past life......it may or may not be that he would have had a big input in to defensive duties............. having said that only a season or so earlier we had a very good defence!

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So who was the coach when we conceded 65 goals? Who was the coach when we conceded 35 goals at home including a 6, a five and a four?. The late goals until recently have still plagued us as have too many penalties and you know for sure he is looking at the left back position.

According to you Millen has nothing to answer for at all. I have never said I dislike Millen but I have always felt as head coach over the past 2 years he is tarnished by our poor form as much as GJ.

So.....in your view Wigley is to blame for City's defensive problems? He is after all in the same position that Millen was in for most of last season. Thats right isn't it?

And.......Millen as yet does not have anything to answer for. Sure, City got off to a poor start but that was largely circumstancial. In recent games things have begun to improve. If anything, Millen deserves some credit for managing to get a team lacking in confidence now playing much better.

And......no you haven't said you dislike him, but I never once said that I disliked Johnson but many people assumed I did because of the content of some of the threads I posted.

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So.....in your view Wigley is to blame for City's defensive problems? He is after all in the same position that Millen was in for most of last season. Thats right isn't it?

And.......Millen as yet does not have anything to answer for. Sure, City got off to a poor start but that was largely circumstancial. In recent games things have begun to improve. If anything, Millen deserves some credit for managing to get a team lacking in confidence now playing much better.

And......no you haven't said you dislike him, but I never once said that I disliked Johnson but many people assumed I did because of the content of some of the threads I posted.

Wigley has been here literally 5 minutes, Millen has been coach/assistant manager over 4 years FFS but according to you has no case to answer for past failures??

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Can't understand the clamour for change. After the Coppell fiasco, opting for stability seemed pretty logical. The last 4 performances have been OK, and we have taken 7 points from 3 games. Before Coppell interfered, we did well under Millen at the end of last season, so let's just give the guy a chance. Hiring some 'big name' with a 'proven track record' guarantees you absolutely zilch, in fact the stats suggest that stability with managers is more likely to be successful than making continuous changes. From what i have seen he appears to be tactically astute (But does not always get it right), his signings have been OK, sometimes a bit cautious with substitutes, and he now seems to be motivating the players (Or was it lack of fitness early on?). I am convinced that the blip was caused by the suit and clipboard, and now those have gone, we will storm to mid-table safety.

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I agree with the people on here who don't understand why everything has to be either all rosey and fab or all doom and gloom.

Things should be about opinions and probably sit somewhere in between.

We win 2 games and some clowns are talking about play offs. We lose 2 games and some are talking about us ending up playing Barrow in a couple of years.

I personally don't believe Millen is the man to take us to success. I thought that when we made the panic move of putting him in charge on a 3 year deal and I still hold that opinion now.

I hope I am proved wrong. Whilst I don't think he is the right choice, I admire the man's commitment to the club and I will always support the team.

However just because we have taken a few points have these issues been fixed -

1) We still have an awful left back who is beaten time and again by decent right wingers - yet for reasons only ever known to Millen never gets dropped

2) We are playing a centre back 2 seasons past his best at right back. I reckon my nan could take him over 100 metres with a standing start

3) We still err on the side of being a route one side, instead of playing it through the middle.

These haven't been fixed and on another day Boro would have got two or three because of some of the standing off.


In saying all that, they didn't and you do make your own luck.

I mean lets be fair we were the luckiest team around to get to the play off finals - I can recall 5 games off the top of my head where we nailed 3 points and didn't deserve them.

We need to grab some momentum from these points, get more and more confidence and we won't go down.

But for heavens sake, all of a sudden Millen isn't Alex Ferguson and we still have serious issues at both full back positions.

I'd agree with a lot of the above. That said, I'll be there on Saturday, barring disasters, and would love nothing better than to see another performance like the one we put up against QPR - even if that results in a draw rather than a win. If we are going to pull out of the bottom three and stay out then a decent unbeaten run, a few clean sheets and a bit of luck will be required.

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I am, considering City conceded 65 goals last season. I don't think Millen was in charge then.......

City conceded 35 goals including a six, a five and a four conceded at AG last season as well as letting in numerous late goals, so poor defending goes back a long time. Millen has at least brought in Caulker and surely must be looking at the left back position.

As much as you dislike Millen the defensive problems of this season are not directly his fault.

you really are an argumentative sod.

You know, as well as I do, Keith Millen has been our defensive coach for a number of years now, therefore, when it comes to coaching the defence......the buck stops with him.

The fact you try to argue everyone elses point, even when its clear they have bloody good points, proves your on here for one reason, and one reason only.

Millen is, and has been, responsible for our defence for 5/6 years now at least.....and you know that, your not that thick. Your just arguing for arguments sake. Very sad indeed

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You know, as well as I do, Keith Millen has been our defensive coach for a number of years now, therefore, when it comes to coaching the defence......the buck stops with him.

Millen is, and has been, responsible for our defence for 5/6 years now at least.....and you know that, your not that thick. Your just arguing for arguments sake.

You'll probably see this reply as 'arguementative' but in fact Millen was number 2 which is a role which incorporates every aspect of management - not just the defence although that would be part of the role. Two seasons ago City were far tighter at the back.

The bottom line is that Johnson was in charge and if he didn't agree with something then it didn't happen. We'll never know what discussions he and Johnson had about City's defensive frailties but its likely Millen had his own idea's which he can now have free reign with implementing them.

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I never once said that I disliked Johnson but many people assumed I did because of the content of some of the threads I posted.

you said it often enough in the supporters club.

So Alan clear it up once and for all. Did you like Gary Johnson?

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Guest redology

Anyone still want Millen sacked? :dunno:

Just thought I'd ask.

Not me! We are now just 9 points off the playoffs!!!!!!!! :rofl2br:

One from my glass is always half full book of optimism!

You Redz

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you said it often enough in the supporters club.

So Alan clear it up once and for all. Did you like Gary Johnson?

I liked him on a personal level. I didn't like his style as a manager.

But it doesn't matter - its all history.

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I liked him on a personal level. I didn't like his style as a manager.

But it doesn't matter - its all history.

You know about his managment style for certain? You know all the facts? not just the rumours?

Spoke first hand to all the players did you?

No?. So why speculate about a situation that you know nothing about.

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You know about his managment style for certain? You know all the facts? not just the rumours?

Spoke first hand to all the players did you?

No?. So why speculate about a situation that you know nothing about.


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You know about his managment style for certain? You know all the facts? not just the rumours?


Spoke first hand to all the players did you?

Not all, but some.

No?. So why speculate about a situation that you know nothing about.


I don't see any point in another 'discussion' about one of our previous managers so it ends here as far as I'm concerned. As I said before - its all history.

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You'll probably see this reply as 'arguementative' but in fact Millen was number 2 which is a role which incorporates every aspect of management - not just the defence although that would be part of the role. Two seasons ago City were far tighter at the back.

The bottom line is that Johnson was in charge and if he didn't agree with something then it didn't happen. We'll never know what discussions he and Johnson had about City's defensive frailties but its likely Millen had his own idea's which he can now have free reign with implementing them.

time will tell my friend........so far, Millies "own ideas" has seen some bizarre tactical decisions that have left us in the relegation zone. The last 3 performances and results have been a massive improvement on the dross he and the squad have dished up so far this season, so I hope, I pray......your right.

The problem is, people like you will see coming somewhere like 16th, as an achievement....as if Millen has been some sort of success. I personally dont. Success is progress in my eyes, and anything less then a top 10/12 finish can be seen as a failure.......harsh> maybe.....but thats how I feel.

As i said, the last 3 games have been a massive improvement....but I still think if we are ever to push top 6 again, it will be without Millen

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You know about his managment style for certain? You know all the facts? not just the rumours?


Spoke first hand to all the players did you?

Not all, but some.

No?. So why speculate about a situation that you know nothing about.


I don't see any point in another 'discussion' about one of our previous managers so it ends here as far as I'm concerned. As I said before - its all history.

You know ALL the facts? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Some? you mean you overheard Basso in a carpark.

dear me Alan. Its as well I know you or I'd swear you were made up to amuse people on the internet.

do tell us what all the players are saying about Millen. Those stories seem to have dried up since he took over. Its as if they were made up just to under mine Johnson.

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I didn't like his style as a manager.

No, you went on, at length, about our playing style under Johnson. Fair enough, I guess. Strangely no comments when our current manager - who is hopefully turning the corner - goes to 4-5-1 at home utilising our striker as a deep lying left midfielder. It's one of the most peculiar things I've ever seen in football, and I can only imagine what your reaction would have been if Johnson had done it.

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Clarify how my observations would make you think i would slag off Haynes? I sit and watch, with my mouth shut. I'm not one for shouting my head off. I sit or stand, and observe and generally laugh a lot at the pathetic moron's around me. Unfortunately Football is full of them.

As are Football forums.

Your posts are consistantly ill-informed, not to mention arrogant and unintentionally hilarious- Your "pathetic moron's" had me in stitches, You sad little man.

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You'll probably see this reply as 'arguementative' but in fact Millen was number 2 which is a role which incorporates every aspect of management - not just the defence although that would be part of the role. Two seasons ago City were far tighter at the back.

The bottom line is that Johnson was in charge and if he didn't agree with something then it didn't happen. We'll never know what discussions he and Johnson had about City's defensive frailties but its likely Millen had his own idea's which he can now have free reign with implementing them.

What a job head coach/coach/assistant manager/no.2 is at BCFC, you can make suggestions but not decisions but whatever happens you have no responsibility when it comes to results/performances/tactics/formations/team selections. I hope SL has read your job description he could save himself a shed load of money, sounds to me the head coach/coach/assistant manager/no.2 has no responsibility in fact has nothing to do, well you've convinced me with all of your insider knowledge, I bet KM dosen't make a move without consulting you, in fact sack Wigley install RR as head coach/coach/assistant manager/no.2.

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Attack the post, not the poster.

Nice sentiment but sadly there are some users that can only resort to personal insults and abuse when another user posts something they don't like or agree with.

They lack the skills to do anything else.

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Nice sentiment but sadly there are some users that can only resort to personal insults and abuse when another user posts something they don't like or agree with.

They lack the skills to do anything else.

Do they? who are they? you appear to be attacking them.

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I'm not attacking anyone but I've worked out that with SJC not about today you've decided to attack me (again) :fastasleep:

you said people on here lack the skills to do anything else. Your attacking them.

I'm not attacking you. Just pointing stuff out so people can draw there own conclusions. I'm sure they have the skills to do that even if you dont and just want to spend your time slagging them off.

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I'm not attacking anyone but I've worked out that with SJC not about today you've decided to attack me (again) :fastasleep:

Ted's lying low as well.whistle.gif

SC_Red, you're like a dog with a bone, an aggressive one at that.

We're past caring who's right or wrong, this is so bloody boring.

Speaking as a long term forum stalwart I'm getting mightily pissed off with these repetitively aggressive point scoring threads that achieve absolutely nothing, interest almost nobody, and make the forum an unfriendly and unpleasant place.

For Christ's sake, it's all been said before, and we're NOT interested.disapointed2se.gif

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Don't be silly Arn, this is funny as ****.

Poor ald Robbored aint got hope in hell on here with this pack of wolfs!!

I aint defending his comments in anyway mind you, infact ive told him many a time that he digs himself into one big mother of a hole at times. Still i suppose forums are there for a nobble as well, aint they.

Watch some ****er bring back the "I drove a coach load of gasheads to Wembley" thread next!

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Poor ald Robbored aint got hope in hell on here with this pack of wolfs!!

I aint defending his comments in anyway mind you, infact ive told him many a time that he digs himself into one big mother of a hole at times. Still i suppose forums are there for a nobble as well, aint they.

Watch some ****er bring back the "I drove a coach load of gasheads to Wembley" thread next!

It does piss me off when RR makes a point and people use stuff like this as some kind of counter argument. I've disagreed with him on many occasions but I will argue against the point he's made, not what's happened in the past. I usually find SC_Red's constant bashing of RR tedious, but he has made some good points in this thread.

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I'm not attacking anyone but I've worked out that with SJC not about today you've decided to attack me (again) :fastasleep:

Dont drag me into this, im still tender in places from the last few days! :laugh:

I think the greatest shame is that there will be people reading this forum who will shy away from posting because of the tone of some members.

Apologies for draggin this up, but when you wrote that Gary Johnson was a 'conference manager' I would have been angry if it were not so laughable, however it is your right to think, and subsequently post, whatever your opinion is. Providing that opinion is not libellous, and is solely based from what you have seen and not from any alternative agenda then there can be no complaint, only argument.

Ultimately it's only an internet forum and anyone who choses to be aggressive, rude etc simply makes themselves look a fool.

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It does piss me off when RR makes a point and people use stuff like this as some kind of counter argument. I've disagreed with him on many occasions but I will argue against the point he's made, not what's happened in the past. I usually find SC_Red's constant bashing of RR tedious, but he has made some good points in this thread.

What like saying the head coach/coach/assistant manager/no.2 now known as the manager had little or no input over the past 4 years so cannot be associated with any of our defensive problems or in fact with anything of the past 4 years, what exactly makes that a good point.

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It does piss me off when RR makes a point and people use stuff like this as some kind of counter argument. I've disagreed with him on many occasions but I will argue against the point he's made, not what's happened in the past. I usually find SC_Red's constant bashing of RR tedious, but he has made some good points in this thread.

Think your taking the wrong end of the stick WRP.

All i am saying is it wouldnt "suprise" me if that thread showed its face again. Personally, i cant stand some of the constant bikering that tends to go on here when certain posters comment.

Problem is for RR, he seems to get the brunt of it time after time after time

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Think your taking the wrong end of the stick WRP.

All i am saying is it wouldnt "suprise" me if that thread showed its face again. Personally, i cant stand some of the constant bikering that tends to go on here when certain posters comment.

Problem is for RR, he seems to get the brunt of it time after time after time

Come on Arn, he bloody loves it! As Dolly said, he went fishing.

He deserves all he gets and more. Over 13,700 posts in 7 years! Average 5.3 posts every single day! If he really is "getting the brunt" all he has to do is stop posting, especially "fishing" posts!

Strange hobby.

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What like saying the head coach/coach/assistant manager/no.2 now known as the manager had little or no input over the past 4 years so cannot be associated with any of our defensive problems or in fact with anything of the past 4 years, what exactly makes that a good point.

No I meant SC_Red makes some good points in this thread. Millen was clearly at fault for the early season defensive problems and it was his naive tactics and poor management that led to us getting thumped. We don't always see eye to eye, but I completely agree with you on this.

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Come on Arn, he bloody loves it! As Dolly said, he went fishing.

He deserves all he gets and more. Over 13,700 posts in 7 years! Average 5.3 posts every single day! If he really is "getting the brunt" all he has to do is stop posting, especially "fishing" posts!

Strange hobby.

Ok, i,ll :mf_sleep: and watch in from a distance

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