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Coppell On Why He Left...

View from the Dolman

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If he is now saying he left due to lack of cash he is an even bigger prat than he has previously revealed himself to be. What big names or big money signings did he want to make that SL refused to support? None were ever mentioned. Instead he went and signed a bunch of dross.

Perhaps it was due to the kitson deal not happening, then followed by the stead deal initially falling through.

Either way, pathetic that he decided to throw his toys out his pram.

If I was lansdown reading that, I'd be looking into breach of contract

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I like the last but one paragraph

"Naïve fans might label it a weakness in character, but if anything, it just goes to show how incredibly iron-willed and man-enough he is"

This comes after the article pretty much says that Coppell lied about his reasons for leaving us, just so he could have a smoother, more dignified exit. What an absolute clown this bloke is. This is real life, this isnt a football management game "oh things arnt going how I wanted, ill turn it off and start again with some one else.."

All this article proves is what a spineless coward this man is. As a previous poster says, I would love him to bring a team back to the Gate. Ive never bought in to the whole "pantomine villain" thing, when people like Bonehead and Warnock come here, but I would make an exception for this jelly fish

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He was my choice at the time but i now think we should be glad he walked. The players he brought in didn't work for us and I think he would have gone anyway when the presure got to him. Lets move on now we know the truth about him. He just couldn't hack it...AGAIN!!!

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No direct quotes from Coppell there. It would be interesting to hear the real reasons why he left- what promises had been broken etc? Until I know the full story I wouldn't judge the guy either way- he is clearly a slightly bizzare character but at the same time very succesful in quite a few roles he has had.

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What annoys me most about this whole saga is that had we not brought in Coppell then (with the greatest of respect to KM) we could have a manager now like Sean O' Driscoll or Alan Curbishley.

This is not a critism of KM because he's the one who has had to try and clear up the mess and at least he does show a commitment towards BCFC, imo whoever came in after Coppell wouldve struggled let alone someone with little experience in the top job.

Whether this piece of 'journalism' is completly accurate or just a gushing love letter to a former Reading hero, I believe Coppell screwed us over big time, someone will give him a job when he's fed up of talking about himself because he's a big name in footballing terms. Good riddance to the pr**k.

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What annoys me most about this whole saga is that had we not brought in Coppell then (with the greatest of respect to KM) we could have a manager now like Sean O' Driscoll or Alan Curbishley.

I'm not sure we would. I think if Coppell hadn't taken the job it would have gone to Millen.

Whilst the jury is still out on Millen I think it's fair to say he'd have had a better chance of success if he'd been in charge throughout pre-season and been able to bring in the players he wanted without being lumbered with Coppell's ill-chosen purchases.

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I have no allegiance towards Steve Coppell. But i really don't understand the hatred and Vitriol towards him by City fans.

Yes he left our Beloved Club...But Why? We will probably never fully know.

Perhaps he was promised certain things by the board, before signing his contract, that never materialised. Would you stay in your job, if you were promised something, that never happens? Expected to work miracles...

All i know, is that Steve Coppell is seen as a respected manager throughout football. He would have been good for attracting top players to our Club. Certain players have mentioned, that when SC joined us, it was his name that appealed to them. He would have been good for us.

However...Ask yourself this. A respected manager leaves a Club high and dry, where his reputation could be seriously tarnished. The Clubs Chairman comes out and say's he has no problem with Coppell leaving and wishes him well...

Think about it... Perhaps someone else was smoothing over cracks and didn't want them dwealt on or brought to the media's attention?

There are two sides to every story. Some people believe our Club can do no wrong. I try to see it logically and see it for what it is.

Like i said before...we will probably never know the full reason. But...it all seems rather odd to me.

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When somebody does something once there maybe valid reasons but this t****r done it twice, he just gutless and ran away because he didn't get the players in he wanted. **** him anyway i cant be assed with him as someone said ignore it, but its hard to do that with comments like that.

How do you know he ran away, because he didn't get the players he wanted? Have you proof of this?

Or is it because he left Man City after a short period of time, that you are putting two and two together and coming up with your own conclusion?

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I'm not sure we would. I think if Coppell hadn't taken the job it would have gone to Millen.

Whilst the jury is still out on Millen I think it's fair to say he'd have had a better chance of success if he'd been in charge throughout pre-season and been able to bring in the players he wanted without being lumbered with Coppell's ill-chosen purchases.

You could be right about Millen getting the job straight away, we'll never know. I think your spot on that KM would have stood a far better chance if he had been given the pre-season to impliment his plans instead of being thrown into the deep end like he was. Still saying that, the seasons not over yet by a long way and I do have faith in KM.

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I have no allegiance towards Steve Coppell. But i really don't understand the hatred and Vitriol towards him by City fans.

Yes he left our Beloved Club...But Why? We will probably never fully know.

Perhaps he was promised certain things by the board, before signing his contract, that never materialised. Would you stay in your job, if you were promised something, that never happens? Expected to work miracles...

All i know, is that Steve Coppell is seen as a respected manager throughout football. He would have been good for attracting top players to our Club. Certain players have mentioned, that when SC joined us, it was his name that appealed to them. He would have been good for us.

However...Ask yourself this. A respected manager leaves a Club high and dry, where his reputation could be seriously tarnished. The Clubs Chairman comes out and say's he has no problem with Coppell leaving and wishes him well...

Think about it... Perhaps someone else was smoothing over cracks and didn't want them dwealt on or brought to the media's attention?

There are two sides to every story. Some people believe our Club can do no wrong. I try to see it logically and see it for what it is.

Like i said before...we will probably never know the full reason. But...it all seems rather odd to me.

Totally agree.

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I have no allegiance towards Steve Coppell. But i really don't understand the hatred and Vitriol towards him by City fans.

Yes he left our Beloved Club...But Why? We will probably never fully know.

Perhaps he was promised certain things by the board, before signing his contract, that never materialised. Would you stay in your job, if you were promised something, that never happens? Expected to work miracles...

All i know, is that Steve Coppell is seen as a respected manager throughout football. He would have been good for attracting top players to our Club. Certain players have mentioned, that when SC joined us, it was his name that appealed to them. He would have been good for us.

However...Ask yourself this. A respected manager leaves a Club high and dry, where his reputation could be seriously tarnished. The Clubs Chairman comes out and say's he has no problem with Coppell leaving and wishes him well...

Think about it... Perhaps someone else was smoothing over cracks and didn't want them dwealt on or brought to the media's attention?

There are two sides to every story. Some people believe our Club can do no wrong. I try to see it logically and see it for what it is.

Like i said before...we will probably never know the full reason. But...it all seems rather odd to me.

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Coppell's decision to leave and 'we'll sign anyone' policy he installed during the summer left us in a massive hole. By no means would I cheer him if he ever returned to Ashton Gate as an opposition manager but in my opinion he doesn't come anywhere near Pulis in the hatred stakes. Coppell is a very weird and probably a bit messed up guy, Pulis on the other hand is vile scum.

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